Card #3 - Irregular Words

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|have |for |here |go |

|I |see |my |have |

|have |like |to |and |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|g |p |A |c |

|V |h |n |B |

|r |m |g |l |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|z |d |m |r |

|a |z |b |n |

|z |h |c |p |

|i |l |p |c |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|pat |bag |zip |fan |

|bad |cop |dot |got |

|fin |big |it |sat |

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Monitor/Clarify

Card #15 - Explain, Model, & Guided Practice: Summarize

Card #3 - Regular Words

|pad |bag |sat |Pam |

|sad |zap |fat |cab |

|bit |bad |fin |fad |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: Dot Got a Big Pot

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it


Card #3 - Irregular Words

|said |for |here |go |

|have |see |my |said |

|said |like |to |and |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|f |p |g |H |

|n |b |t |f |

|s |M |r |t |

|p |f |s |G |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmenting

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|z |d |m |r |

|a |z |b |n |

|z |h |c |p |

|l |i |o |g |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|hot |zig |big |pit |

|pig |zap |pan |van |

|vat |pit |zip |fit |

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Monitor/Clarify

Card #12 - Phonics Library: Dot Got a Big Pot

Card #3 - Regular Words

|pat |bag |zip |fan |

|bad |cop |dot |got |

|fin |big |it |sat |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: Dot Got a Big Pot

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|said |have |go |like |

|my |to |said |is |

|is |my |for |here |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|d |q |K |l |

|l |g |d |p |

|a |d |C |v |

|h |n |b |f |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|z |d |m |r |

|a |z |b |n |

|z |h |c |p |

|d |i |a |g |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|dip |pad |fit |mad |

|sit |can |man |van |

|vat |zip |fat |van |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Monitor/Clarify

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|pot |tot |not |big |

|kit |ran |rim |tab |

|rat | | | |

The pot is big.

Card #15 - Explain & Model - Continuous Blending

Phonics Library: Dot Got a Big Pot

Card #12

Card #3 - Regular Words

|hot |zig |big |pit |

|pig |zap |pan |van |

|vat |pit |zip |fit |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: Dot Got a Big Pot

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|said |have |go |like |

|my |to |said |is |

|is |my |for |here |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|d |Q |k |l |

|i |g |D |p |

|A |d |c |v |

|h |n |B |f |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|x |d |o |z |

|b |t |x |b |

|m |a |n |i |

|g |k |n |c |

Card #3 - Regular Words

|box |sit |pat |big |

|sat |fit |bat |hit |

|pan |had |fox |not |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Monitor/Clarify

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|pot |not |cot |got |

|dot |big |sad |ran |

|van |Dan |ham | |

I see a big hot cat.

Card #12 - Phonics Library: Dot Got a Big Pig

Card #3 - Regular Words

|dip |pad |fit |mad |

|sit |can |man |van |

|vat |zip |fat |van |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: Dot Got a Big Pot

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|said |have |go |like |

|my |to |said |is |

|is |my |for |here |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|d |q |K |l |

|i |g |d |p |

|A |d |c |v |

|h |n |b |F |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|x |d |o |z |

|b |t |x |b |

|m |a |n |i |

|g |k |n |c |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|fox |hit |box |top |

|sat |pot |bit |cat |

|lot |pat |fit |hit |

Card #12 - Phonics Library: Dot Got a Big Pot; Zig Pig and Dan Cat; Tan Van

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|box |sit |pat |big |

|sat |fit |bat |hit |

|pan |hat |fox |not |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: Dot Got a Big Pot

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|said |have |go |like |

|my |to |said |is |

|is |my |for |here |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|d |q |k |l |

|i |G |d |P |

|a |d |C |v |

|H |n |b |f |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|x |d |o |z |

|b |t |x |b |

|m |a |n |i |

|k |s |l |i |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|box |hit |got |sit |

|pit |fit |pot |can |

|pat |lot |vat |got |

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Question

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|fox |hit |box |top |

|sat |pot |bit |cot |

|lot |pat |fit |hit |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: Dot Got a Big Pot

Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it


Card #3 - Irregular Words

|the |have |go |like |

|my |to |the |is |

|the |said |for |here |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|Z |d |q |l |

|k |s |a |z |

|m |R |z |f |

|b |n |l |p |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|x |d |o |z |

|b |t |x |b |

|m |a |n |i |

|k |s |m |o |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|bit |sit |box |sit |

|wax |tip |Dan |rat |

|hat |Sam |mat |sap |

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Question

Card #12 - Phonics Library: The Big, Big Box

Card #3 - Regular Words

|box |hit |got |sit |

|pit |fit |pot |can |

|pat |lot |vat |got |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: The Big, Big Box

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|the |said |have |for |

|here |go |the |my |

|is |the |and |like |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|d |Q |k |l |

|i |g |d |P |

|A |d |c |v |

|h |N |b |f |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|x |d |o |z |

|b |t |x |b |

|m |a |n |i |

|g |k |n |c |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|tag |wax |bad |vat |

|hat |pot |sit |fox |

|fit |big |sag |hot |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Question

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Question

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|ox |box |fox |big |

|tan |top |fig |kin |

|pig |sat | | |

Here is the fig box.

Card #15 - Guided Practice- Continuous Blending

Phonics Library: The Big, Big Box

Card #12 - Phonics Library: The Big, Big Box

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|bit |sit |box |sit |

|wax |tip |Dan |rat |

|hat |Sam |mat |sap |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: The Big, Big Box

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|the |said |is |for |

|here |go |the |my |

|have |the |and |like |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|z |d |M |r |

|A |z |b |n |

|z |h |C |p |

|l |K |g |f |

Card #5 -Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|q |x |o |d |

|c |a |b |i |

|h |v |c |p |

|z |d |l |k |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|pot |big |Dan |cat |

|sat |fit |bat |can |

|pan |hat |tab |box |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Question

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|box |fox |not |sit |

|big |hop |ran | |

I see a big fox.

Card #12 - Phonics Library: The Big, Big Box

Card #3 - Regular Words

|tag |wax |bad |vat |

|hat |pot |sit |fox |

|fit |big |sag |hot |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: The Big, Big Box

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|the |said |have |for |

|here |go |the |is |

|my |the |and |like |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|z |d |M |r |

|A |z |b |n |

|z |h |C |p |

|l |k |g |F |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|q |x |o |d |

|c |a |b |i |

|g |v |c |p |

|z |d |l |k |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|vat |bog |sag |him |

|quit |sat |van |rot |

|mat |sax |map |box |

Card #12 - Phonics Library: Dot Got a Big Pot or The Big, Big Pot

Card #12 - Phonics Library: Dot Got a Big Pot or The Big, Big Pot

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|pot |big |Dan |cat |

|sat |fit |bat |can |

|pan |hat |tab |box |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: The Big, Big Box

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|I |see |like |my |

|to |and |go |is |

|here |for |have |said |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|z |D |m |r |

|a |z |B |n |

|Z |h |c |P |

|l |k |g |F |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|q |x |o |d |

|c |a |b |i |

|h |v |c |p |

|z |d |l |k |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|pot |fox |big |bit |

|vat |fit |Dan |at |

|hit |hat |fan |ran |

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Evaluate

Card #15 - Explain, Model, & Guided Feedback: Summarize

Card #3 - Regular Words

|vat |bog |sag |him |

|quit |sat |van |rat |

|mat |sax |map |box |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: The Big, Big Box

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|the |said |have |for |

|here |go |and |my |

|like |the |the |said |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|z |D |m |r |

|a |z |b |N |

|z |H |c |P |

|l |k |G |f |

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|q |x |o |d |

|c |a |b |i |

|h |v |c |p |

|z |d |l |k |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|quit |can |sat |tip |

|sit |fan |pot |sad |

|bit |vat |rat |got |

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Evaluate

Card #12 - Phonics Library: A Pot for Dan Cat

Card #3 - Regular Words

|pot |fox |big |bit |

|vat |fit |Dan |at |

|hit |hat |fan |ran |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: The Big, Big Box

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|said |see |like |my |

|to |and |go |is |

|here |for |have |I |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|z |d |M |r |

|a |Z |b |n |

|z |h |c |P |

|l |k |g |f |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|q |x |o |d |

|c |z |b |i |

|h |v |c |p |

|z |d |l |k |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|hot |lot |fit |can |

|bat |quit |box |not |

|sit |big |not |rat |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Evaluate

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Evaluate

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|hot |not |cot |dot |

|got |pig |fin |hat |

|fan |fox |Sam | |

The pot is big.

Card #15 - Guided Practice - Continuous Blending

Phonics Library: A Pot for Dan Cat

Card #12 - Phonics Library: A Pot for Dan Cat

Card 3 - Regular Words

|quit |can |sat |tip |

|sit |fan |pot |sad |

|bit |vat |rat |got |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: A Pot for Dan Cat

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|have |see |like |my |

|to |and |go |is |

|here |for |have |said |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|z |d |m |R |

|a |z |b |n |

|z |h |c |P |

|l |k |g |F |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|e |x |q |o |

|i |e |b |i |

|m |z |n |e |

|d |s |a |r |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|bet |pot |vat |tab |

|mat |him |rot |met |

|set |sat |big |cat |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Monitor/Clarify

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Monitor/Clarify

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Summarize

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|ox |pot |lot |pox |

|got |box |cot |fox |

|nap |sap |fit | |

The fox is not here.

Card #12 - Phonics Library: A Pot for Dan Cat

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #3 - Regular Words

|hot |lot |fit |can |

|bat |quit |box |not |

|sit |big |not |rat |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: Dot Got a Big Pot

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|I |see |like |my |

|to |and |go |is |

|here |for |have |said |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|z |D |m |r |

|a |z |b |N |

|Z |H |c |p |

|l |k |g |f |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|e |x |q |o |

|i |e |b |i |

|m |z |n |e |

|d |s |a |r |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|get |bag |set |Pam |

|sag |vet |fat |cot |

|bat |big |tot |fan |

Card #12 - On My Way Practice Reader: To Fan Fox

Card #3 - Regular Words

|bet |pot |vat |tab |

|mat |him |rot |met |

|set |sat |big |cat |

Partner Reading - Phonics Library: A Pot for Dan Cat


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