Main headings and key words from Section B

Main headings and key words from Section B

• The context of Jesus’ birth – map of Holy Land

• The Roman Empire

• Why the Jews and Romans did not get along

• Messianic Expectation

• Ancient Judaism

• All political and religious structures:

• Sadduccees, Zealots, Pharisees, Essenes, Sanhedrin, Tax Collectors

• Temple

• Synagogue

• Evidence about Jesus

• Sources of evidence:

• The Bible, The Old Testament, The New Testament, Gospel, Evangelists

• The three stages that led to the Gospels:

• 1. actual events; 2. preaching of disciples (oral); 3. writing of Gospels (written)

• From oral and written tradition

• Difference between documents of faith and historical documents

• Historical sources of evidence about Jesus (Josephus, Tacitus)

• The four Gospel writers:

• Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

• Synoptic Gospels

• How John’s Gospel is different

• The Kingdom of God

• What a parable is

• Why Jesus used parables

• Some parables in detail and the message Jesus was teaching

• What a miracle is

• Four types of miracle

• Why Jesus used miracles

• Some miracles and their powerful effect

• Meaning and importance of table fellowship

• Example of Zacchaeus

• Meaning and importance of discipleship

• The first disciples

• Disciple/Apostle

• Teaching of Jesus in the Beatitudes

• Vocation:

• Parents, teenagers, church leaders, individuals

• Mission

• Conflict with authority

• Jesus and the Saduccees

• Jesus and the Pharisees

• The events of Holy Week:

• When and why and how Jesus entered Jerusalem

• Cleansing of Temple

• Teaching in the Temple

• Judas’ deal

• The Last Supper and why it was a meal in the Passover tradition

• The arrest

• The two trials

• The humiliation

• The Sations of the Cross

• Those left behind

• The Resurrection & the appearances - as told by the Gospels

• Transformation & Presence

• Events after the Resurrection

• Ascension – meaning and significance

• Pentecost – meaning and significance

• Missionary work

• The first Christian communities

• Why it was a dangerous time

• Martyrdom

• St Stephen

• The story of St Paul

• Map of early Christian communities

• How the ‘People of God’ were established

• Different names and titles Jesus was known by:

• Son of Man, Son of God, New Creation, Christ/Messiah


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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