The Great Gatsby - Symbolism - Ed W. Clark High School

The Great Gatsby - Symbolism

Part 1: Small Group Analysis

- The class will be broken into 10 groups and each group will randomly select symbols for in-depth analysis. In your small group, you are responsible for tracking and explaining the significance of your symbol to the rest of the class. Working together, you will turn in an informal analysis with at least 3 quotes and page numbers and explanation of each quote, plus an overall explanation of the role and meaning of these symbols. Also include a discussion question for the class regarding your symbols.

Part 2: Whole Class Presentation

- Each group will come up and teach the class about their symbols. This involves telling them the symbol, sharing your quotes and page numbers, explaining the quotes and meaning, and leading a discussion/answering questions from the class.

- As the groups are presenting, your job as an audience member is to take notes on the symbols and quotes – they are essentially doing a lot of the groundwork for your individual essay!

Part 3: Individual Symbolism Essay

- Books and essay due Wednesday 5/6 (A) or Thursday 5/10 (B)!

- 75 points – must be typed, 1.5 or double spaced, have a creative title, at least 5 paragraphs, include a thesis statement, have at least one quote per body paragraph (total 3) with page #. Grammar and essay organization count!

- You will choose 3 symbols from the ones presented. The total list is:

Wolfsheim’s cuff links The color white

Green light at end of Daisy’s dock The color green

TJ Eckelberg’s eyes The color gold/yellow

Ash heaps Nick’s career/Gatsby’s career

Weather Dan Cody/Cody’s yacht

Time/Clocks Faded timetable w/names of Gatsby’s guests

Gatsby’s car/Gatsby’s clothes Gatsby’s parties

East Egg vs. West Egg Wealth/money

Midwest vs. New York Alcohol

*You will NOT receive an A if you just pick 3 symbols and do not connect them together in your essay. You must select three that work together to illustrate an overarching theme of the novel. For example, a good thesis structure might be: “The symbols of __________, ___________, and

____________ work together in The Great Gatsby to show ____________________________.”

You MAY use the symbols you worked on in Part 1. However, extra thought, expanded explanation, creative (yet logical) interpretations are an integral part of writing your essay – this should NOT just be a recap of other groups’ work! Think about how the different pieces (symbols, setting, character development) work together to show the larger themes of The Great Gatsby.

5 |Thesis is barely apparent or only vaguely addresses the prompt |Lacks or has barely apparent organization, transitions, and/or formatting |Lacks relevant support and/or adequate connection to thesis |2 |Quotes are poorly attempted or are not attempted at all |2 |Flaws in spelling, capitalization, grammar, etc make the paper incomprehensible | |9 |Thesis is partially on topic, weakly stated and/or misplaced |Mostly lacks clear organization and transitions and/or formatting is incorrect. |Support attempts but is mostly unsuccessful into emphasize main points and thesis |5 |Quotes attempted but barely support analysis and/or are used or cited incorrectly |4 |Flaws in spelling, capitalization, grammar, etc., are distracting for the reader | |12 |Thesis mostly addresses the prompt and/or thesis is slightly misplaced |Somewhat lacks clear organization and transitions and/or formatting is incorrect |Support somewhat emphasizes main points and thesis but does not entirely succeed |9 |Quotes are used but are somewhat inadequate in supporting analysis and/ or lack appropriate citation |5 |Obvious flaws in spelling, capitalization, grammar, etc | |15 |Correctly placed thesis that addresses the prompt but may lack originality |Organization flows naturally but has transition problems or minor formatting errors |Support mainly emphasizes points and thesis but does not entirely succeed |11 |Quotes are incorporated somewhat smoothly to support analysis and are mostly cited correctly |7 |A few errors in spelling, capitalization, grammar, etc. | |18 |Correctly placed thesis that creatively addresses the prompt |Organization flows naturally, ideas transition well, and formatting is correct |Support is relevant, clearly emphasizes main points, and relates to thesis |13 |Quotes are incorporated smoothly to support analysis and cited correctly |8 |Nearly perfect spelling, capitalization, grammar, etc. | | |Ideas/Thesis

(clear thesis gives opinion, not summary) |Organization, Transitions, & Formatting (paragraphing, typed, title, etc.) |Support for Ideas

(Explores author’s message and relates to thesis) | |Textual Evidence (quotes with page numbers and examples) | |Conventions (grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc) | |


The Great Gatsby Symbolism Essay


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