Five College Mentored Intermediate Turkish Study Guide 10

Five College Mentored Turkish Study Guide 60

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Theme 2: Everyday Life: Friendship

Study Goals:

• Understanding of LTET Lesson 13 (p. 86-92)

• Familiarity with the CultureTalk Turkey videos:

Everyday Life: Friendship

o What is a Good Friend?

o Thoughts on Friendship

o Families and Neighbors

• Memorization and active use of new vocabulary from this week’s CultureTalk videos

• Memorization and active use of new vocabulary from LTET Lesson 13 (p. 86-92)

• Learning Turkish postpositions, Classes I, II and III

• Learning to express location in Turkish (üst, alt, yan, etc.)

• Understanding some Turkish notions of friendship

• Ability to discuss friends and friendship

• Ability to express opinions on personal qualities


• Thomas and Itzkowitz, Elementary Turkish (LTET) Lesson 13 (p. 86-92)

Multimedia Materials:

CultureTalk Turkey

Everyday Life: Friendship

o What is a Good Friend?

o Thoughts on Friendship

o Families and Neighbors

Getting Started:

• Read through LTET Lesson 13 (p. 86-92). Read all bolded Turkish words and phrases aloud.

• Memorize all new vocabulary from Lesson 13.

• Watch the What is a Good Friend? video on CultureTalk Turkey.

Assignments for Independent Study

• Read aloud and practice the 16 example sentences at the beginning of Lesson 13 (p. 86).

• Study and memorize Classes I, II and III of Turkish postpositions (p.87-9). Practice using each one in a sentence.

• Study Lesson 13, Section 3: Expressions of location, and memorize each of the new expressions. Practice describing what you see around you using these expressions of location (“The monster is under my bed,” etc.)

• For all new vocabulary:

o Make Flashcards and review the vocabulary repeatedly.

o Make sure you can translate the words from English to Turkish and vice versa.

o Practice saying each word aloud in a sentence.

• Following the directions below (the same as in preceding weeks), study each of this week’s Related Videos on CultureTalk.

Working with the CultureTalk videos:

• First, watch the video through at least twice. Listen carefully and try your hardest to understand at least the sense of what is being said. Use visual and tonal clues, and listen for words you recognize.

• Read the Turkish transcript. Pay particular attention to words and endings you couldn’t quite catch. Do you feel a little more comfortable with the structures now? You could look up a few words now, to aid your understanding. Read the Turkish transcript a second time, and watch the video again.

• Finally, read the English transcript, and watch the video once more.

• Print out or download the Turkish transcripts of this week’s CultureTalk videos. Go over them carefully, making sure you understand all vocabulary and grammar. Underline words and phrases you do not understand. Look up the vocabulary. Is any of the grammar unclear to you? Be sure to bring up any points of confusion at your tutorial.

Remember to make flashcards of all unfamiliar words and expressions! Use the Turkish transcription for correct spelling.

Please be sure to give yourself plenty of time to work with the videos; this will enable you to benefit the most from them.

Conversation Session Preparation Guide

• Be prepared to drill, practice, and perform any of the exercises assigned in the textbook.

• Be prepared to use the new vocabulary and grammar you have learned this week.

• Be prepared to discuss both of this week’s CultureTalk videos.

• Be prepared to participate actively in a discussion of any of this week’s Discussion Questions.

• Be prepared to participate actively in any of this week’s Role-Play Activities.

Discussion Questions:

• In your opinion what is a ‘good friend’? What kind of features should a good friend have? Do you share the ideas of the people in the videos? How did you meet your best friend? For how long have you been friends? Why do you think s/he is your best friend?

• Do you think having a best friend in life is compulsory? How is it different than having regular friends? What are the advantages of being good friends? Do you share everything with your best friend?

Weekly Role-play Activities:

• Your best friend looks really sad nowadays. Even though your friend has not told you, you know that there must be something bothering her/him. You want to understand and help with your friend’s problem, so you encourage her/him to talk to you. (Students change roles after the first performance):

First student: The student

Second student: Best friend

• You have problems with your classes and your parents. You feel overwhelmed and depressed. You really need to talk to your best friend. You know that s/he is the only person who can help you feel better. You call him/her and talk about your problems. (Students change roles after the first performance):

First student: The student

Second student: Best friend

• You made a plan with your best friend last week to go for hiking tomorrow morning. You are really excited about it. However, s/he calls you tonight and tells you that she cannot make it, because she made another plans with her family. You are really angry with her/him and you argue with her/him, and s/he is trying to justify herself/himself. (Students change roles after the first performance):

First student: The student

Second student: Best friend

Oral Practice:

To prepare for these Discussion Questions and Role-Play Activities you should:

• Memorize words you will need and practice challenging words or phrases aloud.

• For the Role-Plays, practice playing both parts (aloud!) in front of a mirror.

• Make yourself ready to actively engage in these conversations by the time of your conversation session. This doesn’t mean you need to know every single word, but you should be well-prepared. This week, be sure to review the words for personal qualities.

Cultural Note: Many Turks use terms of endearment (canım, birtanem, hayatım, etc.) or the diminutive -c/çIğIm) with their friends and relatives to express affection. Why don’t you ask your tutor about these terms and how they are used? Are some terms stronger than others? If you have been to Turkey or know Turkish people, have you noticed such terms being used?


• Go through the flashcards you made for Study Guides 3, 5 and 9. Are you still actively using all of these words? For each of the verbs, practice making sentences with in the Future and Past General tenses.

• In a mirror, debate with yourself whether you should take the bus or the train from Istanbul to Ankara. Can you still articulate the pros and cons of each mode of transport?

• Can you still describe (in Turkish) how coffee grounds are used for fortune-telling in Turkey?

Homework to Hand in at the Tutorial

• Write a paragraph (at least 20 sentences) about what qualities you think are important in a friend. Do you have a best friend? What is your best friend like? Do you have any friends who come from a different country or culture? OR Write a dialogue (at least one page long) between a teenager and his/her parent, in which the teenager describes the new friends he/she has made at boarding school, what they do together and why they are so special.

• Write a total of 15 sentences or questions, using each of the postpositions mentioned in Lesson 13, section 1 at least once.

• What is the most beautiful building you have ever seen? Write a paragraph (at least 10 sentences) describing it in detail. Use the expressions of location (alt, yan, arka, etc.) you learned on p. 89-91.

• Write out Lesson 13, Exercises A and B.


• I have studied and can now comfortably understand this week’s 3 related CultureTalk videos.

• I have memorized all new vocabulary from this week’s CultureTalk videos.

• I understand and have completed LTET Lesson 13 (p. 86-92).

• I have memorized all new vocabulary from LTET Lesson 13.

• Learning Turkish postpositions, Classes I, II and III

• I can express location in Turkish using (üst, alt, yan, etc.)

• I understand some Turkish notions of friendship.

• I can discuss friends and friendship.

• I can express opinions on personal qualities.

• I am prepared to go on to the next study guide.

• I am ready to submit my self-assessment report.


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