Word Morphs 3 - Lanternfish ESL


Find words that fit the clues by taking one word and adding, subtracting, replacing, or rearranging letters to make another word.

|Ex) |Replace a letter from a tree’s skin to get the opposite of front. |

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|1. |Replace a vowel in an archer’s weapon and rearrange to get a spider’s home. |

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|2. |Change a letter in winter weather and rearrange to get a thing that smells. |

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|3. |Delete a letter from a crab’s pincher to get a crow’s call. |

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|4. |Replace a letter in a forest animal and rearrange to get a thing you plant. |

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|5. |Replace a letter in a duck’s call to get another word for fast. |

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|6. |Replace a letter in a yellow vegetable to get a piece of metal money. |

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|7. |Add a letter to an owl’s call to get the present tense of shot. |

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|8. |Delete a letter from a mechanical man and rearrange to get footwear. |

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|9. |Change the last letter of a thing you ring to get a thing that holds pants up. |

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|10. |Add a letter to a space between things and rearrange to get a part of a book. |

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Answer key:

1. bow/web 2. snow/nose 3. claw/caw 4. deer/seed 5. quack/quick 6. corn/coin 7. hoot/shoot 8. robot/boot

9. bell/belt 10. gap/page


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