In this glossary, you’ll find definitions and …

In this glossary, you'll find definitions and pictures for words that you may not know, but that are in the story, "Podhu and Aruwa." The word may have other meanings as well, which you can find in a dictionary if you're interested.

Ojuok: a kind of cactus

Maize: corn

Row: a noisy quarrel

Kraal: an enclosed area Consternation: great distress; horror; panic

Millet: a kind of grain

Impudence: shameless boldness; disrespect

In this glossary, you'll find definitions and pictures for words that you may not know, but that are in the story, "Maurice's Room." The word may have other meanings as well, which you can find in a dictionary if you're interested.

Glistened: shined; sparkled

Mica: a shiny mineral

Inseparable : always together

Barricade: a barrier

Burrowed: dug a hole or tunneled

In this glossary, you'll find definitions and pictures for words that you may not know, but that are in the story, "The Prince and the Goose Girl." The word may have other meanings as well, which you can find in a dictionary if you're interested.

Common: open pasture that anyone can use

Civil: polite

Chit: a sassy girl

Poll: the top of the head

Trothed: engaged to be married

In this glossary, you'll find definitions and pictures for words that you may not know, but that are in the story, "The Bat-Poet." The word may have other meanings as well, which you can find in a dictionary if you're interested.

Peremptory; authoritative: bossy

Doesn't have the range: doesn't have a voice that can go both high and low enough

Cordially: in a friendly way

Vicinity: neighborhood

Try: investigate

Perplexed: puzzled

In this glossary, you'll find definitions and pictures for words that you may not know, but that are in the story, "Charles." The word may have other meanings as well, which you can find in a dictionary if you're interested.

Insolently: rudely

Incredulously: with disbelief

Reformation: a change for the better

Cynically: doubting the goodness and sincerity of others


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