Vocabulary Root Words - Administration

Vocabulary Root Words

Keep this list in your notebook.

Latin roots are present in many of our English language words, especially in science. Whenever you encounter a new term in this class you break down the word into its parts and use these prefixes, suffixes, and stems to figure out its meaning. You will have a vocabulary quiz EVERY Tuesday, beginning with your first quiz on the second Tuesday of the Semester

Section 1

a-, an- no; lacking; none -algia pain

ab- away from; out from amphibi- double life

ac- to; toward an- not; without

acou- hearing ana- up

adeno- gland angio vessel

agri- field, soil antho flower

-al having character of anti- against

alb- white

Section 2

anthropo- man

aqu- water bene- well; good

archaeo- primitive, ancient bi- two, twice

arthro- joint bio- life, living

aster; astro stars brachi- having arms

audi- hear branchi- having fins

auto- self bronchi- windpipe

baro- weight calor- heat

Section 3

cardi- heart chem- refers to chemistry

carpal wrist chlor- green

caud- tail chrom- color

cell- chamber -cide killing

centi- hundredth circum around, about

centr- center co- with, together

cephal- head cocc- seed

cervic- neck

Section 4

contra- against demi- half

cosmo- world; order dendr- tree

cotyl- cup dent- tooth

-cycly ring, circle derm- skin

cyst- bladder, pouch di- two

-cyte cell, receptacle dia- across

dactyl- finger digit finger, toe

deca- ten

Section 5

dis- apart, out en- in; into

dorm- sleep encephal- brain

dors- back end; ent within

-duct lead enter- intestines

echin- spiny, prickly ethno- race, people

eco- house extra- outside

ect- outside ex- out of

electro- electricity

Section 6

-fid; fis- divided, split geo- land; earth

-flect; -flex bend glob- ball; round

flor- flower -gon angle; corner

fluor- fluorine -gony generation

foli- leaf -grade step; division

fract- break grav- heavy

galact- milk, milky fluid gymno- naked

gastro- stomach

Section 7

gyn- female hist- tissue

gyr- ring; circle homo- man; same/alike

hem- blood hydr- water

hepat- liver hypo- beneath, less

herb- grass hyper- above, over

hetero- different; other ichthy- fish

hex- six im- not

hibern- winter

Section 8

in- to, not, toward, into -less without

inter- between leuc- white; bright; light

intra- within, inside lingu- tongue

-ism a state or condition liqu- become fluid, liquid

iso- equal; same lip- fat

kilo- thousand -logy study of

lact- milk macr- large

lat- side; flat

Section 9

mamm- breast micro- small

marg- border; edge milli- thousandth

med- middle mis- wrong

meg- great; million mito- thread; filament

mela- black; dark mole- mass

mes- middle; half mono- one; single

meta- between; along mov- move

meteor- lofty; high; in air

Section 10

morph- shape; form nuc- center

mycel- threadlike ocul- eye

myria- many oct- eight

nemat- thread olf- smell

neo- new; recent omni- all

nephro- kidney oo- egg

noct- night opthal- eye

non- not

Section 11

orb- circle; ring -ped- foot

oscu- mouth pent- five

ov- egg per- through

oxy- sharp; acid; oxygen phag- feed; eat

paleo- old; ancient phil- living; fond of

palm- broad; flat photo- light

pan- all -phyll leaf

path- disease; suffering

Section 12

physi- nature ; qualities proto- first; primary

-phyt- plant pseud- false; deceptive

-pod foot pulmo- lung

poly- many; several pyr- heat; fire

pom- fruit quadr- four

pre- before; ahead of time quin- five

pro- forward; favoring re- again; back

procto- rectum; anus

Section 13

ren- kidney semi- half; partly

rhin- nose sept- partition; seven

rhiz- root sex- six

sapr- rotten sol- sun

scler- hard somn- sleep

sci- know spec- look at

-scope look; observe sphere- ball

-scribe write

Section 14

-spire breathe tarso- ankle

spore seed tax- arrangement

stell- stars tele- far off; at a distance

stern- breast; chest terr- earth

strat- layer tetr- four

sub- under; below therm- heat

sur- over; above; on top toxico- poison

sym; syn together

Section 15

trans- across vas- vessel

tri- three ventr- belly

troph- one who feeds; well fed vit- life

ultra- beyond zo- animal

ur- urine zygo- yolk


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