STANDARD 1: The student uses the reading process effectively.

1. The student uses a table of contents, index, headings, captions, illustrations, and major

words to anticipate or predict content and purpose of a reading selection.


Level 3

(Students analyze pictures for meaning on pages 1-9 (Forms A and B)

(Students use illustrations to add to meaning of reading passages on pages 16, 18,

21(Form A) and pages 16-18, 22 (Form B).

(Students can use titles to predict meaning on page 17 (Form A) and pages 17, 19 (Form


GRADE Resource Library:

Level 3

(WORKSHEETS: Comprehension, 3PC-W01a through 3PCW07eAK, 3SC-W01a

through 3SCj-W05dAK

(ACTIVITIES: Comprehension, 3PC-A01a through ePC-A01m

Weekly Reader:

Level 3:

(Example: March 15, 2002: Student issue is illustrated with brightly colored and relevant

pictures and maps that can stimulate class discussion. In addition, creative titles can

promote discussion before students read accompanying articles. After students read the

articles, teachers can initiate discussion of title significance.

(Example: March 15, 2002: Page 1, Student issue and corresponding material on Page 1

of Teacher’s Guide. Students view and discuss cover picture of issue, predicting

significance of different aspects of photo. After students have finished reading the

story, teachers should revisit predictions and discuss in light of content read.

(Florida State Reading Standards, Grade 3, Standard 1, Cont.)

2. The student selects from a variety of simple strategies, including the use of phonics,

word structure, context clues, self-questioning, confirming simple predictions, retelling,

and using visual cues, to identify words and construct meaning from various texts,

illustrations, graphics, and charts.


Level 3

(Students match spoken words to illustrations on pages 1-9 (Forms A and B).

(Students identify written words on pages 10-11 (Forms A and B).

(Students use context clues to select the appropriate word to complete a sentence on

pages 12-13 (Forms A and B).

(Students use word structure, context, and vocabulary skills to determine meanings of

words on pages 14-15 (Forms A and B).

(Students read short passages and construct meaning from text, using titles and

illustrations as additional clues to meaning, on pages 16-23 (Forms A and B).

GRADE Resource Library:

Level 3

(WORKSHEETS: Word Reading/Decoding, 3WR-W02a through 3WR-W03bAK, 3WR-

W05, 3WR-W08a through 3WR-W09bAK

(WORKSHEETS: Vocabulary Building, 3Voc-W01 through 3Voc-W10cAK

(WORKSHEETS: Comprehension, 3PC-W01a through3PC-W07eAK, 3SC-W01a

through 3SC-W05dAK

(ACTIVITIES: Word Reading/Decoding, 3WR-A01a through 3WR-A06b

(ACTIVITIES: Vocabulary Building, 3VOC-A01 through 3VOC-A09

(ACTIVITIES: Comprehension, 3PC-A01a through 3PC-A01m and 3SC-A01 through


Weekly Reader

Level 3

(Issues contain informative, stimulating illustrations and graphics that help students

identify key words and content.

(Reading Assessment tests included on this level include understanding meaning of

graphics and words in context. See Weekly Reader March 15, 2002 issue, Spring

Reading Assessment.

(Florida State Reading Standards, Grade 3, Standard 1, Cont.)

3. The student uses simple strategies to determine meaning and increase vocabulary for

reading, including the use of prefixes, suffixes, root words, multiple meanings,

antonyms, synonyms, and word relationships.


Level 3

(Students select synonyms for given words on pages 14-15 (Forms A and B).

(Students identify meanings for idioms and other words and phrases in context on pages

18, 22 (Form A) and page 22 (Form B).

GRADE Resource Library:

Level 3

(WORKSHEETS: Vocabulary Building, 3Voc-W01 through3Voc-W10cAK.

(ACTIVITIES: Vocabulary Building, 3Voc-A01 through 3Voc-A09.

Weekly Reader:

Level 3:

(In the March 15, 2002, Student Issue, students are given two lists of homophones to

match, making them aware of multiple spellings and meanings for similar-sounding


4. The student clarifies understanding by rereading, self-correction, summarizing,

checking other sources, and class or group discussion.

GRADE Resource Library:

(WORKSHEETS: Comprehension, 3PC-W01a through 3PC-W07eAK and 3SC-W01a

through 3SC-W05dAK

(ACTIVITIES: Comprehension, 3PC-A01a through 3PC-A01m, and 3SC-A04 through


Weekly Reader:

Level 3

(In the March 15, 2002, Teacher’s Guide, page 1, students are invited to make

predictions based on a picture before reading a story. After reading, the teacher leads a

discussion checking students’ predictions.

(See also “Check Reading Comprehension” and “Conduct a Classroom Discussion” on

page 2 of the March 15, 2002, Teacher’s Guide.

(Florida State Reading Standards, Grade 3, Cont.)

STANDARD 2: The student constructs meaning from a

wide range of texts.

1. The student reads text and determines the main idea or essential message, identifies

relevant supporting details and facts, and arranges events in chronological order.


Level 3

(Students match main idea from a spoken sentence to a picture, pages 1-9 (Forms A and


( Students read short passages and determine main idea of text on pages 16-23 (Forms A

and B).

GRADE Resource Library:

Level 3

(WORKSHEETS: Comprehension, 3PC-W01a through 3PC-W07eAK

(ACTIVITIES: Comprehension, 3PC-A01a through 3PC-A01m

Weekly Reader:

Level 3

(Questions in the Teacher’s Guide help students to focus on main and supporting details

of the material presented.

2. The student identifies the author’s purpose in a simple text.


Level 3

(Questions after reading selections challenge students to determine author’s purpose.

See Form A pages 19 (#3), 21 (#1, 4), 22 (#3) and Form B pages 17 (#2), 21 (#1), 23


GRADE Resource Library:

Level 3

(ACTIVITIES: Comprehension, 3LC-A04a through 3LC-A04c.

(WORKSHEETS: Comprehension, 3PC-W01a through 3PCW07eAK

Weekly Reader:

Level 3

(In the sample March 15, 2002, issue, student readings are preceded by teacher-led

discussions of important terms and content. After students read the selections, teachers

direct discussion regarding main ideas and author’s purpose.

(Florida State Reading Standards, Grade 3, Standard 2, Cont.)

3. The student recognizes when a text is intended to persuade.


Level 3

(See page 19 (Form B)

4. The student identifies specific personal references relative to fiction and nonfiction


Not applicable to these programs.

5. The student reads and organizes information for a variety of purposes, including

making a report, conducting interviews, taking a test, and performing an authentic task.

GRADE Resource Library

Level 3:

(WORKSHEETS: Comprehension, 3PC-W02 through 3PC-W04bAK, 3PC-W07a

through 3PC-W07eAK

Weekly Reader

Level 3

(See example in Teacher’s Guide to the March 15, 2002 issue, page 2: “Create a


6. The student recognizes the difference between fact and opinion presented in a text.

GRADE Resource Library:

Level 3

(ACTIVITIES: Comprehension 3SC-A01 and 3LC-A04a through 3LC-A04c

7. The student recognizes the use of comparison and contrast in a text.

GRADE Resource Library:

Level 3

(ACTIVITIES: Comprehension, 3LC-A03

(Florida State Reading Standards, Grade 3, Standard 2, Cont.)

8. The student selects and uses a variety of appropriate reference materials, including

multiple representations of information, such as maps, charts and photos, to gather

information for research projects.

GRADE Resource Library:

Level 3

(WORKSHEETS: Comprehension, 3PC-W07d through 3PC-W07eAK

Weekly Reader

(In the Student Edition of the March 15, 2002, issue, students utilize a map of Africa and

the Congo region to answer geographic questions. This exercise follows a map and

photos of the same region.

(In the Teacher’s Guide of the same issue, additional internet sites are provided for

student or teacher reference.


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