Appendix A: Transcription of Discourse LegendSymbolSignificationT:Verbal contribution from the teacherS:Verbal contribution from a single studentSs:Verbal contribution from multiple students()Commentary on non-verbal activity…Pause in verbal activityllSimultaneous verbal contribution[inaudible]Verbal contributions are being made but cannot be deciphered {italicized}English translation of Korean verbal contributionsLesson Transcription01T: Good morning everyone.02 Ss: Hello03T: Now we are going to learn six, (teacher hold ups two hand showing six fingers) six important words will help you understand the reading. How many words?04 Ss: Six05 T: Six words. Ok let’s look at the screen. (teacher shows a picture of a person sending a text message on a smartphone on powerpoint) What is this (pointing to the phone)?06Ss: iPhone ll Smartphone ll [inaudible]07 T: Yes iPhone, smartphone and what is this man doing with his cell phone (teacher mimes text messaging)?08Ss: Messaging ll sending messages ll [inaudible]09 T: right… that’s in English… here ( ‘text message’ appears on the screen above the picture) text message. Repeat after me… text message.10Ss: Text message11T: and in Korean?12Ss: ?? ??? {text message} ll [ inaudible] 13T: ?? ???{text message} … so how many text messages do you send a day? How about Minhee, how many text messages do you send?14S: ?????.. ??? ??? {I only play games.. I have no friends}15T: No? How about Sungwon, how many?16 S: ?????? {I Kakaotalk}17T: Yes, but you can count Kakaotalk messages too. 18 S: ?? ??? ??? {How can I count all that?}19 T: Maybe 100 , 100 right?... ok next word… (picture appears on screen) wow… there are three pictures here (pointing to the pictures on the screen) four plus five and this man doesn’t have money and the man with a question mark … so…what can be the word for these pictures? … it’s kind of ???? {riddle}…20 S: Money21T: Yeah… ( pointing to the picture of the man with no money ) don’t have money and four plus five … ok I will give you the word…(‘problem’ appears on the screen above the picture) ll problem22Ss: ll problem ll ahhh… 23T: In Korean?...24Ss: ?? {problem}25 T: ??, ? {yes, problem} so repeat after me, problem.26Ss: problem.27T: So, do you have problems in your life?28Ss: Yes ll [ Inaudible]29T: Yes.. What kind of problems do you have?30 S: Study31 T: Study 32 S: Test take, test33T: Test, right… and your friend’s problem or your family problem right… yes, good... and when we have a problem what do we have to do? (a picture of a man thinking and a puzzle piece is shown on the screen) 34 S: Ummm… ?? {solve}35: T: Good, we have to find the answer right? (‘solve’ appears on the screen above the picture) so the word is ‘solve’. 36: Ss: ahhh37T: Solve… repeat after me, solve.38Ss: Solve 39: T: In Korean? 40: Ss: ???? {to solve}41 T: ????{to solve}, ok good… and next one… ( a picture of a computer shutdown menu is shown on the screen) where can you see this picture?42 S: [ inaudible] ll off 43T: on your?… where can you see? Computer, right? So this finger (teacher points to the off button on the picture) is pointing which button?44Ss: [inaudible]45T: Can you read?46Ss: turn off47T: ll turn off… (‘turn off’ appears on the screen above the picture) turn off, good and in Korean?48Ss: ?? {turn off}49T: ????? {turn off the power}… ah, repeat after me, turn off50Ss: Turn off51T: So what do we turn off?... what do you turn off?52S: Computer53 T: Computer54S: Cell phone55T: Cell phone, how about that (teacher points to the T.V in the classroom), that one ?56 Ss: ??? {television}ll T.V.57T: Turn of T.V, good… and then I will show you the picture… picture (additional pictures of signs are shown on the screen that are related to ‘turn off’)(teacher points to the pictures) turn off your cell phone, or turn off T.V., then turn on light… what is turn on?58Ss: ?? {turn on}59T: Right, the opposite of turn off. ??, ??, ??,?? {turn on, turn off, turn on, turn off}Good, and turn off that light … light, we can turn off the light, good and the next word (three pictures are shown on the screen), there are three pictures here (teacher points to the pictures) where is this?60Ss: Wedding ll café61 T: café, restaurant, in a street… then the next one?62Ss: bus63T: bus, good, on the bus64Ss: [inaudible]65T: There is no wedding dress… and how about this one?66Ss: library67T: yes, library, library, so what are the common thing… same thing?68S: Many people69T: Many people and very open… good, the English word is public place (‘public place’ appears on the screen above the picture), in Korean?70Ss: ???? {public place}71 T: ???? {public place}. Repeat after me. Public place72Ss: Public place73T: So, how.. how about your room? Is your room a public place?74Ss: [inaudible] ll No.75T: No. How about your school? Is public place?76Ss: It’s public place II Yes.77T: Yes. Good. Good job. And (a picture shown on screen) next one. (pointing to the screen) Who is she?78Ss: [inaudible] II ???? {The pop group ‘Girl’s Generation’}79T: ???? {The pop group ‘Girl’s Generation’}. Yes. They are looking at… ?? {rules}. What is ?? {rules} in English?80 Ss: …Rule81T: Rule, right. So rule and (‘rule’ appears on the screen above the picture) repeat after me, rule.82Ss: Rule.83T: Rule. In Korean? 84Ss: II ??{rules}85T: Of course, ??{rules}. Uhh.. where do we have rules? Where?.. do we need a rules?86Ss: [inaudible]87T: When we play game, do we need a rules?88Ss: [inaudible]89T: Yes?90Ss: yes91T: Yes. Uhh.. How about your school? (pointing to a student) Do you need.. a rule at school?92Ss: Yes.93T: Yes. Good. Uhh. .Okay, next one. (picture of desk arrangement with students roles appears on the screen). So now, we learned 6 words (gestures six with her fingers) with me (teacher points to herself).94S: Teacher95T: Do you remember all the words?96S: … probably…97T: Yes. But when I can’t remember the words, I usually take a picture with my phone, cell phone (teacher holds up her cell phone). So, now you are going to take a picture with a cell phone, in your group. Okay, there is a desk here. (teacher points to the picture on the screen) 98Ss: [inaudible] ll Teacher,??? ????? {Are we going to take pictures?}99T: Yes100Ss: Ohh!!101T: There is a desk.. and the person sitting here (teacher points to student) is student number one. So raise your hand if you are number one.. Student sitting here, number one.. in your group. Raise your hand.. One. 102Ss: one.. one? (number one students raise their hands)103T: Student number one, you are sitting.. the here, so you are the number one, and you are the number one (teacher points to the number one students who did not raise their hands). 104Ss: II ?? ?? ???. {You are number one}105T: Okay, then number two. Raise your hand. Number two?106Ss: [inaudible] II?????..{it must be Na Young}107T: Yes, raise your hand.. raise your hand..108S: (number two students raise their hands) ???.. ???..? {one or two}109T: Okay.. And number three?110Ss: [inaudible] II ???.. ???.. {three.. four}111T: Three? Three is here.112Ss: ?113T: The person sitting here is number three. Okay raise your hand if you are number three.114Ss: II? ????.. II ? ?? ?.. ?? {What about us ll What is this.. I don’t get it}.. (number three students raise their hands)115T: Yes, How about four?116S: ?? ??? ?? ?? {I am three and you are four}117T: Four. Number four.. Number four.. (teacher waves her hand indicating for number four students to raise their hands)118Ss: [inaudible] (number four students raise their hands)119T: And we have two.. ah, fives. Group two and group four. You are five.120S: Five121T: Okay? So I’m going to give you a role to each person, in your group. Okay, let’s look at the picture. ( a picture of a photographer taking a picture of a model with an assistant holding a lighting mirror is shown on the screen) Can you see..?122Ss: [inaudible] II Camera123T: Who is he? When we take a picture, who takes a picture?124S: Take125T: Who?126S: Model.127T: Yes. Student number one will be the photographer (teacher points to photographer in the picture). Okay? And student number two will be the assistant (teacher points to the assistant in the picture). Assistant. And number three and four and five, you will be the models (teacher points to the model in the picture). Okay?128Ss: [inaudible] ??.. II ?.. ??.. II ?.. ? ???.. II???.. II ?? ??.. ?? ??. {Oh ll Ah.. What is this? ll I don’t want to do this ll I don’t care ll I’m five.. you are five}129T: So, let me check your role. Who is in.. ah, who is photographer in your group.. Raise your hand, photographer130Ss: [inaudible] (photographers raise their hands)131T: Photographer. Just photographer. And assistant. Raise your hand if you are the assistant. 132Ss: [inaudible] (assistants raise their hands)133T: Assistant. Helper. Helper, Models, models. Raise your hand, models134S: ? ? ??.. ? ? { three, four, both of you .. three four} (models raise their hands)135T: Yes.. Numbers three, four and five are all models.. Yes. You are the models.136Ss: II ? ???? II?? ??II??? ?? ????? ??.. {What’s going on? ll You are four ll Number one takes the pictures and you guys are the model }137T: Yes you are the models. Good. And.. uh, I will show you how we’re going to do. How we’re going to do. And I’m going to give you one envelope to each group, so, pick one (teacher gets a student to choose one card from the envelope). What’s your word?138Ss: ?.. ?? ????.. {Oh.. You get a word…}139T: Turn off. So you have to take a picture.. and the model to do, show turn off. Okay? So, can you help me? Can you help me, just stand up..?140S: (student stands up)Appendix B: Act Labels and Description (Sinclair and Coulthard, 1992)center587375Source: Coulthard, Malcolm. Advances in spoken discourse analysis. London: Routledge, 1992.Source: Coulthard, Malcolm. Advances in spoken discourse analysis. London: Routledge, 1992.centertopSource: Coulthard, Malcolm. Advances in spoken discourse analysis. London: Routledge, 1992.centertopSource: Coulthard, Malcolm. Advances in spoken discourse analysis. London: Routledge, 1992.Appendix C: Discourse AnalysisExchange TypeInitiationActResponse ActFeedback ActEx.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)Now we are going to learn six, six important words will help you understand the reading. i1.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)How many words?elAnswering MoveSixrepFollow-up MoveSix wordsacc2.Boundary ExchangeFraming MoveOk ^m3.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)Let’s look at the screen.dirAnswering MoveNV(Ss look at the screen)rea4.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)What is this?elAnswering MoveiPhone ll SmartphonerepFollow-up MoveYes iPhone, smartphoneacc5.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)And what is this man doing with his cell phone?elAnswering MoveMessaging ll sending messagesrepFollow-up MoveRight… acc6.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)That’s in English… here...text message.i7.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)Repeat after me… text message.dirAnswering MoveText messagerep8.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)And in Korean?elAnswering Move?? ???{text message} repFollow-up Move?? ???{text message} acc9.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)so how many text messages do you send a day? How about Minhee, How many text messages do you send?elnelAnswering Move?????.. ??? ???{I only play games.. I have no friends}repFollow-up MoveNo? e10.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)How about Sungwon, How many?nelAnswering Move??????{I Kakaotalk}repFollow-up MoveYes, But you can count Kakaotalk messages too.ecl11.Bound Answering Move?? ??? ???{How can I count all that?}repFollow-up MoveMaybe 100 , 100 right?... com12.Boundary ExchangeFraming MoveOk^ m13.Boundary ExchangeFocusing MoveNext word… s14.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)Wow… There are three pictures here four plus five, and this man doesn’t have money and the man with a question markcomi15.Teaching ExchangeelicitingOpening move (Elicit)… So…what can be the word for these pictures? … It’s kind of ????…{riddle}…elclAnswering MoveMoneyrepFollow-up MoveYeah… Don’t have money and four plus five …evcl16.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)Ok, I will give you the word… problemiAnswering Movell Problem ll Ahhh…ack17.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)In Korean?...elAnswering Move??{problem}repFollow-up Move?? ? {yes, problem} acc18.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)So, repeat after me, problem.dirAnswering MoveProblemrep19.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)So, do you have problems in your life?elAnswering MoveYesrepFollow-up MoveYesacc20.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)What kind of problems do you have?elAnswering MoveStudyrepFollow-up MoveStudyacc21.BoundAnswering MoveTest take, testrepFollow-up MoveTest, right… And your friend’s problem or your family problem right… Yes, good... evcomacc22.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)And when we have a problem what do we have to do ?elAnswering MoveUmmm… ??{solve}repFollow-up MoveGood, We have to find the answer right? acccom23.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)So, the word is ‘solve’. SolveiAnswering MoveAhhhack24.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)Repeat after me, solve.dirAnswering MoveSolve rep25.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)In Korean?elAnswering Move????{to solve}repFollow-up Move???? {to solve}acc26.Boundary ExchangeFraming MoveOk ,good^m27.Boundary ExchangeFocusing MoveAnd next one…s28.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)Where can you see this picture?elAnswering Moveoffrep29.Teaching ExchangeEliciting Opening move (Elicit)on your?… where can you see? Computer, right? So this finger is pointing which button?elelelelAnswering Move [inaudible]rep30.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)Can you read?clAnswering MoveTurn offrepFollow-up MoveTurn off… turn off, good acc31.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)And in Korean?elAnswering Move??{turn off}repFollow-up Move?????… {turn off the power}… ev32.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)Ah, repeat after me, turn offdirAnswering MoveTurn offrep33.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)So what do we turn off?... What do you turn off?elAnswering MoveComputerrepFollow-up MoveComputeracc34.BoundAnswering MoveCell phonerepFollow-up MoveCell phoneacc35.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)How about that, that one?elAnswering Move??? ll T.V.{television} repFollow-up MoveTurn of T.V, acc36.Boundary ExchangeFraming MoveGood^m37.Boundary ExchangeFocusing MoveAnd then I will show you the picture…pictures38.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)turn off your cell phone, or turn off T.V., then turn on light… i 39.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)What is turn on?elAnswering Move??{turn on}repFollow-up MoveRight, The opposite of turn off. ??. ??. ??. ??. {turn on, turn off, turn on, turn off}Good, And turn off that light … light, we can turn off the light, acccomacccom40.Boundary ExchangeFraming Move Good^m41.Boundary ExchangeFocusing Move And the next word, there are three pictures here,s42.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)Where is this?elAnswering MoveWedding ll caférepFollow-up MoveCafé, Restaurant, in a street… acccom43.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)then the next one?elAnswering MovebusrepFollow-up Movebus, good, on the busacc44.boundAnswering Move [inaudible]comFollow-up MoveThere is no wedding dress… com45.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)And how about this one?elAnswering MoveLibraryrepFollow-up MoveYes, library, library acc46.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)So, what are the common thing… same thing?elAnswering MoveMany peoplerepFollow-up MoveMany people and very open… good, acc47.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)The English word is public placei48.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)In Korean?elAnswering Move????{public place}repFollow-up Move????{public place}. acc49.Teaching ExchangeDirecting Opening Move (Direct)Repeat after me, Public placedirAnswering MovePublic placerep50.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)So, how.. how about your room? Is your room a public place?elelAnswering Move [inaudible] ll NorepFollow-up MoveNoacc51.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)How about your school? Is public place?elelAnswering MoveIt’s public place II Yes.repFollow-up MoveYes. Good. acc52.Boundary ExchangeFraming MoveGood job^m53.Boundary ExchangeFocusing Move And next one.s54.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)Who is she?elAnswering Move [inaudible] II ????{The pop group ‘Girl’s Generation’}repFollow-up Move????{The pop group ‘Girl’s Generation’}. Yes. acc55.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)They are looking at… ?? {rules}.cl56.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)What is ??{rules}. in English?elAnswering Move…RulerepFollow-up MoveRule, right. So ruleacc57.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)And repeat after me, ruledirAnswering MoveRulerepFollow-up MoveRuleacc58.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)In Korean?elAnswering Move??{rules}.repFollow-up MoveOf course, ??. {rules}.acc59.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)Uhh.. where do we have rules? Where?.. do we need a rules?elelAnswering Move [inaudible]rep60.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)When we play game, do we need a rules?elAnswering Move [inaudible]rep61.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)Yes?elAnswering MoveYesrepFollow-up MoveYes. acc62.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)Uhh.. How about your school? Do you need.. a rule at school?elelAnswering MoveYesrepFollow-up MoveYes. Good. acc63.Boundary ExchangeFraming Move Uhh. .Okay^m64.Boundary ExchangeFocusing Move Next ones65.Teaching ExchangeInforming Opening move (Inform)So now, we learned 6 words with meiAnswering MoveTeacherack66.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)Do you remember all the words?elAnswering MoveProbablyrepFollow-up MoveYes. But when I can’t remember the words, I usually take a picture with my phone, cell phone acccom67.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)So, now you are going to take a picture with a cell phone, in your group. Okay, there is a desk here.i68.Teaching ExchangeEliciting (pupil)Opening move (Pupil Elicit) [inaudible] ll Teacher,??? ?????{Are we going to take pictures?}elAnswering Move(Teacher Response)YesrepFollow-up Move (Pupil Follow-up)Ohhhack69.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)There is a desk.. and the person sitting here (teacher points to student) is student number one. i70.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)So raise your hand if you are number one.. Student sitting here, number one.. in your group. Raise your hand.. One.dirIdirAnswering MoveOne.. one? NV(Some number one students raise their hands)ackrea71.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)Student number one, you are sitting.. the here, so you are the number one, and you are the number oneiAnswering Move?? ?? ???.{You are number one}NV(The remaining number one students raise their hands)ackrea 72.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)Okay then number two raise your hand. Number two?dir73.BoundAnswering Move [inaudible] II?????....{it must be Na Young}zFollow-up MoveYesacc74.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)Raise your hand.. raise your hand..dirAnswering Move NV(number two students raise their hands) ???.. ???..?{one or two}reaackFollow-up MoveOkay acc75.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)And number three?elAnswering Move [inaudible] II ???.. ???..{three.. four}z76.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)Three? Three is here.iAnswering Move? {Oh..}ack77.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)The person sitting here is number three.i78.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)Okay raise your hand if you are number threedirAnswering Move? ????.. II ? ?? ?.. ??.. {What about us ll What is this.. I don’t get it}.. NV(number three students raise their hands)zreaFollow-up MoveYesacc79.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)How about four?elAnswering Move?? ??? ?? ??{I am three and you are four}z80.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)Four. Number four.. Number four..dirAnswering Move NV(number four students raise their hands)rea81.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)And we have two.. ah, fives. Group two and group four. You are five.iAnswering Movefiveack82.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)Okay?ch83.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)So I’m going to give you a role to each person, in your group. i84.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)Okay, let’s look at the picture.dir85.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)Can you see..?elAnswering Movecamerarep86.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)Who is he? When we take a picture, who takes a picture?elelAnswering MoveTakerepFollow-up MoveWho?ev87.BoundAnswering MovemodelrepFollow-up MoveYes.ev88.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)Student number one will be the photographer, and student number two will be the assistant, assistant. And number three and four and five, you will be the models Okay?iichAnswering Move??.. II ?.. ??.. II ?.. ? ???.. II???.. II?? ??.. ?? ??.{Oh ll Ah.. What is this? ll I don’t want to do this ll I don’t care ll I’m five.. you are five}z89.Boundary ExchangeFraming Move So^m90.Boundary ExchangeFocusing Move Let me check your role.s91.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)Who is in.. Ah, who is photographer in your group?el92.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)Raise your hand, photographerdirAnswering Move [inaudible] NV(photographers raise their hands)ackreaFollow-up MovePhotographer. Just photographer.evcom93.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)And assistant. Raise your hand if you are the assistantdirAnswering Move [inaudible] NV(assistants raise their hands)ackreaFollow-up MoveAssistant. Helper. Helperevcom94.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)Models, models. Raise your hand, modelsdirAnswering Move? ? ??.. ? ?{ three, four, both of you .. three four} NV(models raise their hands)zreaFollow-up MoveYesacc95.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)Numbers three, four and five are all models.. Yes. You are the modelsiiAnswering MoveII ? ???? II?? ??II??? ?? ?? II ??? ??.. {What’s going on? ll You are four ll Number one takes the pictures and you guys are the model }zFollow-up MoveYes you are the models. Good. acc96.Boundary ExchangeFraming Move Good^m97.Boundary ExchangeFocusing Move And.. uh, I will show you how we’re going to do. How we’re going to do.s98.Teaching ExchangeInformingOpening move (Inform)And I’m going to give you one envelope to each group, i99.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)So, pick one.dirAnswering MoveNV(Student chooses one strip from the envelope)rea100.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)What’s your word?elAnswering Move?.. ?? ????..{Oh.. You get a word…}repFollow-up MoveTurn off. ev101.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)So you have to take a picture.. and the model to do, show turn off.Okay? dirch102.Teaching ExchangeElicitingOpening move (Elicit)So, can you help me? Can you help me? el/nel/n103.Teaching ExchangeDirectingOpening move (Direct)just stand updirAnswering MoveNV (student stands up)rea104. ................

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