Muscle of the Week - Beacon Hill at Eastgate

wellness weeklyMuscle of the WeekBreaking down our body to build up our muscleThe Biceps Brachii also known as the Biceps is 1 of 4 muscles that make up the upper arm. Located on the front part of the upper arm and works alongside the Brachialis, Brachioradialis, and Coracobrachialis. This skeletal muscle has 2 tendons that attach directly to the bone and allow for movement of the skeleton. The Biceps is a 2-headed muscle, which means it has 2 origin sites. The short head attaches to the coracoid process on the top part of the scapula (shoulder blade). The long head attaches to the supraglenoid tubercle just above the shoulder joint. From there, the 2 heads come together to form the muscle belly. The farther attachment site is at the radial tuberosity of the elbow. With attachment sites at both the shoulder and elbow. Classified as a bi-articular muscle because it controls movement at 2 different joints. The muscle function at the elbow is flexion/extension and at the shoulder its flexion of the whole arm/overhead extension/abduction (outward) rotation. It is the most prominent muscle of the upper arm but not the most powerful flexor. When lifting an object, the biceps is responsible for the motion. For movements to happen a signal needs to be sent from the muscle to the brain and vice versa. The musculocutaneous nerve runs from the Cervical Spine (neck) and ends just above the elbow and is responsible for facilitating movement of the biceps. Let’s now flex those muscles and show off that strength! “Take care of your body. It is the only home you truly have forever.”Exercise is the best medicine you can give your body. It’s a dose you can take at any point during the day and something you can take as much as you want of. It’s a daily prescription with a sole purpose of making the body feel its best. Another great perk of this medicine is that it can be done anywhere at any time! With our current situation of self-quarantine getting your daily dose of exercise can see tricky but not impossible! You just need to think outside the box! Here is my fitness professional advice: turn on some of your favorite music, open your blinds and/or windows to bring in the fresh air, start by taking deep breaths and be mindful with yourself, and enjoy being able to move your body! The exercises and stretches pictured are some basic ways to workout and stretch your biceps muscle. Since this muscle is the primary muscle in helping you lift objects it’s important to maintain the strength you have. Using items such as soup cans, water bottles, boxes of pasta, laundry detergent bottles, and dinner plates you can build upper arm strength by following the pictures on page 1. Complete 2 sets of 30 seconds and BOOM! Exercise Done! Make sure you follow the same recommendation above as you stretch your muscle. Stretching will prevent soreness, aid in muscle rebuilding, and increase flexibility! 4070985-822960003058160-92583000Let’s get ready to Nymbl!“preventing 1 million falls” For the past few months Beacon Hill has been promoting a digital balance training application to aid in improving quality of life for our residents. Through its dual tasking design, Nymbl challenges the mind through cognitive stimulation while completing a physical balance task. Since balance is a reflexive movement it needs to be trained without putting focus on the actual exercise. By distracting the mind with trivia, pictures, and math questions while exercising, the body can then train itself to make the balance adjustments it needs to keep your overall center of balance. The more you practice the better that reflex can be trained thus improving your overall balance abilities. During this COVID pandemic keeping up with physical activity has been difficult for some. It’s taken some creativity and adaptation with different methods. Nymbl is a 10-minute workout that can be done in your living room. The questions given are fun and educational. It is easy to use and a perfect option to keep up with your daily exercise. To additionally aid in functionality, Beacon Hill has device stands that can hold your smartphone/tablet during your exercise. If you would like to get one of these stands, please contact Domi. For those of you who have consistantly been using Nymbl it is time for a re-evaluation! This assessment will be very similar to the initial balance assessment where you received your balance score. Through your hard work and dedication to completing the sessions we want to re-assess to gage your overall progress. Please contact Domi in order to set up an appoitment! “I’ve been able to see changes in exertion, pain, and even falls because we are able to see their fluctuation in balance exercise segments. From those changes, personally, I’ve been able to help make adjustments to daily routines and even give specific exercises/stretches to strengthen underactive muscles and stretches to relax overactive muscles to correct movement that I was able to diagnose based on balance/mobility patterns demonstrated.-Domi Aouad, Wellness Coordinator”Let’s cut right to the chase… you’ve read the flyers, you’ve seen the presentations, you’ve heard it talked about, but are people actually using it? The answer to that is YES! Thirty-eight percent of your neighbors and friends have been active users since November. The average resident has completed over 18 sessions and there are 13 users above 40 sessions. Countless levels have been achieved and through each level progression the application is specifically tailored to each individual user. It will gage your progress as you move through each session and then Nymbl picks the exercises that best fits your personal timeline. In total, 11,445 exercises have been completed which, from March until May 1st is a 2,800 increase! Beacon Hill is on an upward track in preventing 1 million falls. Through great exercise quality and frequency, you have the potential to find more balance within yourselves. The better your balance the more confidence you’ll exude. By participating in Nymbl you have the potential to live the life you want and move confidently. If you are interested in learning more about Nymbl please contact Domi to set up an appointment. Let’s Nymbl through this pandemic together! stress freetake a minute and breathIt is no secret that times are tough right now. With the current COVID pandemic and the quarantine conditions stress levels have manifested in many different forms. Stress presents itself differently for each person. For some it can be the inability to sit still and for others moving around can be the biggest challenge. For whatever way your stress hits it is important to find ways to take care of yourself and relieve that stress. 10 minutes of relaxation. Set aside time each day, especially when you feel the stress build-up, to be mindful with yourself. Turn on relaxing music, light your favorite candle, sit in a dimmed light room, and be present in the moment. There are applications you can download on your smart device that talk you through relaxation methods.Write a letter or a card to a loved one. This can be a time for you to connect with a family member or friend to share this experience with. Share the positive and negatives of your day. Make a list of the little things in your day that you’re grateful for. Share these feelings because you’re not alone and connection with others is heeling.Learn something new. Focusing on learning a new skill not only will keep you busy but it will stimulate different parts of your brain. With this stiumlation the brain releases a chemical called serotonin, which is a natural mood booster. Use resources around you, such as YouTube, to look up videos on cooking, music, writing, origami, and so much more.There’s nothing better than good laughter. Laughter is medicine for the soul. Look up some jokes, reminisce about past times, or find a funny movie. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune-boosting cells and infection-fighting antibodies. Maybe laughter is the best protection for the COVID virus! you are my sunshineget some rays to make your days As we finally move into our Michigan spring, sunshine radiates through our veins. We can all feel a difference in ourselves when going out into the sunshine. But do you really know why the sunlight makes you feel the way that you do? This column should brighten your day! Sunlight is directly linked to chemical hormone receptors in your brain. As sunlight enter through the retinas in the eyes it stimulates those receptors thus triggering the release of serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that when released boosts mood, increases calmness and focus, and overall makes you happy. When your body and mind are soaking up the rays and basking in the serotonin, you’re more likely to have increased productivity, enjoyment of your tasks, and decreased stress levels. If serotonin is released stress hormone release is decreased. It allows the body to focus on one set of feelings. The sun also supplies the body with Vitamin D. Spending anywhere from 5-15 minutes 3 times a week can supply the body with the needed amount of Vitamin D. Absorption of this Vitamin aids in increasing bone strength. Bone strength is especially important for seniors to prevent any type of injury. The lack of Vitamin D can result in osteoporosis and osteomalacia which, are both bone-wasting disease. However, it is important to take the proper precautions when spending extra time in the sun. Wear hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect yourself from harmful rays.So, when the sun is shining treat your body to a natural boost. Do something to make yourself happy. ................

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