Please use this worksheet for Bible study. Please do not use commentaries until you have completed the lesson and listened to the lecture.

Lesson 24 Exodus 35:1-29


Review the Exodus 32-34 lesson. List several thoughts or challenges you received from that lesson or lecture.

STEP I Always begin your Bible study with prayer.

STEP II Read the entire passage.

STEP III Summarize the passage. (Make one concise statement summarizing this passage.)



1. Who did Moses gather for instruction? Verse 1 ___________________________________________________

2. In your own words, describe the Sabbath. What is at the heart of what God wants regarding the Sabbath? Consider these additional references for a review: Exodus 16:22-30, 20:8-11, 23:10-12, 31:12-17

(Opinion) Why might this reminder of the Sabbath commandment be included at this point in the story?

(Application) How have you changed the way you observe the Sabbath since studying Exodus?

(Application) What, if anything, can you add to your Sabbath while staying home during the pandemic?

3. Who was to bring an offering to the Lord? Verse 5 _________________________________________________

What were the offerings given?

Verses 5-9

Verse 10 (keyword: make; What did the craftsmen offer to the Lord?)

4. List who brought contributions after hearing from Moses what the Lord commanded.

Verse 21

Verse 22

Verse 23

Verse 24

Verse 25

Verse 26

Verse 27

Verse 29

What type of offering does verse 29 say was given? _______________________________________________

5. (Opinion) Why did the Creator and Sustainer, all-powerful, all-knowing God take up an offering in the first place?

6. Review another time that the Israelites took up an offering in Exodus 32:1-4. Compare and contrast the offerings given in Exodus 32 and Exodus 35. What is similar? What is different? Who or what guided the giving in each situation?

7. Read Acts 4:32 – 5:11. In your own words, summarize what happened.

Who or what guided Ananias’ and Sapphira’s giving?

(Opinion) What does this story tell you about God? What does it tell you about humanity?

8. Read Mark 12:41-44 and Luke 21:1-4. In your own words, summarize what happened.

Who or what guided the widow’s giving?

(Opinion) What does this story tell you about God and what he notices? What does it tell you about humanity?

9. What do the following verses say about giving?

2 Corinthians 8:1-5

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

2 Corinthians 9:8-12


How willing are you to give your time to the Lord? Give examples. What holds you back from giving your time to the Lord?

How willing are you to give your talent to the Lord? Give examples. What holds you back from giving your talent to the Lord?

How willing are you to give your treasure to the Lord? Give examples. What holds you back from giving your treasure to the Lord’s work?

Describe a time God poured out blessings in your life, perhaps as a result of your generous giving.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, and perhaps what might feel like a time scarcity, how does Malachi 3:10 encourage you to trust the Lord? How is God calling you to continue contributing to the work of His kingdom?

Meditate on Matthew 6:25-34.

Complete this statement: This lesson causes me to _____________________________________________


No portion of these questions may be reproduced in any form. BAC Inc. 2019-2020


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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