Treatment: What will go into your film treatment

TreatmentWORKING TITLE: Star Wars Battlefront 2: Custom RoadmapTARGET AUDIENCE: - The demographic for my roadmap would be aimed towards 18-25 year old who regularly play star wars battlefront, and use social media. The main social Medias that I will use to promote my roadmap will be Reddit and Twitter.SUMMARY OF RESEARCH: The most important information that I found about was that the type of social media platform I upload to is crucial as this is what my target audience will be seeing my product on. Another important key piece of information that I gathered is that it must tailor to what the audience is looking for which is why when designing the roadmap I will include gameplay elements that the player-base want to see. YOUR PRODUCT:So for my idea I will be creating a roadmap for a game called Star Wars Battlefront 2 that will show the upcoming updates that the game will receive. I will then post this to Reddit as this is where most of the star wars gamers are. The colours will mimic the actual star wars logo, and also be similar to what EA use for their roadmaps.PROPS/RESOURCES/EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS/LOCATIONS/CASTJust a computer and the program affinity designer.BUDGETAll of it was free ................

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