8TH GRADE VOCABULARY Copy all words and definitions


List #1

1. auxiliary

2. candid

3. cubicle

4. drudgery

5. envoy

6. escalate

7. expedient

8. feign

9. flair

10. grievous

List #2

1. heterogeneous

2. horde

3. impel

4. incredulous

5. inscribe

6. monologue

7. prognosis

8. rasping

9. repugnant

10. scuttle

List #3

1. adept

2. aspire

3. bleak

4. chide

5. despicable

6. diminutive

7. emancipate

8. erroneous

9. exploit

10. extemporaneous

List #4

1. impair

2. invincible

3. languid

4. mire

5. obtrusive

6. preamble

7. render

8. rugged

9. skeptical

10. slipshod

List #5

1. brevity

2. comport

3. concise

4. demure

5. depreciation

6. deteriorate

7. divulge

8. enlightened

9. forestall

10. garble

List #6

1. proponent

2. quaver

3. recoil

4. recoup

5. reek

6. relentless

7. rivulet

8. squander

9. staccato

10. statute

List # 7

1. appreciable

2. autocratic

3. blanch

4. blasphemy

5. brawny

6. concerted

7. contend

8. humane

9. illustrious

10. intolerable

List # 8

1. irreverent

2. laborious

3. lithe

4. maltreat

5. ponder

6. subversive

7. synthetic

8. temperate

9. venomous

10. wily

List # 9

1. ad infinitum

2. apportion

3. bona fide

4. buoyant

5. clique

6. concede

7. congenial

8. lofty

9. migration

10. perceive

List # 10

1. perverse

2. prelude

3. rancid

4. rustic

5. sever

6. sordid

7. untenable

8. versatile

9. vindicate

10. wane

List # 11

1. annex

2. cleave

3. cordial

4. cornerstone

5. debacle

6. devitalize

7. embroil

8. exonerate

9. glib

10. haphazard

List # 12

1. improvise

2. incite

3. influx

4. pallor

5. pedigree

6. precipitous

7. profuse

8. reconcile

9. shackle

10. threadbare

List # 13

1. abase

2. actuate

3. avert

4. boorish

5. brunt

6. combatant

7. dormant

8. dubious

9. harangue

10. harry

List # 14

1. impenitent

2. knave

3. legion

4. liberality

5. plaintiff

6. probe

7. protract

8. quarry

9. spurn

10. subterfuge

List # 15

1. admonish

2. breach

3. brigand

4. circumspect

5. commandeer

6. cumbersome

7. deadlock

8. debris

9. diffuse

10. dilemma

List # 16

1. efface

2. muddle

3. opinionated

4. perennial

5. predispose

6. relinquish

7. salvage

8. spasmodic

9. spurious

10. unbridled

List # 17 p. 28

1. adjourn

2. alien

3. comely

4. compensate

5. dissolute

6. erratic

7. expulsion

8. feint

9. fodder

10. fortify

List # 18

1. illegible—

2. jeer

3. lucrative

4. mediocre

5. proliferate

6. subjugate

7. sully

8. tantalize

9. terse

10. unflinching

List # 19 p. 35

1. abridge

2. adherent

3. altercation

4. cherubic

5. condone

6. dissent

7. eminent

8. exorcise

9. fabricate

10. irate

List # 20

1. marauder

2. obesity

3. pauper

4. pilfer

5. rift

6. semblance

7. surmount

8. terminate

9. trite

10. usurp

List # 21 p. 51

1. abscond

2. access

3. anarchy

4. arduous

5. auspicious

6. biased

7. daunt

8. disentangle

9. fated

10. hoodwink

List # 22

1. inanimate

2. incinerate

3. intrepid

4. larceny

5. pliant

6. pompous

7. precipice

8. rectify

9. reprieve

10. revile

List # 23 p. 58

1. accomplice

2. annihilate

3. arbitrary

4. brazen

5. catalyst

6. exodus

7. facilitate

8. incorrigible

9. latent

10. militant

List #24

1. morose

2. opaque

3. paramount

4. prattle

5. rebut

6. reprimand

7. servitude

8. slapdash

9. stagnant

10. succumb

List # 25 p. 65

1. atone

2. bondage

3. credible

4. defray

5. diligent

6. doleful

7. ghastly

8. hamper

9. hew

10. impoverished

List # 26

1. incessant

2. intricate

3. lucid

4. posthumous

5. prim

6. sardonic

7. superfluous

8. supplant

9. taunt

10. tenacious


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