Define the following words (put them into words you …

WLHS/Biology/Oppelt Name __________________________

Mini Semester Final Review Guide

PART I: Genetics

A. Using Punnett Squares to Predict the Outcomes of Crosses

The possible gene combinations in the offspring that result from a genetic cross can be determined by using a Punnett Square. Genes (represented by letters) of the parents are placed along the top and left side of a square, and the possible gene combinations are placed inside the square (the offspring).

A) Complete the table below to help you with problems 1-9. .

| Trait |Dominant Allele |Recessive Allele |

|Pod shape |Smooth (N) |Constricted (____) |

|Pod Color |Green (______) |Yellow (g) |

|Flower position |Axial (______) |Terminal (a) |

|Plant height |Tall (T) |Short (_____) |

******For EACH of the following problems******

1. If not given, list the genotypes of the parents

2. Create a Punnett square to help you solve the problem

3. List the genotypic ratios of the offspring

4. List the phenotypic ratios of the offspring

B) Complete the following ONE FACTOR CROSSES (aka monohybrid crosses). These are defined as genes involving one trait, such as seed coat color.

1. Nn x NN

2. Aa x aa

3. Tt x Tt

4. Cross two plants that are heterozygous for green pods. List all possible offspring.

5. Cross a plant that is heterozygous for axial flowers with a plant that has terminal flowers. List all possible offspring.

6. Cross a homozygous tall plant with a short plant. List all possible offspring.

7. Cross a plant that is heterozygous for smooth pods with a plant that has constricted pods. List all possible offspring.

8. When a tall plant is crossed with a short plant, some of the offspring are short.

a) What are the genotypes of the parents and the offspring?

b) What is the phenotypic ratio in the offspring?

9. Three-fourths of the plants produced by a cross between 2 unknown pea plants have axial flowers and ¼ have terminal flowers. What are the genotypes of the parent?

10. A cross between a brown guinea pig and a white guinea pig produces offspring that are all light brown in color.

a) What pattern of heredity is being exhibited? _____________________________________

b) Cross a light brown guinea pig with a brown guinea pig. List all possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring.

11. In rabbits, R=rough coats and r=smooth coats; B=brown coat color and b= white coat color. Cross two parents that are heterozygous for both traits. Give the phenotypes of the offspring (you do not need to list the genotypes).

12. A cross between a blue bird and a yellow bird produces what appears to be all green offspring. Upon closer inspection, the green offspring actually have individual blue and yellow feathers.

a) What pattern of heredity is being exhibited? _______________________________

b) Cross a green bird with a yellow bird. Give all possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring.

13. In cats, the allele B leads to black fur and b leads to yellow fur. However, Bb is tortoise-shell color (in other words, B and b are codominant). The gene for color is on the X chromosome. A tortoise-shell female is crossed with a black male.

a) What kinds of kittens would be expected?

b) Would you expect to find any tortoise-shell males?

14. In peas, the allele for tall plants is dominant over the allele for short plants. Also, purple flowers are dominant over white flowers. Cross a plant that is heterozygous tall, with white flowers, with a plant that is short, with heterozygous purple flowers. Give all phenotypes of the offspring (you do not need to list the genotypes).

15. Mary, who has blood type AO+ - , marries a man who has blood type BO + -. Complete a punnett square, and show the genotypic and phenotypic rations

16. Use the karyotype to the right to answer the following questions

A. What is the sex of this person? ______________________________

B. What chromosomal abnormality do they have? ____________________

C. What causes this abnormality? ________________________________

When does this happen? _____________________________

D. How many chromosomes does a normal karyotype have?

17. A. What is the diagram to the left called? _____________________________

B. What do squares mean? ___________ Circles?_____________

C. What is the relationship between Zachariah and Levy? ______________

D. What does half shaded mean? _____________________________

Using the pictures below, identify the stage in meiosis (Be specific) and identify at least 1 major occurrence during that phase. Then write down the correct order of each phase using the letters on this line


A. Phase name________________ B. Phase name ______________ C. Phase name ______________

What goes on? _____________ What goes on? ____________ What goes on? ________________

D. Phase name________________ E. Phase name ______________ F. Phase name ______________

What goes on? _____________ What goes on? ____________ What goes on? ________________

G. Phase name________________ H. Phase name ______________

What goes on? _____________ What goes on? ____________


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