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Agencies – detailed guidance for Workday COAContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc531009472 \h 2PTAEO to Workday COA Conversion - History PAGEREF _Toc531009473 \h 2Transactions Processed after July 1, 2017 PAGEREF _Toc531009474 \h 2Overview of Structure PAGEREF _Toc531009475 \h 2How to use Structure in Transactions PAGEREF _Toc531009476 \h 4IntroductionAgencies of Yale are non-Yale entities that do business within the Yale GL. For those working on the WD COA design for agencies, please note the following additional guidance. Please use this in connection with the following two foundational documents that are located on the WD COA website:WD COA DefinitionsBusiness Use Case GuideIn Workday, what we know as Agencies will be in an “agency” Company (i.e., a company that is not Yale University). Depending on the specific agency, it may have its own Company or may be combined in one aggregate company called “Other Agencies” (# CO08). These agencies will also have their own cost centers that are not Yale cost centers. Yale Cost Center numbers begin with “CCxxxx”; agency cost center numbers begin with “NCxxxx”. There are twelve companies in the general ledger, with the most commonly-used companies as follows:CO01Yale UniversityCO05Berkeley Divinity SchoolCO08Other AgenciesCO09Subordinates - Group Classes and ReunionPTAEO to Workday COA Conversion - HistoryThe mappings and tools from the July 2017 financial system conversion from Oracle to Workday were designed for historical financial information only and was only a starting point for the segments to be used starting July 2017. Do not use the COA conversion tools when determining the COA to use for any customers, especially agency accounts. Please reach out to the responsible business offices for any questions regarding final charging instructions.Transactions Processed after July 1, 2017Overview of StructureAgency purchases goods through Yale’s suppliers (A/P and Procurement) – this will follow the same process as any Yale department. The Company associated with the transaction in the header must be Yale University. The Cost Center at the line level must a non-Yale Cost Center, and where it is possible to modify the Company at the line level, the Company must also be non-Yale. Note that due to restrictions within some procurement business processes, it is not always possible to add Company at the line level; see temporary workaround information below.[Following is detailed system information for YU Central Finance]Use the Workday PO/Supplier Invoice processesThe user guide will specify exactly how to process the transaction for agencies and how to ensure that the appropriate data gets on the transaction. However, the transaction will reference thatYale is the responsible Company for paying the supplierExpense booked to Company other than Yale (the Agency Company)Expense booked to a non-Yale, Agency cost center (# begins with “NC”)Agency receives services from Yale ISPs - The Yale ISP will “bill out” their charges directly to the agency customer.The revenue category that will be used is one for external revenue, since the customer is not YaleThe expense side (debit) of the billing will be booked to the agency’s charging instructions with include a non-Yale Company and non-Yale cost center (# begins with “NC”) – spend category reflects the nature of the service provided.Payroll is involved - Yale employees provide services to the agency – Yale pays the employees, and it is funded by/billed to an agencyPayroll costing books the salary expense to YaleCompany = CO01 Yale UniversityCost Center – begins with letters “CC”. In order to provide agencies with detailed financial information to support the Yale Payroll charges billed to them, there will be a cost center within the Yale company for each non-Yale entity that is involved. These will all be marked as Agency Staffing.Program – will identify that the activity is “staffing to agencies”Yale “bills” the agency via a journal entryDebit (expense) to:Company – should be something other than CO01 (Yale University)Cost Center – should be an agency cost center that begins with the letters “NC” (not “CC”)Ledger Account/Spend Category – 72014 - Agency Staff Compensation with SC545Credit (recovers the payroll expense) to:Company = CO01 Yale UniversityCost Center = the Yale cost center that contains the payroll costing / salary expenseProgram = the program that contains the payroll costing / salary expenseLedger Account/Revenue Category – 72015 - Recovery of Staffing Provided to Agencies with RC183Agency represents contracted services – invoice is being issued via Workday accounts receivable (Customer Invoice):Send a bill. Use the Workday accounts receivable functionality and treat like any external customer of Yale. No agency company or cost centers involved.No use of “summary” agency cost centers inside of YaleAll Transactions between Companies – The system generates the due to/from between Yale and the Agency when a transaction has Yale on one side of the transaction and non-Yale on the other side. This will carry one and only one cost center per Company due to system limitations. At the individual cost center level for non-Yale entities, the net balance for each cost center is a “proxy” for the intercompany due to/from balance.How to use Structure in TransactionsNon-Payroll: The vast majority of transactions (except for payroll that used to be charged to agencies in labor costing allocation schedules) will be booked directly to non-Yale Cost Centers and their corresponding non-Yale Companies. The information below provides general information about how the Company/Cost Centers work together on different types of transactions. For full detail, please see the individual user guides for each business process/task:Cash Sales (old RIF) and Non-PO Supplier Invoices – these have both a “header” and “line” level – Header should contain the Yale Company (CO01); Line level needs the Agency Company and Agency Cost Center – this makes sure that the AP or Cash goes through Yale and the expense/revenue goes to the AgencyJournal entries – The Company in the header will always be Yale University. Company is also a field on the line level, and this is where the user must specify the Company for each transaction line.Where the full entry is within the Agency, the transaction will have the Agency Company and Cost Center on both/all lines (although the header will list Yale University).When processing a journal entry (spreadsheet upload or manual data entry) that crosses over Companies, the system will split that journal entry into two separate but connected entries. One entry will house the Yale side of the transaction; the other entry will house the non-Yale side of the transaction. To view the two entries, please pull up one of the journal entries in the system and click on the “Intercompany” tab. The embedded grid contains both entries.Advances, Expense reports (P-card and out of pocket), Requisitions/POs, Spend Authorizations, and Supplier Invoice Requests – these do not contain both a header and line level – there is only one Company field. There are multiple challenges in this area and have the following workarounds in place.As there are may issues with using a company other than Yale in Workday procurement processes, and in order to make sure that all invoices when submitted are routed to the correct cost centers, there is a new email to be used when submitting invoices for payment that use a company other than Yale: agency.invoices@yale.eduWhen processing the transaction, please put the Yale Company in the transaction along with the Agency Cost Center. This is the only instance where there is a “mismatch” between the company and cost center.Purchase Orders:? When creating POs for non-Yale companies, choose Yale as the company and a Requisition type that requires invoice review.? At the time of invoice review, return the invoice to AP and request that it be paid as a NonPO invoice with the appropriate non-Yale company.Expense Reports:? As the Company field must always be Yale University in the header of the transaction, and there is no Company field in the line level COA fields the only work around is to use Yale University and process a Journal Entry after the fact to move transactions to the appropriate non-Yale company.Supplier Invoice Requests (Check Requests):? As the Company field must always be Yale University in the header of the transaction, and there is no Company field in the line level COA fields, Agencies and non-Yale Company transactions should not be processed as a Supplier Invoice Request.? Process all transaction as “Non-PO” Supplier Invoices (OK2Pay invoices) so that the appropriate Company charging can be entered.?Include a TCN Check Request number on the transaction that can be used as the invoice number. If the transaction is processed with Yale University as the Company, process a Journal Entry to move the charges.Payroll transactions: Since employees get earning statements from Yale, the payroll costing all goes to a Yale Company and Yale Cost Center and is “billed” to the agency through a central allocation entry. Further details above.Payments made to/received from Agencies:Although agency accounts reside in the Yale accounting system, they are not part of Yale University. When recording payments made to or received from agencies, please make sure to use Spend and Revenue Categories that represent external expenses and income. (Do not use categories that start with “Internal Expense” or “Internal Income”.)For payments received from agencies to settle the net amount due to Yale – Revenue Category = RC239 – Payments Received from Non-Yale AgenciesFor payments made to agencies to settle the new amount due from Yale – Spend Category = SC295 – Subsidies. If this settlement is done via a journal entry, please use this same spend category with ledger account 81050. Subsidies is used on both the Yale and non-Yale side of the transaction. It can also be used when the non-Yale entity subsidizes/funds a Yale cost center or another non-Yale entity. ................

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