Welcome to Bible Study! You are about to embark on a life-changing journey as you study the Words of the living God as He inspired human writers to tell His story! These are HIs Words, about His interactions with His creation and His plan for their lives! I hope you are ready to DIG in and let the Spirit of God guide you and teach you! Goal of our study To get into the word, studying it in its original context, for the purpose of connecting it to their world.To make deeper Bible study an accessible activity for all women.To help women grow in their knowledge and understanding, so that they can be fully developed disciples and use that to make more disciples! Weekly CommitmentPersonal Bible Study: At home read and answer the questions related to the week’s reading according to your schedule. You can answer all in one day or break them up so you are answering one or two or so per day. I recommend that you get a journal so you can keep all of your notes together, and at the end you will have your own “commentary” on the book of Peter. Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask a question about something you don’t understand. In fact asking questions and then searching for the answer is one of the most powerful ways to learn.Bible versions: I will be using a mixture of versions of the Bible, but I will primarily use the ESV, NLT, HCSB or NASV. Looking at different versions is always a good way to get a more thorough understanding of the scriptures, so I encourage you to use different ones in your study.Weekly Bible study meeting: During class we will work through the passage verse by verse making connections and understanding both the context and its relevance for our lives.Scripture memory: Consider adding scripture memory to your study time. I John contains some great verses. I will suggest one each week but memorizing is entirely optional. However, remember that when fighting the spiritual battles you will face, scripture is your #1 defense. (If it was Jesus’ ammunition, how much more should it be ours! Luke 4:1-13).Meditation: Christian meditation is nothing like eastern meditation where you empty the mind. On the contrary, Christian meditation is filling your mind with the word of God and allowing God’s word to wash over you. This is one of the quickest ways to replace negative, toxic thoughts. Find scripture passages and phrases and just allow them to take your focus in a different direction.Prayer: Make prayer time a priority. Try using a prayer journal if you struggle to do this consistently and/or purposefully. You can write out your prayers, so that you keep your focus throughout. You can also use a page in your Bible study journal to make a list of your prayer priorities for the week. Whatever method works for you is what you should use!(Tentative) Schedule for 1, II and III John Week One: Introduction to I, II, III JohnWeek Two: 1 John I: 1-4Week Three: I John 1: 5-10 Week Four: I John 2: 1-6Week Five: I John 2: 7-14Week Six: I John 2: 15- 23Week Seven: I John 2: 24- 29Week Eight: I John 3: 1-10Week Nine: I John 3: 11-24Week Ten: I John 4: 1-6Week Eleven: I John 4: 7-21Week Twelve: I John 5: 1-13Week Thirteen: I John 5: 14- 21Week Fourteen: II JohnWeek Fifteen: III JohnThe “Disciple whom Jesus LOVED” John 13:23, 19:26, 21:7, 21:20-22SPEAKER/AUTHOR AUDIENCEOCCASIONPURPOSE SUBJECT KEY GOAL OF I, II, JOHN WEEK ONE QUESTIONS: I John 1: 1-4 As we begin our study in I John, we will start with only four verses, but these four verses are packed with some powerful content! These four verses will set the stage and give us insight into some of the central messages of this dynamic little book! Read the whole first chapter as you start the study this week. Write down key words that jump out to you from this first chapter. Why does the first verse begin with the pronoun “we”. Who are the “we”?Write out the verbs used in the first verse. What type of verbs are they? Who is the “He”? Why is he called the “word of life”? As you read vs. 2, write out all of the descriptions given about Jesus. Why does John proclaim all of these truths to his readers according to verse 3?What is the fellowship John is referring to in verse 3? What do you think this means?In verse 4, he gives his ultimate reason for writing these truths about Jesus. What is his reason? Why would reading these truths bring this?Read the gospel of John chapter 1. What connections can you make to these first 4 verses?What is a key take away you get from these verses? Memory verse: 1 We proclaim to you the one who existed from the beginning,[a] whom we have heard and seen. We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands. He is the Word of life. ................

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