ACT Health Staff working with Child and Youth Protection ...

Canberra Hospital and Health ServicesOperational Guideline ACT Health Staff working with Child & Youth Protection Services Contents TOC \h \z \t "Heading 1,1,Heading 2,2" Contents PAGEREF _Toc494967627 \h 1Guideline Statement PAGEREF _Toc494967628 \h 2Background PAGEREF _Toc494967629 \h 2Key Objective PAGEREF _Toc494967630 \h 2Alerts PAGEREF _Toc494967631 \h 2Community Health PAGEREF _Toc494967632 \h 3Scope PAGEREF _Toc494967633 \h 3Section 1 – CHHS Staff working with CYPS PAGEREF _Toc494967634 \h 3Section 2 – Prebirth Alert PAGEREF _Toc494967635 \h 5Section 3 – Emergency Action PAGEREF _Toc494967636 \h 6Section 4 – Meetings between ACT Health & Community Services Directorates PAGEREF _Toc494967637 \h 7Section 5 – Cross Border Information PAGEREF _Toc494967638 \h 8Section 6 – Contact Numbers PAGEREF _Toc494967639 \h 9Implementation PAGEREF _Toc494967640 \h 9Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Legislation PAGEREF _Toc494967641 \h 9References PAGEREF _Toc494967642 \h 10Definition of Terms PAGEREF _Toc494967643 \h 10Search Terms PAGEREF _Toc494967644 \h 10Attachments PAGEREF _Toc494967645 \h 11Attachment 1 – Prebirth Alerts Process at CHWC PAGEREF _Toc494967646 \h 12Attachment 2 – Parallel Work in the Emergency Action Process PAGEREF _Toc494967647 \h 13Guideline StatementBackgroundChild & Youth Protection Services (CYPS) is in the Community Services Directorate and is the statutory child protection agency which services the ACT region. CYPS has legislative responsibility under the?Children and Young People Act 2008?for facilitating and coordinating services across government for the care and protection of children and young people believed to be at risk of harm. This involves assessing risk and working with families and other professionals to resolve issues that compromise the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. Key ObjectiveThe purpose of this document is to provide information to CHHS staff regarding the nature of shared involvement and the responsibilities of staff across both Community Services and ACT Health Directorates when caring for neonates/children/young people who are clients of ACT Health and Child & Youth Protection services in acute and community health settings. Alerts Any safety concerns identified by CYPS or CHHS staff should be communicated to security. If there are imminent safety concerns call a code black or the Police in accordance with the Violence and Aggression by Patients, Consumers or Visitors: Prevention Management policy.Prior to any prenatal case conferences or emergency action (see Definitions), if the Clinical Nurse Consultant (CNC)/Clinical Midwifery Consultant (CMC)/Key Contact Officer or CYPS staff identify a security risk, they should:communicate any safety concerns to all relevant staff as early as possiblesend the CYPS Hospital Safety Plan (HSP) located in the clinical record, (see Definitions) to the Security Operations Manager requesting security staff at the time and place the interview will be held. During business hours the Hospital Safety Plan can be delivered by hand or scanned copies sent via email ( If they are not available, the CYPS Hospital Safety Plan should be forwarded to the Senior Manager of Protective Security Services for ACT Health. After hours, only contracted security staff are present on the hospital campus. HSP’s are not to be given to contracted security staff due to the sensitive nature of the information. All meetings should be held in Room 10, level 2 in the Centenary Hospital for Women and Children (CHWC) where there are two exits and duress alarms. In cases where the mother is too unwell to leave the ward area, joint discussions and decision making will be required between CYPS and the ward CNC/CMC to determine where the meeting should be held. Community HealthIn the community health setting consideration will be given to an environment that minimises distress or risk to other clients (especially families with young children) and provides dual exits. Back to Table of ContentsScopeWhilst this document mainly refers to CHHS staff working at the Canberra Hospital there may be circumstances when it applies to other health settings. This document applies to the following Canberra Hospital Health Services (CHHS) staff working within their scope of practice:Medical Officers Registered Nurses and MidwivesAllied Health ProfessionalsStudents working under supervisionAdministrative personnelSecurity personnelThese guidelines apply to neonates/children/young people up to the age of 18 years in receipt of health services who are being cared for at CHHS:who have involvement with CYPSare in the care of the Director-General of CYPSor pregnant women involved with CYPSBack to Table of ContentsSection 1 – CHHS Staff working with CYPSThe team leader of social work, maternity/ paediatric services is the Key Contact Officer for CYPS to contact regarding any CYPS related work including appraisals, emergency action and prenatal work. The Key Contact Officer operates during business hours 8:30am – 5pm.After business hours the responsibilities of the Key Contact Officer will be assumed by the After Hours Social worker 5:00pm-9:30pm then by the After Hours Hospital Manager 9:30 pm to 8:30 am.Key Contact Officer Responsibilities:after being contacted by CYPS staff, liaise with appropriate health staff and where necessary nominate an appropriate delegate to facilitate joint partnership workinform the CYPS worker of identified ACT Health staffduring business hours attend CYPS Case Conferences and discharge planning meetings and report back action plan items to relevant health staff. In the event that the Key Contact Officer is the Social Worker for the family another delegate from the social work team will assume the Key Contact Officer anise the booking of Room 10 in the Centenary Hospital for Women and Children (CHWC) for all interviews and conferences ensure all CHHS and CYPS staff are aware of duress alarm placement in rooms where interviews are held before the meeting commences during business hours notify the ADON/Assistant Director of Nursing & Midwifery (ADONM) that:an appraisal is in processthere are significant concerns where Emergency Action may be the outcome of the appraisal (See Section 3 for further information) andan inpatient bed may be needed for the neonate/child/young person.if a safety risk has been identified notify security of the time and place the interview or visit will be heldliaise with the appropriate CNC/ CMC of the ward where the infant, child or young person is an inpatientarrange an interpreter if necessary.The Clinical Nurse Consultant (CNC) / Clinical Midwife Consultant (CMC) /Team Leader responsibilities are to:ensure the CYPS documents, i.e. Hospital Safety Plan, Emergency Action Papers, or Pre-birth Alert are placed in the front of the patient’s clinical record. If available, a copy of the Child Protection Orders should be placed in front of the clinical records which can then be sighted by the Security Operations Managers as neededassess if there are any potential safety risks to ward staff and/or other patients organise a lock down of the Ward if there are ongoing security risk concernsattend the interview with parent(s) and CYPS case worker, if requiredliaise with the Health or CYPS Liaison Officers as needed who can assist with communication and negotiation between the directoratesAboriginal Liaison Officer (ALO) The ALO provides a consumer advocacy service within CHHS and community partners with the consent of the client. They liaise between individual Aboriginal clients, Winnunga Nimmityjah staff, the client's relatives/friends and other health and outside agencies appropriate to the child and families ongoing needs. They do not provide counselling services.CYPS Responsibilities in CHHSDuring business hours, prior to visiting the client in hospital, the CYPS staff will liaise with the Key Contact Officer about an appropriate time to attend the Ward, who they intend to interview or visit and the approximate duration of this visit. Upon arrival at the ward, the CYPS staff will report to the staff member nominated by the Key Contact Officer.The CHHS staff member should ensure that the CYPS staff:provides identificationprovides an update of any new information that staff may require (e.g. changes to parental responsibility, restrictions on visiting) AND copies of relevant documents e.g.: Court Orders, Emergency Action Papers, Safety Plans, Voluntary Care Agreementsinforms ward staff of any potential security risks to staff and/or other patients (if required)informs staff of identified safety risks as early as possible and documents them in the CYPS Hospital Safety Plan notify CHHS staff if ACT Together (out of home care agency) are responsible for any duties related to the neonate/child/young person’s care, contact or transport arrangementshave discussed the client’s circumstances with the social worker and documented in the clinical record the CYPS visit. CYPS staff may mark entries ‘IN CONFIDENCE’. Entries marked in this way will generally not be provided to clients if they request a copy of their medical record. However, if the clinical records are subpoenaed, the entire record is provided.Back to Table of ContentsSection 2 – Prebirth AlertAs part of the response to a prenatal report CYPS may issue a Prebirth Alert (PBA) to CHHS.The Children and Young People Act 2008 Section 362 allows a person to make a voluntary report to CYPS regarding a suspicion or belief that a child may be in need of care and protection once born, known as a Prenatal Report. A Prenatal Report allows CYPS to intervene early on a voluntary basis with the expectant mother, to reduce the likelihood that the child may be in need of care and protection after birth.Note:Not all pregnant women with a CYPS Prenatal Report will have a PBA. The PBA is completed by the CYPS delegate including the woman’s name and the date the alert was issued. The PBA may request that CYPS be notified if the woman presents for antenatal care, an appointment, in labour and/or when the child is born. Information requested will depend on the woman’s circumstances and information held by CYPS.Procedure for Prebirth AlertCYPS will email the PBA notification to identified staff within CHHS. This includes the ward clerk in Birthing inbox and the Pregnancy Enhancement Program (PEP) inbox The process for maternity at CHWC is as follows:Women who are booked to birth at the CHWC have their PBA filed in their antenatal notes by the ward clerk or PEP Midwife. The ward clerk in Birthing will file the PBA in the woman’s notes with a green coloured insert advising the staff of the presence of a PBA.Women who are not booked to birth at CHWC have their PBA form filed in the PBA unbooked folder in Birthing. It is the responsibility of CYPS to alert the Maternity Unit when an alert is withdrawn.The CYPS Prenatal Liaison Officer emails a weekly update of all women with a PBA alert to the maternity unit CMCs, the SCN and NICU CNC’s, CNM for Parenting Enhancement Program (PEPS)/Integrated Multiagency Parents & Children Together Program (IMPACT), the Social Work Department and the ward clerk in Birthing. The Ward Clerk files the PBA weekly update in the Birthing PBA folder. (See Attachment 1 Pre-birth alerts process at CHWC).Notification of appointment attendance/birth to CYPS:It is the responsibility of the health care professional who is providing care to the woman to notify CYPS of the woman’s appointment attendance/presentation to birth at the time. Phone CYPS intake line on 1300 556 728 available 24hrs 7days and document on PBA form following notification.Back to Table of ContentsSection 3 – Emergency ActionAt times a decision is made by CYPS to take Emergency Action while the neonate/child/young person is being cared for in CHHS. Emergency Action is taken under the provisions of the Children and Young People Amendment Act 2008. CYPS workers take such action when it is considered, on the basis of all the available evidence, that a child is in immediate need of care and protection, or likely to be, if immediate action is not taken. CYPS case workers make these decisions in consultation with CYPS supervisory staff. Acute SettingCYPS has the responsibility for providing and coordinating the statutory response to child protection concerns. CYPS is responsible for:advising the parents and child of the decision to take emergency actionproviding parents with information around the emergency action processremoving the child from the parentsdeciding on the level of contact the parent/s may have with their child and the level of supervision needed: andorganising alternative carers to care for the child while in hospital.CHHS Staff are responsible for:if a safety risk has been identified request hospital security attendance at the time and place the interview or visit will be heldcooperating with CYPS around Emergency Action processes. If deemed appropriate by CYPS staff, there will be an opportunity for discussion between CYPS and CHHS staff about the potential for Emergency Action. The discussion will focus on the practical details around the removal and any safety concerns but will not alter the plan to remove the child not engaging in any misleading behaviours with the parents around the removal of the neonate/child/young person in the Emergency Action process. E.g. telling the parents that the baby needed to be taken away for pathology testing when this is not the casecompassionately supporting the parent/carer during this highly emotive and stressful event when required, escorting CYPS staff and the neonate/child/young person to the appropriate ward in the Hospital if the infant or child is to remain an inpatient. If further assistance is required, liaise with the Health or CYPS Liaison Officers. Please see Attachment 2, Parallel Work in the Emergency Action munity SettingAt times a child and parent/carer may present to a community health service and concerns are identified for that child which would warrant the clinician to make an immediate child concern report. If CYPS takes Emergency Action in the Community Health setting:the clinician should seek assistance from other colleagues on site to appropriately manage the situation and inform the team leader or manager of the areathe team leader or manager may be requested to provide onsite support or facilitate the rearrangement of the clinic schedule or delegate the responsibilitiesif required, the team leader, manager or delegate will escort the Police or CYPS Staff to an interview room if further assistance is required, liaise with the Health or CYPS Liaison Officers Back to Table of ContentsSection 4 – Meetings between ACT Health & Community Services DirectoratesA variety of joint meetings can occur between the ACT Health and the Community Services Directorates. These may include: A professionals meeting to outline child protection involvement, delegate and clarify roles and responsibilities. The meeting can be convened by either CYPS or ACT Health staff and should include the Key Contact Officer. Whoever convenes the meeting is responsible for inviting members, chairing, taking minutes and distributing minutes and action plans to attendees. This can occur throughout the child’s admission or when planning for discharge. A Child and Youth Protection Services Case conference (CYPS CC)This is a meeting arranged by the CYPS Case Conferencing Unit or a Team Leader and may involve CHHS Staff. A care team of key people who are involved in the case management of a child and their family is declared which allows for information sharing. The meeting is chaired by a person who is independent to the case management structure in CYPS (known as an Independent Chair or Team Leader). Actions and decisions from case conferences are to be recorded by the Chair and provided to participants following the meeting.A Prenatal Case conference A Prenatal Child Protection Case Conference can be chaired by a member of the Case Conferencing Unit or a Team Leader and may involve CHHS Staff. This type of case conference is a preventative measure available to CYPS staff working with a client who is pregnant as a means of linking in relevant supports. The aim of the conference is to involve the expectant parents, extended family members, CYPS and the relevant professionals in the development of an Action Plan. This is to address child protection concerns for the unborn child with a view to reducing risk to the child once born. Through this case conference, goals and objectives will be established with responsibilities and time-frames for actions assigned to the relevant agencies. If the woman has given consent to work with CYPS she can attend this meeting with her supports. Depending on the circumstances it may not be possible to proceed with conferencing due to restrictions around information sharing under the legislation. To facilitate the attendance of key hospital staff, Thursday mornings have been set aside for prenatal case conferences. This does not preclude the ability to call extraordinary meetings as required. The Key Contact Officer will arrange room bookings for meetings. Alternatively the Personal Assistant to the Director of Nursing and Midwifery, the Personal Assistant to the Executive Director on 6174 7389 or the ACT Health - CYPS Liaison Officer can assist in this task.Back to Table of ContentsSection 5 – Cross Border InformationIf a child presents to CHHS and ordinarily resides in NSW and it is suspected, on reasonable grounds, that the child or young person has or is at risk of being neglected, physically, sexually or emotionally abused, the staff member should report this to CYPS. It is highly recommended that the staff member also report this to NSW Family and Community Services (FACS) formerly known as Department of Community Services (DOCS) Child Protection?Helpline on 132 111. Back to Table of ContentsSection 6 – Contact NumbersCYPS contacts:child CYPS Intake - 1300 556 728CYPS Liaison - 0434 603 702NSW Child Protection?Helpline on 132 111CYPS Prenatal Liaison/IMPACT Liaison- 6205 5352ACT Health Contacts:Key contact Officer - 0401 075 727 Health Liaison - 0439 415 820Security Operations Manager - 0407 465 844Canberra Hospital Security Supervisor: Mon-Fri - 0409 305 773Canberra Hospital Security Senior Guard, 24/7 - 0418 726 253Canberra Hospital Switch (who contact security via radio) - 6244-2222Employee Assistance Program 1300 361 008 (24/7)Back to Table of ContentsImplementation This guideline will be incorporated into relevant orientation programs, discussed at ward level in-service education, at CNC and CMC meetings at the CHWC and emailed to staff working in this area. Back to Table of ContentsRelated Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and LegislationPoliciesChild Protection PolicyACT Government Protective Security Policy FrameworkViolence and Aggression by Patients, Consumers or Visitors: Prevention and Management Policy.ACT Government Protective Security Policy FrameworkACT Health Protective Security PolicyACT Health Personnel Security ProcedureProceduresChild Protection ProcedureLegislationThe Children and Young People Act 2008 Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997Back to Table of ContentsReferencesKeeping Children and Young People Safe – A shared community responsibility October 2008 dhcs..auBack to Table of ContentsDefinition of TermsHospital Safety Plan The Hospital Safety Plan is a template or guide that CYPS staff complete.?This is at the discretion of CYPS and may not be relevant to all patients.The purpose of this plan is to: assist ACT Health staff working in the hospital to plan for the optimal safety and wellbeing for neonates, children and young people throughout their admission;ensure that hospital staff are aware of what to do if a neonate, child/young person is taken from or leaves the ward without permission; andensure that hospital staff are aware of all relevant issues and constraints. It is intended that the Hospital Safety Plan will be completed by the CYPS caseworker soon after the neonate is born or the child/young person is admitted to hospital and the plan is kept in the child’s notes. The plan will be updated by CYPS as required throughout the child’s admission.? A Hospital Safety Plan cannot be put in place for an unborn child.Back to Table of ContentsSearch Terms Children, Child and Youth Protection Services, CYPS, Emergency Action, Pre-birth alert, Community Services Directorate, Hospital Safety Plan, Young People, Prenatal ReportBack to Table of ContentsAttachmentsAttachment 1 – Prebirth Alerts Process at CHWCAttachment 2 – Parallel Work in the Emergency Action ProcessDisclaimer: This document has been developed by Health Directorate, Canberra Hospital and Health Services specifically for its own use. Use of this document and any reliance on the information contained therein by any third party is at his or her own risk and Health Directorate assumes no responsibility whatsoever.(to be completed by the HCID Policy Team)Date AmendedSection AmendedApproved ByEg: 17 August 2014Section 1ED/CHHSPC ChairAttachment 1 – Prebirth Alerts Process at CHWCAttachment 2 – Parallel Work in the Emergency Action Process ................

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