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Road to the White House

Kathy J. Hernandez

Bent School


Spring 2007

Washington, DC, Monuments & Landmarks,

Copyright 2002-05

Keith Stanley

Kindergarten students will learn about past and more current presidents. Students will learn some important facts about some of the past and more current presidents.

Overview/ Materials/LOC Resources/Standards/ Procedures/Evaluation/Rubric/Handouts/Extension

|Overview Back to Navigation Bar |

|Objectives |Students will: |

| |compare and contrast paintings / photographs of past and more current presidents |

| |view photographs of the White House |

| |learn important facts about presidents |

|Recommended time frame |One week |

|Grade level |Kindergarten |

|Curriculum fit |Social Studies / Social Science |

|Materials |Crayons |

| |Black Line Master---picture of George Washington |

| |Black Line Master---picture of Abraham Lincoln |

| |Black Line Master---picture of Bill Clinton |

| |Black Line Master---picture of George W. Bush |

| | |

| | |

| |Books: |

| |Duck for President by Doreen Cronin |

| |My Teacher for President by Kay Winters |

| |Vote! by Eileen Chistelow, |

| |So You Want to be President by Judith St. George |

| |Max for President by Jarrett J. Krosoczka. |

| |My First Presidents’ Day Book by Aileen Fisher |

| | |

| | |

|Illinois State Learning Standards Back to Navigation Bar |

| |Language Arts: |

| |Goal 3: Writes to communicate for a variety of purposes. |

| |3A: use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization and structure. |

| |3.A.Kc: begin to write simple sentences. |

| |3 B: compose well-organized and coherent writing for specific purposes and |

| |audiences. |

| |3.B.K: represent stories through pictures, dictation, written words and play. |

| | |

| |Social Science: |

| |Goal 16: Understand events, trends, individuals and movements shaping the history of|

| |Illinois, the United States and other nations. |

| |16 A: apply the skills of historical analysis and interpretation. |

| |16.A.Ka: recall information about the immediate past. |

| |16 B: understand the development of significant political events. |

| |16.B.K: become aware of local & national holidays. |

|Procedures Back to Navigation Bar |

| |Lesson One: |

| |Ask the students to name some past presidents. |

| |Ask students to tell something that they learned about these past presidents. |

| | |

| |Discussion Starters: |

| |Ask students if they know who George Washington was. |

| |Ask students if they know who Abraham Lincoln was. |

| |Ask students to tell what they know about each one of these presidents. |

| |Ask students to tell if they have ever seen pictures / paintings of these presidents|

| |or if they have seen them on television. |

| |Read My First Presidents’ Day Book by Aileen Fisher |

| |Have students chose one of these two presidents pictures to color. |

| | |

| |Lesson Two: |

| |Ask students to name some more current presidents. |

| | |

| |Discussion Starters: |

| |Ask students if they know who Bill Clinton and George Bush are. |

| |Ask students to tell what they know about each one of these presidents. |

| |Ask students to tell if they have ever seen pictures / paintings of these presidents|

| |or if they have seen them on television. |

| |Have students chose one of these two presidents pictures to color. |

| | |

| |Lesson Three: |

| |Show the students the pictures of the past and more current presidents that are in |

| |the primary resource chart. |

| |Show the students the pictures of the past and more current presidents performing |

| |some of their duties. |

| |Students will draw a picture and write about their picture using the sentence |

| |starter---“If I was president, I . . . .” |

| | |

| |Discussion Starters: |

| |Ask students why the pictures are different---emphasize that the earlier president’s|

| |pictures are paintings or drawings and the more current president’s pictures are |

| |photographs. |

| |Read My Teacher for President by Kay Winters. |

| |Talk about some of the duties that president have to perform. Compare and contrast |

| |the duties that the past presidents and more current presidents perform. |

| |Have students draw a picture of what they would do if they were the president and |

| |then write about their picture. |

| | |

| |Lesson Four: |

| |Through discussion we will talk about the White House and the changes that it has |

| |undergone through the years. |

| | |

| |Discussion Starters: |

| |Ask the students what they know about the White House, who lives there and how many |

| |years ago it was built. |

| |Show the students the pictures of the White House that are in the primary resource |

| |chart. |

| | |

| |Lesson Five: |

| |Through class discussion and drawing and writing the students will tell something |

| |that they’ve learned about one of the presidents or the White House. |

| | |

| |Discussion Starters: |

| |Read Duck for President by Doreen Cronin |

| |Ask the students to tell what they have learned about the presidents. |

| |Ask the students to tell what they have learned about the White House. |

| |Have students draw a picture of one of the presidents that we studied and write |

| |something that they learned. |

|Evaluation Back to Navigation Bar |

| |Observation by the teacher during discussion, coloring of the presidential handouts |

| |and completing drawing and writing work. |

| |Students will complete a self-evaluation through the attached rubric. |

| |

Primary Resources from the Library of Congress

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|Image |Description |Citation |URL |

|[pic] |George Washington, first president|Library of Congress Prints and |

| |of the United States. |Photographs Division |y/r?ammem/presp:@field(NUMBER+@ban|

| | |LC-USZ62-7265 DLC (b&w film copy |d(cph+3a09915)) |

| | |neg.) | |

|[pic] |George Washington, first president|Library of Congress Prints and |

| |of the United States. |Photographs Division |y/r?ammem/horyd:@field(NUMBER+@ban|

| | |LC-H823-1407-G-A DLC (b&w film |d(thc+5a46301)) |

| | |nitrate neg.) | |

|[pic] |Abraham Lincoln, three-quarter |Library of Congress Prints and |

| |length portrait, seated, facing |Photographs Division |y/r?ammem/presp:@field(NUMBER+@ban|

| |right |LC-USP6-2415-A DLC (b&w film copy |d(ppmsc+00052)) |

| | |neg.) | |

|[pic] |Bill Clinton, head-and-shoulders |Library of Congress Prints and |

| |portrait, facing front |Photographs Division |y/r?ammem/presp:@field(NUMBER+@ban|

| | |LC-USZ62-107700 DLC (b&w film copy|d(cph+3c07700)) |

| | |neg.) | |

|[pic] |President George W. Bush |White House Photo by Eric Draper |

| | | |t/gallery/photoessay/wh-work.html |

|[pic] |Slide of White House, south lawn, |Courtesy of the Frances Loeb |

| |Washington, D.C., built 1792-ca |Library, Graduate School of |y/r?ammem/alad:@field(DOCID+@lit(a|

| |1801 |Design, Harvard University, |lad002722)) |

| | |Digital ID | |

| | |mhsalad 290020 | |

| | | |

| | |ad.290020 | |

|[pic] |President’s office in the White |Library of Congress, Prints and |

| |House (1904) |Photographs Division, Detroit |y/r?ammem/detr:@field(NUMBER+@band|

| | |Publishing Company Collection |(det+4a30062)) |

| | |Reproduction number | |

| | |LC-D4-17401 DLC (b&w glass | |

| | |transparency) | |

|[pic] |President's house (i.e. White |Library of Congress, Prints & |

| |House), Washington, D.C., showing |Photographs Division, |y/r?ammem/dag:@field(NUMBER+@band(|

| |south side, probably taken in |[reproduction number, |cph+3a53372)) |

| |winter. |LC-USZ62-46804 DLC | |

| |[ca. 1846] | | |

|[pic] |White House, June 1917 |The Robert Runyon Photograph |

| | |Collection, [image number, 04169],|y/r?ammem/runyon:@field(DOCID+@lit|

| | |courtesy of The Center for |(txuruny.04169)) |

| | |American History, The University | |

| | |of Texas at Austin. | |

|[pic] |White House 2005 |Washington, DC, Monuments & |

| | |Landmarks, Copyright 2002-05 |nument/ |

| | |Keith Stanley | |

|[pic] |George Washington on horseback in |Washington passing the Delaware, |

| |the Battle of Trenton. |evening previous to the Battle of |/gwtimear.html |

| | |Trenton, Dec. 25th, 1776, George | |

| | |Washington on horseback looking | |

| | |back at troops crossing the | |

| | |Delaware River. Engraving by | |

| | |George S. Lang from Prints and | |

| | |Photographs Division, Library of | |

| | |Congress. Philadelphia: Samuel | |

| | |Augustus Mitchell, 1825. | |

| | |Reproduction #: (b&w) | |

| | |LC-USZ62-61047 | |

|[pic] |The first reading of the |Library of Congress, Prints and |

| |Emancipation Proclamation before |Photographs Division LC-USZ62-2070|y/r?ammem/presp:@field(NUMBER+@ban|

| |the cabinet / painted by F.B. |DLC (b&w film copy neg.) |d(cph+3a05802)) |

| |Carpenter ; engraved by A.H. | | |

| |Ritchie. | | |

|[pic] |Abraham Lincoln & Mary Todd |Library of Congress Prints and |

| |Lincoln greeting Union generals, |Photographs Division Washington, |y/r?ammem/pin:@field(NUMBER+@band(|

| |Cabinet members, & others at a |D.C. 20540 USA LC-USZC4-2438 DLC |cph+3a15164)) |

| |reception. |(color film copy transparency) | |

|[pic] |President Bill Clinton speaking at|Photo: Mike Pirnique, |

| |the Little Rock Regional Chamber | |thv.asp?aID=78&pagenum=1 |

| |of Commerce's annual meeting. | | |

|[pic] |President George W. Bush watches |White House photo by Eric Draper, |

| |as a soldier operates technical | |eases/2007/04/images/20070404-6_d-|

| |field equipment. | |0196-3-515h.html |


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|Category |Smiley Face ( |Straight Face ( |Frowning Face ( |

|I enjoyed this lesson. |It was fun! |I enjoyed some parts of this |I did not like this lesson at |

| | |lesson. |all. |

|I liked the way I colored the |I loved the way my picture |My picture turned out ok (I wish|I do not like the way my picture|

|president’s picture. |turned out. |it would have been a little |turned out. |

| | |better). | |

|I learned a lot of new things |I learned many new things. |I learned one new thing. |I already knew all of this. |

|during this lesson. | | | |

|I participated in class by |I spoke up when it was my turn |I had trouble talking when it |I spoke out of turn and was |

|listening and speaking at the |to speak and was quiet when it |was my turn, but I was a good |talking when I needed to be |

|appropriate times. |was time to listen. |listener. |listening. |

|I followed the teacher’s |I did my work correctly and |I followed directions or |I did not follow directions or |

|directions and rules. |followed classroom rules. |classroom rules, but not both. |the classroom rules. |


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