Template WIB Agenda

| | Yolo County Workforce Investment Board |

| | |

| |25 North Cottonwood Street One-Stop Career Center Locations |

| |Woodland, CA 95695 |

| |(530) 661-2750 Woodland |

| |West Sacramento |

| |(530) 661-2658 FAX 25 N. Cottonwood St. 500-A Jefferson Blvd., |

| |Building A |

| |(530) 661-2750 (916) 375-6200 |

| | |

|Board Members |Executive Committee |

| | |

| |February 26, 2014 |

|All Green Electronics | |

| |Committee: Ken Garrett, Gary Pelfrey, Kevin Ferreira, Art Rodriguez and Tico Zendejas |

|All Phase Security Inc. | |

| |Present: Ken Garrett, Gary Pelfrey, Art Rodriguez and Tico Zendejas |

|Buckhorn Steakhouse/ | |

|Putah Creek Café |Absent: Kevin Ferreira |

| | |

|California Dept. of |Staff: Tanya Provencher, Elaine Lytle, Lisa Vincent and Cyndi Sechler |

|Rehabilitation | |

| |Guest: Diane Parro, Board of Supervisor Deputy to Supervisor Saylor |

|California Employment |Maggie Campbell, WIB Member, Labor Representative |

|Development Department | |

| |Public Comment / Announcements – Non-Agenda Items |

|California Human Development |WIB members, staff, or the public may address the Workforce Investment Board Executive Committee on subjects relating to employment and |

| |training in Yolo County. A time limit may be imposed. No action may be taken on non-agenda items. |

|California Indian Manpower |Tanya Provencher introduced Elaine Lytle who will be taking over for her as Executive Director. |

|Consortium | |

| |Call to Order / Establish Quorum |

|Cambridge Junior College – |Meeting called to order at 8:27 a.m. with quorum present. |

|Woodland | |

| |Agenda Review and Order Approval |

|Capay Organic-Farm Fresh To |Tico Zendejas moved to approve the agenda; Gary Pelfrey seconded; motion passed. |

|You | |

| |Review/Approve the Executive Committee minutes of January 22, 2014 |

|City of Woodland Economic |Gary Pelfrey moved to approve minutes for January 22, 2014; Art Rodriguez seconded; motion passed. |

|Development | |

| |Recommend endorsement of the Letter of Support – Northern California ST2REAM Alliance |

|Clark Pacific |Gary Pelfrey moved to endorse the Letter of Support; Tico Zendejas seconded; motion passed. |

| | |

|County Fair Mall |Receive/Review results of the WIB Attendance Survey |

| |The results of the WIB Member Survey was handed out and discussed. |

|Cruickshank Farms | |

| |Review feedback from the 12 members that received letters regarding lack of attendance |

|DMC Mori |Lisa Vincent reported that we heard back from one member. |

| | |

|ERA Mata Realty |Receive/Review WIB membership/attendance tools |

| |Lisa Vincent handed out the WIB membership and attendance tool. The matrix and the membership categories were discussed. |

|Experience Works, Inc. | |

| |Recommend re-appointment of WIB Member/Older Americans Act/Senior Community Service Employment; Scharlene Reid/Experience Works, Inc. |

|Food Bank of Yolo County |Gary Pelfrey moved to approve the re-appointment of WIB Member/Older Americans Act/Senior Community Service Employment; Scharlene |

| |Reid/Experience Works, Inc.; Art Rodriguez seconded; motion passed. |

|Four Wheel & Six Pc | |

|Campers/Mobile Labs | |

| | |

|Home Depot-West Sacramento | |

| | |

|Home Depot-Woodland | |

| | |

|Los Rios Community College | |

|District | |

| | |

|Monsanto, Vegetable | |

| | |

|Nugget Market, Inc. | |

| | |

|Olam Tomato Processors | |

| | |

|Orchard Supply | |

|Hardware–Woodland | |

| | |

|Pride Industries | |

| | |

|Sacramento Central Labor | |

|Council (6) | |

| | |

|WalMart – West Sacramento | |

| | |

|West Sacramento Chamber of | |

|Commerce | |

| | |

|Western Truck School | |

| | |

|Woodland Aviation | |

| | |

|Woodland Community College | |

| | |

|Woodland Healthcare, Inc. | |

| | |

|Yolo County Department of | |

|Employment and Social Services| |

| | |

|Yolo County Housing | |

| | |

|Yolo County Office of | |

|Education | |

|Yolo Employment Services, Inc.| |

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Executive Committee Minutes

February 26, 2014

1. Recommend re-appointment of YYOC Member/Private Sector; Ken Garrett/All-Phase Security, Inc. and Aim U Nation

Gary Pelfrey moved to approve the re-appointment YYOC Member/Private Sector; Ken Garrett/All-Phase Security, Inc. and Aim U Nation; Tico Zendejas seconded; motion passed.

2. Recommend re-appointment of YYOC Member/Local Public Housing; Janis Holt/Yolo County Housing

Gary Pelfrey moved to approve the re-appointment of YYOC Member/Local Public Housing; Janis Holt/Yolo County Housing; Tico Zendejas seconded; motion passed.

3. Receive/Approve the Draft Workforce Investment Board Agenda for March 12, 2014

Art Rodriguez moved to approve the Draft Workforce Investment Board Agenda for March 12, 2014 with the addition of Gary Pelfrey’s presentation of Criminal Justice Employment; Tico Zendejas seconded; motion passed.

4. Receive Workforce Services Information Notice (WSIN) 13-39/New CalJOBSSM Service Codes

This Information Notice provides the workforce development community with a list of service codes available for use in the New CalJOBSSM Phase 1B system upon its launch scheduled for February 24, 2014.

5. Receive WSIN 13-40/2014 Building Workforce Partnership Conference

This Information Notice announces the 2014 Building Workforce Partnerships Conference, Shared Prosperity – Building a Middle Class Economy For All, held February 26-28, 2014.

6. Receive WSIN 13-41/Free Disability Related Educational Videos

This Information Notice announces the availability of two new series of disability-related educational videos released by the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR).

7. Receive WSIN 13-42/Local Grant Codes

This Information Notice clarifies the functionality of local grant codes (formerly known as the “900” series of grant codes) in the New CalJOBSSM .

8. Receive WSIN 13-43/New CalJOBSSM System Scan Cards

The purpose of this Information Notice is to inform the Local Workforce Investment Areas (Local Areas) about the Virtual OneStop VOScan® (VOScan) card technology the State, in partnership with Geographic Solutions Inc. (GSI), is making available as part of the New CalJOBSSM System.

9. Receive WSIN 13-44/New CalJOBSSM Phase 1B Conversion Plan

This Information Notice provides a summary of the plan for the conversion from the Job Training Automation (JTA) system to the new CalJOBSSM system during the Phase 1B Implementation.

10. Conference and Training Updates

Tanya Provencher/Elaine Lytle

a) January 28-30, 2014 will be the CWA’s Youth Employment Conference in Anaheim

• Judy Needham, WIA Supervisor

• Tico Zendejas, YYOC Chair and

• Lisa Vincent, WIA Program Analyst will be attending.

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Executive Committee Minutes

February 26, 2014

b) February 26-28, 2014 will be the Labor and Rapid Response Conference

• Judy Needham, WIA Supervisor

• Steve Roberts, WIA Employment Specialist

• Dan Silva, WIB Member/Labor Representative

c) April 22-24, 2014 will be the Spring Workforce Development Conference.

• Elaine Lytle, DESS Program Manager

• Gary Pelfrey, WIB Vice-Chair

11. CWA/WIA - Update

Tanya Provencher

• Business Outreach Committee will be starting in March.

• Professional Edge will be starting in March.

• We submitted the State Plan in September requesting to be considered a High Performance WIB; and Yolo did not get approved, but we will be working on an appeal.

• Congressman Garamendi’s Job Fair for the youth will be in June.

12. Reports:

a. Executive Director –Tanya Provencher/Elaine Lytle

Tanya handed out the Funding and Expenditure Status Report for fiscal year 2013-14 through January 31, 2014.

b. One-Stop – Art Rodriguez

Art reported the first meeting for the Business Outreach Committee will be on March 5, 2014. In the first meeting with the community partners, which include 3 city chambers, we will be discussing what direction the group wants to move in.

Art stated for the One-Stop Workshops he would like to invite employers, possibly WIB employers, to give a brief presentation on what they look for when they hire people.

c. Yolo Youth Opportunity Council – Tico Zendejas

Tico announced the Youth Council has two new youths, 1 from Davis and one from Esparto. We have met our

requirements, the roster has been sent off to the state and we asked if our finding could be cleared.

13. Other Business That May Come Before the Board


14. Adjourn

Tico Zendejas moved to adjourn the meeting; Gary Pelfrey seconded; meeting adjourned at 9:36 a.m.

Next Meeting

March 26, 2014

One-Stop Career Center – Davis Room, Woodland One-Stop

8:30-9:30 a.m.

Accommodation: In accordance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance, meeting materials to be in an alternative format, auxiliary aids, or other person to assist you while attending this meeting, we will provide reasonable accommodation to allow participation. Contact Cyndi Sechler at 916-375-6329 at least 3 business days prior to the meeting to facilitate arrangements.

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