Below is the service I ha

-187325-133985Below is the service I have created for this Sunday. I hope this is something you can use for personal/family worship. We are all worshiping together, no matter where we are. If you are joining us online this week then please have this resource with you so you have the words to the responses and hymns at your fingertips in case you can’t see the screen.Rev. Mary-JaneThe words provided for the hymns are done with permission under One License # A-727596.00Below is the service I have created for this Sunday. I hope this is something you can use for personal/family worship. We are all worshiping together, no matter where we are. If you are joining us online this week then please have this resource with you so you have the words to the responses and hymns at your fingertips in case you can’t see the screen.Rev. Mary-JaneThe words provided for the hymns are done with permission under One License # A-727596.NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCHSeptember 13, 2020 10:30 a.m.The Season of Pentecost“As followers of Christ, we are called to be a worshipping and learning, receiving and giving community of faith, hope and love.” – Newcastle United Church Mission StatementSurely God is in this place. Help me notice.We Approach GodLighting The Christ Candle left889000A Time of Centring – “Take, O Take Me As I Am” MV # 85(Words and music Copyright 1995 WGRG, Iona Community, Scotland)Take, O take me as I am; summon out what I shall be; set your seal upon my heart and live in me. (sung through twice)Call to Worship (Responsive) We who gather belong to God.We are God’s own.So then, if we live, we live for God.In God we live and move and have our being.Hymn of Praise “Praise My Soul” # 24048647356985Praise, my soul, the God of heaven, glad of heart your carols raise; ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, who, like me, should sing God’s praise. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Maker all your days!Praise God for the grace and favour shown our forebears in distress; God is still the same forever, slow to chide and swift to bless.Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Sing our Maker’s faithfulness!Like a loving parent caring, God knows well our feeble frame; gladly all our burdens bearing, still to countless years the same.Hallelujah! Hallelujah! All within me, praise God’s name!Frail as summer’s flower we flourish; blows the wind and it is gone; but, while mortals rise and perish, God endures unchanging on.Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the high eternal one.Angels, teach us adoration, you behold God face to face; sun and moon and all creation, dwellers all in time and space.Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise with us the God of grace!Prayer of Approach (Unison) Gracious God, you are the reason we are here. We come to thank and praise you. We know well that all we are, all we have, comes from you. The earth and all around us, gifts from you. May our time of worship be a song of grateful praise. Amen.We Hear God’s WordHymn “Travel On, Travel On” # 647(Words copyright 1969, 1991 and music copyright 1969 Stainer & Bell Ltd.)102235156210Travel on, travel on, there’s a spirit that is flowing, a spirit that is flowing night and day.Travel on, travel on, with the spirit that is flowing, the spirit will be with us all the way.Travel on, travel on, with the river that is flowing, the spirit will be with us all the way.Travel on, travel on, there’s a spirit that is growing, the spirit grows like flowers night and day.Travel on, travel on, with the spirit that is growing, the spirit will be with us all the way.Travel on, travel on, with the flower that is growing, the spirit will be with us all the way.Travel on, travel on, there’s a spirit that is playing, the spirit plays like music every day.Travel on, travel on, with the spirit that is playing, the spirit will be with us all the way.Travel on, travel on, with the music that is playing, the spirit will be with us all the way.In the kingdom of heaven is our end and our beginning, the road that we must travel every day.Travel on, travel on, to the kingdom that is coming, the kingdom will be with us all the way.Travel on, travel on, to the kingdom that is coming, the kingdom will be with us all the way.A Time To Be ChildrenThe reading from the Old Testament for today is about one of the most spectacular events in the entire Bible. The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for over 400 years. But Pharaoh refused to let God's people go until God sent 10 plagues to Egypt. After so many bad things happened, Pharaoh finally decided it was best to let the Israelites go. The Israelites followed Moses out of Egypt.Let’s explore the story a bit with a little experiment. You will need a plate, water, pepper and dish soap (and maybe a towel to wipe things up if the water spills a bit). Pour enough water on the plate to cover the bottom.357695545720When the Israelites were standing by the Red Sea, Pharaoh changed his mind again. He sent his army to bring them back. And now the Israelites were caught between the army and the Red Sea. When God’s people saw the Egyptian army and chariots coming, they were afraid.?Now, shake pepper all over the water. Put your finger into the water and touch the bottom of the plate. What happened? Nothing happened! The pepper just stuck to your finger. Hmmm. The Israelites were afraid. But Moses told them not to be afraid, that God was going to save them. Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and God opened up a pathway through the water for the people.?Now, put a drop of dish soap on the tip of your finger. Then put your finger into the water again and touch the bottom of the plate. What happened? The pepper on top of the water will instantly spread apart, didn’t it.?Just like the Bible says the Red Sea did for the Israelites.The people of Israel walked right through the middle of the sea on dry ground, with walls of water on each side! When your soapy finger came out of the water the pepper went back the way it was. That is what happened to the sea, but unfortunately for Pharaoh’s army, they were in the middle of the water then. When the people of Israel saw the mighty power God had unleashed against the Egyptians, they were filled with awe.?Imagine that—God caused the waters of the sea to separate. That’s kind of like our pepper trick, but on a giant scale. God is powerful. God protected the Israelites, and protects us, too.Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those that trespass against us.And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,for ever and ever. Amen.Exodus 14:19-31 God parts the sea. left571500Exodus 15:1b-11, 20-21 A song of celebration. VU # 876Sung Response:For you, my God, my strength and song, have now become my victoryI will sing to God, who has triumphed gloriously. Horse and rider are thrown into the sea.God is my strength, my song, my salvation.This is my God, whom I will praise, our parents’ God, whom I will exalt.God is a warrior: Eternal is God’s name. RPharaoh’s chariots and his army are cast into the sea; his chosen officers are sunk in the Red Sea.The floods covered them; they went down into the depths like a stone,Your right hand, O God, glorious in power, your right hand, shattered the enemy.In your great majesty you overthrew your foes; you sent out your fury and consumed them like stubble. RAt the blast of your nostrils the waters piled up.The floods stood up in a heap; the deeps congealed in the heart of the sea.The enemy said, “I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil, my desire shall have its fill of them.I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them.”You blew with your wind, the sea covered them; they sank like lead in the mighty waters. RWho is like you, O God, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in splendour, wonderful in action?With constant love you led the people you redeemed.You guided them by your strength to your holy dwelling.You bring them in and plant them on the mountain of your inheritance, the place you made your dwelling, the sanctuary your hands have established. RMatthew 18:21-35 How often must I forgive?This is the Word of the Lord.Thanks be to God.Hymn “Crashing Waters” # 449(words copyright 1994 by GIA Publications; music copyright 1994 by William A. Cross)left8255Crashing waters at creation, ordered by the Spirit’s breath, first to witness day’s beginning from the brightness of night’s death.Parting water stood and trembled as the captives passed on through, washing off the chains of bondage – channel to a life made new.Cleansing water once at Jordan closed around the one foretold, opened to reveal the glory ever new and ever old.Living water, never ending, quench the thirst and flood the soul. Wellspring, Source of life eternal, drench our dryness, make us whole.Message Things were not going well for the Israelites that day; or so they thought. Oh, they were free from slavery. This God of theirs had convinced the Egyptians to let them go. But God had also angered Pharaoh. And now Pharaoh was bearing down on the Israelites and there was no place to run. Their backs were against the sea and the chariots of Pharaoh's army were about to crush them.And they cried out to Moses, "Where there not enough graves in Egypt? You had to bring us out here to die? Hey, its great that we are no longer slaves, but we'll soon be dead as well as free. Isn't it better to be a living slave than a free corpse? At least a living slave has a future. And the Egyptians weren't all that bad anyway." But we've all seen the movie "The Ten Commandments." We know what happens next. God tells Charleton Heston, I mean Moses, to raise his hands over the water and God parts the water. The Israelites escape through the Red Sea and Pharaoh's army is drowned.I've been there. No, not that geographical location on the banks of the Red Sea. But I have found myself on the banks of a few spiritual Red Seas in my life. When I was surrounded by an angry sea on one side and an angry mob on the other. It seemed that death would come either by the sword or by drowning. And even we preachers at times have asked, "Why did you lead me here Lord, were there not enough graves where I was before." That is a universal experience among humans. We all find ourselves in situations like that from time to time. This is even more true for we who follow Christ. We often find ourselves surrounded by enemies because Christ leads us there, just as God led Israel to the banks of the Red Sea. Christ doesn't lead us to the banks of a Red Sea to destroy us, but to make our salvation evident and to demonstrate God Almighty's power.The testimony of Israel's deliverance on the banks of the Red Sea has much to teach us. It is a vivid example of God's saving power at work. It shows us what God does when we find have been led to the banks of a Red Sea and are facing the enemies of God.left175895First of all, when our backs are to the sea, God protects us. When Moses lead the people of Israel out of Egypt the angel of the Lord was with them leading them. That angel appeared as a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. It was a visible reminder of the power of God Almighty that was with them and was leading them. The first thing that happened when Pharaoh's army approached was that this pillar moved. It took its position between the Israelites and the Egyptian army. When we have our backs against a wall and we are faced by God's enemies, that is the first thing God does for us. God moves to protect us. God does not lead us into a trap to let us be victimized. So God stands between our enemies and us. God becomes our first line of defense and in that situation our defense is sure. So Pharaoh's army was prevented from attacking God's people by a pillar of divine fire and smoke. In the same way God will protect us from our enemies. They will be prevented from attacking us by God's hand.Secondly, when our backs are to the sea, God delivers us. Often times it is the least imagined route of escape. Let me tell you one of my favourite jokes about this passage. One day a boy came home from Vacation Bible School and his mother asked him what he had learned. He said that he had learned that the Egyptian army was fighting the Israelites and the Israelites were out gunned. So they were retreating, but their backs were against the sea. So Moses called some F-16s for cover fire and the Corps of Engineers and they built a pontoon bridge across the Red Sea so the Israelites could escape. Shocked his mother said, "It that what they told you at church?" The boy replied, "No, but you'd never believe what they said really happened." Obviously that little boy didn't believe it.Have you ever heard it said that when God closes a door she opens a window? Well that is what God did for the Israelites. At God's command Moses lifted his hands and God parted the Red Sea. And to their amazement God provided a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation.right426720God always works best when things seem hopeless. And no matter what Christ leads us into, he will always lead us out of it. It may not be the way out that you or I would have chosen. But it is always better. It is better because it is the way God has chosen.Thirdly, when our backs are to the sea, God destroys our enemies. The Bible tells us that the Egyptians decided to follow the Israelites into the Red Sea. But their Chariot wheels got bogged down. They soon realized that God was fighting against them. But it was too late. Moses stretched out his hand and the Red Sea closed in on the Egyptians destroying all who would make war on God's people.And God will do the same for us. But you may say, "Hold on now Mary-Jane." Sure, God protects us and gives us an escape but our enemies still persist. God hasn't utterly destroyed our enemy. Our enemy is evil, personified in Satan, and Satan still lives and is still creating trouble for God's people. Satan just takes different forms. In the early years of the church Satan used the Roman Empire to persecute the Christians. And throughout the centuries Satan has used false doctrines to attack the church. And Satan continues to use jealousy and prejudice to divide God's people.But the Devil's doom is sure. The Egyptian army was defeated long before Moses stretched out his arms to close the Sea on them. Their fate was decided when they followed the Israelites into the sea. In the same way the devil's fate is already decided. It was decided when Jesus stretched his arms out on a cross. And Jesus will come again and all that is contrary to God's plan will be done away with.The title I had in my head for this sermon as I started it was "What to do When You are Surrounded." If you have noticed I haven't talked about what we should do. All I have done is talk about what God does. And that is as it should be. Because it is God's actions that are important in those situations. You see Israel couldn't get out of the situation they were in. They didn't have the power to fight the Egyptians. They were just a bunch of undisciplined escapees. They had no organization or weapons to speak of. They would be crushed under the wheels of the Egyptian war machine. But God had the power to deliver them. And all they had to do was to follow God and trust the might of Almighty God.So the next time you find your back to the sea, look to God. Think not about what you can do, but what God can do. And if God calls you to walk across the bottom of a sea, just believe. Remember that God will protect you, God will deliver you, and God in Christ has already defeated your enemies.We Respond To God’s WordOffering InvitationEvery day is a new beginning. Every day is another gift from God. God gives us life in abundance. In gratitude we share what we have for the work of God in our church and our community…The Offertory We praise you, O God, our Redeemer, Creator;in grateful devotion our tribute we bring. We lay it before you; we kneel and adore you;we bless your holy name, glad praises we sing. (#218 v. 1)Dedication Prayer (Unison)Creator God, in love you have given us these gifts to share. Please accept these offerings of who we are and what we have. May your blessing multiply the work they do. Amen.Prayers of the People When we expend great efforts on a good cause and see little result for our labour; when we profoundly and faithfully seek the healing of a friend, but to no avail; when we witness by word and deed to the Gospel yet see no obvious fruits, help us God, to believe.When disasters happen to the faithful, while unbelievers flaunt their prosperity; when we pray with anguish over a lost soul but see no change for the better; when we get so frustrated with our own failures that we become carping critics of others, help us God, to believe.When we seem tempted beyond that which any mortal should have to bear or when we are weary of body and soul, and feel like retreating into a closed-off piety, help us God, to believe.For yours is the kingdom of unlimited opportunities, the innovative and resilient power of saving love, and the surging glory of the love which never ends ?Dear God, how do you keep track of us all? So many people, some many needs, so much suffering! Yet you love each and feel their pain like the most generous and devoted of parents. Help us to be inclusive in our loving like you are.31753175For the suffering and those who ease their pain, the sorrowful and those who try to comfort their grief, the diseased and those who work for their healing; hear our prayer.For the abused and those who seek justice for them, the weak and those who lend them unmeasured support, the heavy-laden and those who share the load; hear our prayer.For the misunderstood and those who listen, the timid and those who speak up for them, the lost and those who will suffer to see their recovery; hear our prayer.For the strong and those who keep them gentle, the wise and those who keep them humble, the kind and those who shield them from over-stretching themselves; hear our prayer.For the violent and those who must arrest them, the cruel and those who must contain them, the corrupt and those who must judge and sentence them; hear our prayer.For the strong in faith and those learn from them, the battlers and those who affirm them, the happy and those who rejoice with them; hear our prayer.For peacemakers and those who trust them, the leaders and those who vote for them, the opinion makers and those who are swayed by them; hear our prayer.For those we hold in our hearts…Compared with you, Holy Friend, our compassion is miserly and our circle of care is most meagre. Nevertheless, we want to be more like you, asking that you will conscript our prayers and actions into the work of your universal salvation. Through Christ Jesus our Saviour. Amen.(inspired by and adapted from Bruce Prewer and used with permission.)Closing Hymn “Sing Praise To God, Who Reigns Above” # 216Sing praise to God, who reigns above, the God of all creation, the God of power, the God of love, the God of our salvation; with healing balm my soul is filled, and every faithless murmur stilled: 427799513208000to God all praise and glory!What God’s almighty power hath done, God’s gracious mercy keepeth: by morning glow or evening shade God’s watchful eye ne’er sleepeth; within the shelter of God’s might, lo! all is just and all is right: to God all praise and glory!Our God is never far away, but through all grief distressing; and ever-present help and stay, our peace, and joy, and blessing, as with a mother’s tender hand, God gently leads the chosen band: to God all praise and glory!Thus all my gladsome way along, I sing aloud thy praises that all may hear the grateful song my voice unwearied raises. Be joyful in your God, my heart! Both soul and body take your part: to God all praise and glory!Commissioning and Benediction We go forth knowing God’s goodness and mercy.We go forth knowing God’s love and care.Go forth to share this knowledge with a world in need.And may the grace of Christ attend you, the love of God surround you, and the Holy Spirit keep each one of you, now and always. Amen.Sung Blessing “Go Now In Peace” left1079500(Copyright 1988 by Harold Flammer Music, a Division of Shawnee Press, Inc.)Go now in peace. Never be afraid.God will go with you each hour of every day.Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true.Know God will guide you in all you do.Go now in love, and show you believe.Reach out to others so all the world can see.God will be there watching from above.Go now in peace, in faith, and in love.And online we end together (wait for folks to get their mics unmuted) And the people say:Hallelujah and Amen!5080-317500Our church now has a YouTube channel. We have posted a short welcome video and are now uploading worship each Sunday afternoon. We now have Music to Wash Dishes By videos as well. Please head over and click the subscribe button. Subscribing is free. You may not ultimately want to worship that way, but once we have 100 subscribers we will be able to have a dedicated link with our name in it and we will be easier to find. We are just getting started, but it is a new opportunity for us to reach one another and so much more. It doesn’t just have to be about worship. Tell your friends about it and get them to subscribe as well. It will be like inviting them to church. If you want more information or assistance in subscribing please contact Rev. Mary-Jane and she can help (905-244-8453). For now, here is the link - to Wash Dishes By is now posted on our YouTube channel. One click and no password needed. We are now recording in the sanctuary. Please note: There was no Music to Wash Dishes By recorded this week.From the Stewards:Church envelope donations are down 11.85% from this time last year and we are currently overdrawn $20533.53. We would ask that 762021209000During this time, and if you are able, please continue giving your church donations regularly. You can contact Lorna McSwan, our treasurer, at le.mcswan@ or 905-987-3940. You can arrange to register for Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) which can be cancelled at any time. You can mail your donations to the church at: 84 Mill St. South, Newcastle, ON L1B 1K2. You can donate via CanadaHelps: through this link or the link on our website: “Donate” page, e-transfer: nucetransfer@. Post-dated cheques are yet another option.Thank you to all who continue to send in their church givings – we very much appreciate it. 5398135100330Thank you for considering these options. While we may not be gathering together, work is still being done and bills still have to be paid.Cheese Campaign - the Stewards offer this fundraiser from now until September 20th. The cheese is from Empire Cheese & Co-op in Campbellford. Please contact Janet O’Neill at janetloneill@ for an order form or, if you’re a “regular”, please contact her with your order. Cheese will be delivered September 30, in time for Thanksgiving. Thank you!Newcastle United Church ................

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