Awards Program—Nominations - StarChapter



TO: VTA Transit System Members

FROM: Lisa Guthrie, Executive Director

DATE: February 6, 2020

RE: VTA 2020 Awards Program CALL FOR ENTRIES

(Submission Deadline – March 30, 2020)

On behalf of the Virginia Transit Association, I am pleased to announce the request for nominations for our Annual Awards Program. The purpose of the Awards Program is to:

1) Recognize innovation and achievement by public transportation systems and

2) Recognize the work of individuals who provide leadership and support for public transportation in Virginia at the local, regional or state level.

The VTA 2020 Awards Categories are:

➢ Outstanding Contribution by an Individual

➢ Transit/TDM Employee Unsung Hero

➢ Outstanding Community Program

➢ Outstanding Public Transportation Marketing

➢ Outstanding Contribution by a Business

➢ Exceptional Safety

Guidelines and applications for the 2020 awards program are enclosed. I encourage your system to submit an application. Direct submission or questions to Danny Plaugher at 804-643-1166 or danny@

Award winners will be recognized at the VTA Annual Conference at the Hotel Roanoke, May 28, 2020 and will be permanently featured on the VTA web site.

We look forward to receiving your applications. Good luck!



Only VTA members are eligible to submit nominations and receive awards for the following awards:

• Transit/TDM Employee Unsung Hero Award

• Outstanding Community Program Award

• Outstanding Public Transportation Marketing Award

• Exceptional Safety Award

• Each agency may make one nomination per award.

▪ Nomination must include:

o A descriptive narrative/summary (2 pages or less)

o A summary of no more than 150 words describing the work and impact on public transportation at the local, regional or state level, suitable for use in a press release.

o Contact information in electronic format for the newspapers/media to which you wish to submit the press release, should your nomination win.

o A one-paragraph summary suitable for posting on the VTA web site and on the Awards Program at the luncheon.

▪ Six (6) copies (hard copies) OR electronic* of each completed application must be received by Monday, March 30 at 5:00 pm to:

VTA Awards Program Committee

c/o Danny Plaugher

Virginia Transit Association

1108 East Main Street, Suite 1108

Richmond, VA 23219


*Electronic Submittal Option– Applicants are encouraged to utilize the option of submitting their electronic copies via links to a website or file sharing service cloud. These will be shared with the award review committee.

Winners will be notified no later than Monday, April 27.

Awards will be presented at the VTA Annual Conference at a recognition luncheon on May 28, 2020. All recipients are encouraged to register for the VTA Annual Conference. If that is not possible, recipients and one guest each will be encouraged to attend the Awards Luncheon to receive their awards in person.





Section 1-1



Program Description

The VTA Outstanding Contribution by an Individual Award will be presented to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to public transportation in Virginia. Transit policy board members, elected officials, and private citizens are eligible to receive this award.

Section 1-2



In recognition of outstanding efforts by an individual toward the improvement of public transportation in the Commonwealth of Virginia, I/we hereby nominate the following individual to be a recipient of the 2020 VTA Outstanding Individual Award.


|Full Name: |      |

|Address: |      |

| |      |

|Occupation: |      |

|Business: |      |

|Address: |      |

| |      |

|Email: |      |

| |


|Name(s): |      |

|Title: |      |

|Agency: |      |

|Address: |      |

| |      |

|Telephone: |      |Fax: |      |

|Email: |      |

Section 1-3


Please describe the efforts or contributions made by the individual to improve public transportation in your region or in the Commonwealth and the results of her or his work. For example, include:

An outline of the career of the nominee, including some background information, and the scope of her or his work as it relates to improving public transportation.

Describe her or his achievement or contribution to the advancement of public transportation.

List statements, honors, or awards given for her or his achievement in public transportation.

Please limit narrative to two typewritten pages. On a separate sheet, submit a summary of no more than 150 words suitable for a press release (please include media contacts in electronic format) and a one-paragraph summary suitable for posting on the VTA web site and on the Awards Program at the luncheon.






Section 2-1



Program Description

The VTA Transit/TDM Employee Unsung Hero Award will be presented to an individual who has distinguished him or herself in the past year as an exceptional staff member of a member transit or TDM agency. Individuals nominated for this award should demonstrate excellence in their professional capacity that is evident to their supervisors, co-workers, customers, or to their larger community. Nomination applications should include criteria outlining their attributes in leadership, teamwork, dependability, professionalism, adaptability, benevolence, or any other an outstanding quality.

Section 2-2

Transit/TDM Employee Unsung Hero Award


I/we hereby nominate the following individual to be a recipient of the 2020 VTA Transit/TDM Employee Unsung Hero Award.


|Full Name: |      |

|Address: |      |

| |      |

|Occupation: |      |

|Business: |      |

|Address: |      |

| |      |

|Email: |      |

| |


|Name(s): |      |

|Title: |      |

|Agency: |      |

|Address: |      |

| |      |

|Telephone: |      |Fax: |      |

|Email: |      |

Section 2-3


Please describe the efforts or contributions made by the individual to improve the performance of his or her public transportation work place. This person should have distinguished him or herself in the past year as an exceptional staff member of a member transit or TDM agency.

Individuals nominated for this award should demonstrate excellence in their professional capacity that is evident to their supervisors, co-workers, customers, or to their larger community. Nomination applications should include criteria outlining their attributes in leadership, teamwork, dependability, professionalism, adaptability, benevolence, or any other an outstanding quality.

For example, include:

Describe how this individual exceeded expectations in his or her work assignment.

Describe personal and professional qualities that distinguish this employee.

Include quotes from supervisors, co-workers, and customers describing their experiences or with the nominee.

• Cite an example where the nominee went beyond the call to assist a fellow employee.

• Cite an example of service or benevolence in the community that brought honor to the agency.

Please limit narrative to two typewritten pages. On a separate sheet, submit a summary of no more than 150 words suitable for a press release (please include media contacts in electronic format) and a one-paragraph summary suitable for posting on the VTA web site and on the Awards Program at the luncheon.




Section 3-1


Program Description and Criteria

The VTA Outstanding Community Program Award gives recognition to a significant, exceptional or innovative program that improves public transportation or the services or processes of the transit system.

Programs submitted for award consideration must conform to the following criteria:

Transit Agency Role. The transit agency must play a decisive role in the program's development and implementation. Agency support may take the form of funding, staff support, donations or providing rules and regulations for the program.

Innovation. The program should have been developed in response to a particular challenge, issue, problem, or concern and must go beyond routine methods to address that issue. The program should make an improvement in the management services or organization of the agency. If the program was developed in response to a federal or state mandate, it must do more than merely meet the mandate's requirements to be deemed innovative.

Program Time Frame. The program must have been in place and operational long enough for the agency to be able to evaluate results. Programs are not acceptable if they are in the planning stages.

Tangible Results. The program must have proven, tangible results. Evidence of its accomplishments over a significant time period must be clearly illustrated. The results may include how the program achieved its objectives by increasing ridership or improving operations or customer satisfaction by saving money, time, labor, etc. or how the program is meeting a new need or improving the delivery of service to meet an old need. The results should be stated in specific, measurable terms. Other results documented should be the program's impact on the community or the community's response to the program.

On-going Activities. The agency should have plans for continued commitment to the program through staffing, funding, or some other means of support. These plans indicate satisfaction with and commitment to the program.

Section 3-2



The Outstanding Community Program Award application form and program summary should be completed giving a brief but detailed overview of the program. Program summaries should include all of the information requested below: Abstract, Problem/Concern, Solution, Agency Role, Costs and Results. The information given must conform to the criteria listed. Evidence of the program's accomplishments over a significant period of time must be clearly illustrated. This information and format is necessary for an adequate evaluation of the program.

Entrants should furnish the following information:

Abstract: Please provide a 100-word summary of the program. Briefly describe the concern that was addressed, how it was addressed, and the results.

Need/Issue: What circumstances in your agency prompted the origin of the program? What particular need or problem did the program seek to address? What are the program's objectives?

Program: What concrete steps were taken by the agency to address the need/issue? How were the program's objectives met?

Agency Role: What form did agency support or input take? What specific resources—time, money, personnel—were used by the agency to help the program? How were those resources used?

Costs: Describe in exact numbers the amount of money used to fund or operate the program. List all sources of funding.

Results: Describe the tangible results of the program: cost savings, ridership increases, customer convenience/satisfaction, operations, service improvements, etc. Describe how the program affected the agency and the community.

Please limit program summary to two typewritten pages. On a separate sheet, submit a summary of no more than 150 words suitable for a press release (please include media contacts in electronic format) and a one-paragraph summary suitable for posting on the VTA web site and on the Awards Program at the luncheon.

Section 3-3


Entry Form

|Agency: |      |

|Address: |      |

| |      |

|Innovative Program Title: |      |


|Name: |      |

|Title: |      |

|Department: |      |

|Address: |      |

| |      |

|Telephone: |      |Fax: |      |

|Email: |      |






Section 4-1




|Part I. General Information |

|Transit System: |      |

|Address: |      |

| |      |

|City, State, Zip: |      |

|Contact Person: |      |

|Title: |      |

|Telephone: |      |Fax: |      |

|Email: |      |

|Campaign Title: |      |

|Award Nomination |

|Nominator's Name: |      |

|Address: |      |

| |      |

|City, State, Zip: |      |

|Telephone: |      |Fax: |      |

|Email: |      |

Section 4-2



Part II. Achievement Activities

Summarize the marketing project. Describe elements that make it effective, innovative or unique. Describe the goals of the initiative. Describe the results/response to the project. Has it been successful? How did you measure the success of the program? Please provide a summary and any visuals (e.g., pictures, web site or sample materials) to demonstrate the program.

Could this project be transferred to other systems? Has it affected your system’s ridership? Please provide details.

Please limit summary of the marketing project to two typewritten pages. On a separate sheet, submit a summary of no more than 150 words suitable for a press release (please include media contacts in electronic format) and a one-paragraph summary suitable for posting on the VTA web site and on the Awards Program at the luncheon.






Section 5-1

Outstanding Contribution to Transit by a Business Award

Program Description

The VTA Outstanding Contribution to Transit by a Business Award will be presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting to the business that has made an outstanding contribution to public transportation either locally or statewide. NOTE: The nominated business will be considered for what it contributes to public transportation OUTSIDE of its contracted business with any transit provider.


In recognition of outstanding efforts by a business toward the improvement of public transportation in the Commonwealth of Virginia, I/we hereby nominate the following business to be a recipient of the 2020 VTA Outstanding Contribution to Transit by a Business Award.


|Business Name: |      |

|Products/Services: |      |

|Contact Person: |      |

|Address: |      |

| |      |

|Phone: |      |FAX: |      |

|E-mail: |      |


|Name(s): |      |

|Title: |      |

|Agency: |      |

|Address: |      |

| |      |

|Telephone: |      |Fax: |      |

|Email: |      |

Section 5-2


Please describe the efforts or contributions made by the business to improve public transportation in the Commonwealth. For example:

➢ Describe the business’ achievement or contributions to the advancement of public transportation in your service area or statewide. These contributions should be above and beyond the business’s contracted services and not just be within the business’s work assignment.

➢ List statements, honors or awards given to the business for achievements in public transportation

➢ List contributions, sponsorships, participation in coalitions, leadership on transit projects, etc. that the business has offered in order to improve public transportation in Virginia.

Please limit narrative to two typewritten pages. On a separate sheet, submit a summary of no more than 150 words suitable for a press release (please include media contacts in electronic format) and a one-paragraph summary suitable for posting on the VTA web site and on the Awards Program at the luncheon.




Section 6-1



|Part I. General Information |

|Transit System: |      |

|Address: |      |

| |      |

|City, State, Zip: |      |

|Contact Person: |      |

|Title: |      |

|Telephone: |      |Fax: |      |

|Email: |      |

|Campaign Title: |      |

|Award Nomination |

|Nominator's Name: |      |

|Address: |      |

| |      |

|City, State, Zip: |      |

|Telephone: |      |Fax: |      |

|Email: |      |

Section 6-2


Program Description

The VTA Exceptional Safety Award will be presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting to the transportation organization that has proven success in the area of Safety. The organization that is the recipient of this award will have shown innovation and success in the development, implementation and measurement of a safety culture. There has been no previous award in this category.


The Exceptional Safety Award application form and program summary should be completed giving a brief but detailed overview of the program. Program summaries should include all of the information requested below: Abstract, Problem/Concern, Solution, Agency Role, Costs and Results. The information given must conform to the criteria listed. Evidence of the program's accomplishments over a significant period of time must be clearly illustrated. This information and format is necessary for an adequate evaluation of the program.

Entrants should furnish the following information:

Abstract: Please provide a summary of the safety accomplishments of the organization. Briefly describe the concern that was addressed, how it was addressed, and the measured results.

Need/Issue: What circumstances in your agency prompted the origin of the program? What particular safety issue did the program seek to address? What are the program's objectives?

Program: What concrete steps were taken by the agency to address the safety need/issue? How were the program's objectives met?

Agency Role: What form did agency support or input take? What specific resources—time, money, personnel—were used by the agency to help the program? How were those resources used?

Statistical Impact: Describe the statistical improvements as a result of the program. i.e. Changes in Accidents per revenue hour or mile, Injuries per revenue hour or mile, and what is the organizations safety record for the past three (3) years. Be specific showing the trend or changes in accidents/injuries as a result of the implementation of this program.

Results: Summarize the tangible results of the program: improved record of accidents, reduction in injuries, etc. Describe how the program affected the agency and the community to create a safer environment.

Please limit narrative to two typewritten pages. On a separate sheet, submit a summary of no more than 150 words suitable for a press release (please include media contacts in electronic format) and a one-paragraph summary suitable for posting on the VTA web site and on the Awards Program at the luncheon.


Virginia Transit Association


Virginia Transit Association

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êO1108 East Main Street

Suite 1108

Richmond, Virginia 23219



The Voice of Public Transportation in Virginia

Awards Program


1108 East Main St., Suite 1108, Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 643-1166 Fax: (804) 643-1155


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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