Introduction - School of Education: University of Waikato

-9239257719060-912495-800100Health and safety at workKeeping yourself and others safe, protective clothing and equipment, and signsWorkbook 1 00Health and safety at workKeeping yourself and others safe, protective clothing and equipment, and signsWorkbook 1 Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc295470782 \h 5Reasons why you need to know about health and safety PAGEREF _Toc295470783 \h 5Welcome to Workbook 1 PAGEREF _Toc295470784 \h 6Reading, writing, speaking and listening skills PAGEREF _Toc295470785 \h 7Finding your way around the workbooks PAGEREF _Toc295470786 \h 9Reading for a purpose PAGEREF _Toc295470787 \h 12Word list for Workbook 1 PAGEREF _Toc295470788 \h 14New Zealand laws about safety PAGEREF _Toc295470789 \h 15What employees have to do under the Act PAGEREF _Toc295470790 \h 17Responsibilities and rights PAGEREF _Toc295470791 \h 20Protective clothing PAGEREF _Toc295470792 \h 22Stopping injuries PAGEREF _Toc295470793 \h 25Protective equipment PAGEREF _Toc295470794 \h 27Safe personal behaviour PAGEREF _Toc295470795 \h 29What is skylarking? PAGEREF _Toc295470796 \h 31Signs at work PAGEREF _Toc295470797 \h 32Five types of safety signs PAGEREF _Toc295470798 \h 34Signs and symbols PAGEREF _Toc295470799 \h 36Penalties PAGEREF _Toc295470800 \h 39Glossary PAGEREF _Toc295470801 \h 42Word cards PAGEREF _Toc295470802 \h 43Introductionright-132080In New Zealand in 2008, 72 people died from accidents at work. 47619920In the same year, there were 224,900 reports of work-related injuries.4324350641350You need to know all about health and safety at your work. This is the first of four workbooks about health and safety at work. You will already know some of the information in these workbooks, and some of it will be new information.36957001028703067050198120240030067310Reasons why you need to know about health and safetyLook at this list. Tick the reasons why you need to know about health and safety at work:Because it’s the law.For my family.For my employer (boss).So I can decide if something isn’t safe.So I don’t lose my job.Because it costs the New Zealand taxpayer lots of money.So I don’t get into trouble.For myself.For the other people at work.Because I could be off work for a long time.How many did you tick?Welcome to Workbook 1This workbook contains information about:keeping yourself and others safe at workwearing protective clothingusing protective equipmentreading workplace signs.Reading, writing, speaking and listening skillsThese workbooks are not just about health and safety. They also include activities that will help develop your reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. Health and safety at work uses all of these skills. At work, you have to:Read signs172085-890905Report accidentsTalk to your team mates about a hazardListen to people talking at the health and safety meetingBecause reading, writing, speaking and listening are so important, there are lots of activities in these workbooks for you to do at work and home so you can develop these skills.And here’s the good news…When you have finished all the activities in the four workbooks, you will be able to talk to your trainer about being assessed against:health and safety unit standards in your industry, for example, Unit Standard 497 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements (version 7) Level 1, 3 creditsUnit Standard 25060 Independently read texts for practical purposes and to gain knowledge (version 1) Level 1, 6 creditsUnit Standard 3490 Complete an incident report (version 5) Level 1, 2 credits.230187573660Are you ready?229806548260OK, let’s go!Finding your way around the workbooksHere are some things that will help you find your way around these workbooks.There are text features in all the workbooks to help you know where you are, what you are learning and what you need to do. Text features are like road signs.The text features in this workbookContents page at the beginning of the workbook – tells you what’s in the workbook and what page it’s on. Headings and subheadings – tell you what you are learning. Word list – gives you a list of special words used in this workbook.Icons – little pictures that help you to know what to do:Reminder – this box reminds you about something you have learnt before. ! !Information - this box has extra information that is important.iiWorkplace activity – when you see this, there will be an activity for you to do at your workplace.This activity builds your reading skills. This activity builds your writing skills. This activity builds your speaking skills.Glossary – this is a list of words and their meanings at the back of each workbook. As you go through each workbook, more words are added to the glossary. There is space so you can add your own words as well.Reading activity – text featuresBefore you start, go through this workbook and find an example of each of these text features. Write down the page number where you found the text feature and what helped you find it. The first one has been done as an example for you.Text featurePage numberWhat helped you find it?Contents2I know that contents pages are at the front of documents (indexes are at the back).HeadingSubheadingWord list90170033655Workplace activity901700247650Reading icon90170099695Writing icon Speaking icon 901700-576580596265232410!00!Remember icon607695252730i00iInformation Writing activity – health and safetyWhat do you already know about health and safety at work? Make some notes about what you know under each heading on this page.center269875Reading for a purposeDid you know that, when you read something, you are reading for a purpose? 9525123063013608051544955Your purpose – so you don’t miss your favourite TV programmes00Your purpose – so you don’t miss your favourite TV programmes1343025630555Your purpose – so you can check you get the right pay each week00Your purpose – so you can check you get the right pay each weekHere are two examples.12763502109470Your purpose – to find out what friends and family are doing through emails.00Your purpose – to find out what friends and family are doing through emails.-3810011430Document00DocumentReading activity – reading for a purposeWrite down three documents you have read recently and the purpose (why) you read them.-94615114935DocumentDocumentDocument00DocumentDocumentDocumentReading activity – reading for a purposeWhat are your purposes for reading this workbook? You might have more than one purpose.-94615354330Health and safety workbookHealth and safety workbookHealth and safety workbook00Health and safety workbookHealth and safety workbookHealth and safety workbookWord list for Workbook 1Here are some words used in this workbook and what those words mean. WordMeansBehaviourThe way a person does things.CautionaryWarning you of danger.MandatorySomething you must do.Protective clothingClothing you have to wear to keep you safe at work, for example, safety glasses.Protective equipmentThings you use to keep yourself safe, for example, guards on machines.PPEPersonal protective equipment.ProhibitionSaying you must not do something.ResponsibilitiesThings you or your employer has to do.RightsSomething someone has to do for someone else.Reading and speaking activity – learning new words Highlight or circle the words you already know in the list above. You only have to learn the words that are not circled or highlighted.Learning new wordsHere is something you can do to learn those words. There is a list of the words and their meanings on the last page of this workbook. Cut that page up to make cards. Use these cards to match the word to the meanings.center24130mandatorysomething you must do00mandatorysomething you must do New Zealand laws about safetyIn New Zealand, there are a lot of laws that keep people safe.LawsActDriving lawsLand Transport Act 1998Gun lawsArms Act 1983Food safety lawsFood Act 1981Did you know that there is a law to make sure you are safe at work?It is called the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992. An Act is a law passed by Parliament. Acts have to be followed, and usually there is a government department that makes sure this happens. The Department of Labour makes sure the Health and Safety in Employment Act is followed. In these workbooks, the Health and Safety in Employment Act is called ‘the Act’. The purpose of the Act is to stop people getting harmed either at work or near their workplace.LawsActSafety at work lawsHealth and Safety in Employment Act 1992Remember, every time you read, you have a purpose for reading. It’s the same with writing. Every time someone writes something, they have a purpose for writing it.!Remember, every time you read, you have a purpose for reading. It’s the same with writing. Every time someone writes something, they have a purpose for writing it.!Look at this table: DocumentPurpose of the person writing the documentShopping listSo you can remember what to buy.Shift reportSo that the new shift knows what has happened.Stop signTell people that they need to stop.Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992To make a law with rules so people don’t get hurt or sick at work.The Act contains sections with rules to make sure you are safe and healthy at work. All workers are protected by the Act. This Act applies to you even if you only work part-time or have a casual job.Everyone at work is responsible for making sure that the workplace is safe and healthy.What employees have to do under the Act3572510381000This is the title of the section.00This is the title of the section.5458460381000This means you have to use the safety equipment your employer provides.00This means you have to use the safety equipment your employer provides.1122045313690Section 19 comes under this part of the Act.00Section 19 comes under this part of the Act.Section 19 says what employees have to do to keep themselves and others safe at work. HYPERLINK "" Part?2Duties relating to health and safety in employment19 Duties of employees491490022987000-257175229870This is the section number.00This is the section number.Every employee shall take all practicable steps to ensure—-190500708660This means you have to wear the safety clothing your employer gives you.00This means you have to wear the safety clothing your employer gives you.273812018732500112204519748500(a)?the employee's safety while at work (including by using suitable protective clothing and suitable protective equipment provided by the employer or, if section 10(4) applies, suitable protective clothing provided by the employee himself or herself); and2273935412750011220454762500(b)?that no action or inaction of the employee while at work causes harm to any other person.303847560325This means that you can’t forget to do something and then someone gets hurt at work.00This means that you can’t forget to do something and then someone gets hurt at work.58293056515This means you can’t do anything that hurts someone at work.00This means you can’t do anything that hurts someone at work.Under Section 19 of the Act, you are responsible for:On the next page are some examples from different workplaces where employees have not followed Section 19.Writing activity – an accident at workThink about when someone has hurt themselves or someone else at work. Write down what happened and whether it was an action that caused the injury (the person did something) or inaction (the person forgot to do something).What happened?Action or inaction?Workplace activity – safety rulesAsk your supervisor or team leader for a copy of the safety rules for your workplace. Show your supervisor this workbook if they want to know why. Make sure you read the rules. If you don’t understand them, ask your supervisor or team leader or union delegate to explain them to you.Responsibilities and rightsUnder Section 19, you have a responsibility to keep yourself and others safe under the Act. That means your employer has a right to expect you to do those things under the Act.Your responsibilitiesYour employer’s rightsUnder Section 19, you are responsible to keep yourself and others safe at work. This means you need to wear your protective clothing and use protective equipment. You are also responsible to make sure you don’t hurt other people at work.This means that your employer has the right to expect that you will keep yourself and others safe at work. Your employer also has a right to expect that you will wear your protective clothing and use protective safety equipment. Your employer and your team mates have the right to expect that you won’t hurt them. Speaking activity – talking to people about their behaviourIf you see someone who is not keeping themselves or others safe at work, you need to say something to them. Here are some ways you could talk to them depending on the situation:1414145309245-259080130810-148590116205 Writing activity – parts of the bodyDraw a line between each body part and its name. Some have been done for you.47244007178675fingers00fingers1828800260667500239077539687500From Workcover Corporation SA and Workplace Education Services TAFE SA (2002) Workplace Health and Safety Training. Australia.Protective clothingWriting activity – protective clothing and your bodyBefore you start this part of the workbook, try and fill in as much of this table as you can. The first two have been done for you.Protective clothing I wear at workWhat part of the body does it protect?Protective clothing I wear at workWhat part of the body does it protect?EarmuffsEarsEar plugsSafety glassesEyesFace shieldHard hatOverallsSafety glovesDisposable gloves2273304318000Safety bootsGumbootsHi-vis jacketFace maskBreathing apparatusWelding maskIf you think you already know all about the protective clothing you have to wear at work, go to page 23 of this workbook.Section 19 says that employees must wear suitable protective clothing to keep themselves safe and healthy at work. Reading and writing activity – protective clothingLook at the pictures below. Tick the protective clothing you have to wear at work. In the box at the bottom of the page, write down any other protective clothing you have to wear.At work, protective clothing includes:EarmuffsHard hatSafety glassesApron93345-381000Safety bootsHi-vis jacketBreathing apparatusEar plugsFace shieldOverallsSafety glovesSafety gogglesGumbootsFace maskDisposable glovesWelding maskOther protective clothing you have to wear:Reading activity – matching words Look at the pictures of personal protective clothing. Match them up with the correct words. One has been done for you as an example.1089025-46863000274320548957527749527609803155954227830296545-155384522987076454000296545793115372745-254635ApronWelding maskSafety glassesHard hatFace shieldBreathing apparatusOverallsEarplugsEarmuffsSafety bootsSafety glovesHi-vis jacket32321542659302089151579880361315-56578542989546208953600451991995323215-1920240Stopping injuriesYou wear protective clothing so you won’t get injured or sick. Your protective clothing protects particular parts of your body. For example, earmuffs protect your ears from very loud noise. Earplugs protect your ears too, but they only protect you from loud noise, not very loud noise.Writing activity – protective clothing and injuriesLook at the table below and on the next page. For each piece of protective clothing, write down what injury it stops. The first two have been done for you.Protective clothing I wear at workWhat injury does it stop?Protective clothing I wear at workWhat injury does it stop?EarmuffsDeafness from very loud noiseEar plugsSafety glovesSplinters from wood or metalFace shieldHard hatOverallsSafety glassesDisposable gloves1955807175500Safety bootsWelding maskWriting activity – protective clothing and Injuries (continued)Fill in the rest of this table. In the blank spaces, write in the names of other protective clothing you have to wear and the injury it stops.Protective clothing I wear at workWhat injury does it stop?Protective clothing I wear at workWhat injury does it stop?Hi-vis jacketGumbootsBreathing apparatusFace maskProtective equipmentSection 19 also says you have to use protective equipment at work. Reading activity – protective equipmentProtective equipment stops you getting hurt and sick at work. Tick the protective equipment you use at work.Protective equipment can be something you wear, something you use or something fitted to machinery you operate.Protective equipment can include:Fire extinguisherHigh pressure hoseBreathing apparatusSign saying ‘wet floor’Lock out cardSafety harnessKnife blocksHoistSet of mobile stepsSafety rails on stepsGuards around a sawExtractor fanWriting activity – protective equipmentWrite down the protective equipment you use at work. One example has been done for you.Protective equipment I have to useProtects me and others fromDo you wear it, use it or is it part of machinery you operate?Fire extinguisherFires and smokeUse itSafe personal behaviourSection 19 also says you have to make sure you don’t hurt or harm yourself or other people at work. This means you have to follow all the safety rules at work. Reading and writing activity – personal behaviourFill in this diagram about safe personal behaviour.-27622544450 -152400134556500Reading activity – safe personal behaviourLook at this list of safe personal behaviour. Tick the things on the list that you have to do at your work. Write down any other things you have to do.Tie your hair back if it is long so it doesn’t get caught in machineryWear your uniformDon’t wear any jewelleryDon’t chew gumWash your footwear and hands when you go into work areasRemind other people at work to wear their protective clothingDon’t smoke at workRemind other people at work to use protective equipment.Don’t take drugs How many did you tick?____________________________How many more did you add?____________________________What is skylarking?Sometimes health and safety rules talk about “skylarking” or “horsing around” or “playing the fool”. All these mean the same thing. They mean you are not behaving in a safe way.-11112522860No skylarkingNo fooling aroundNo horsing around00No skylarkingNo fooling aroundNo horsing aroundYou have already read this story.-7302545085371475635Harry was skylarking when he pushed Aaron into the machine.Writing activity – talking to people at workEarlier in this workbook, you read about some ways you could talk to other people at work about doing things that weren’t safe. Think about another situation at work where someone’s behaviour isn’t safe. Write down what the behaviour is and what you would say to them. Practise saying it with a friend.762011049000Signs at workYour workplace will have lots of signs about health and safety. Your employer has put up signs to tell you about hazards at work. Signs are a way of managing hazards in your workplace.There are five types of signs. They mean different things. The signs are all different colours and different shapes.Writing activitySee what you already know about workplace signs by filling in the diagram below. It doesn’t matter if you can’t fill in all the information. There is more information later on in the workbook.-36195031178548577501048385Fire00Fire35909251048385Safety00Safety23526751048385Mandatory00Mandatory11049001048385Cautionary00Cautionary-1238251048385Prohibition00ProhibitionLook at the examples of these different signs:Some signs give you instructions. This means the signs are telling you what to do:You must wear earmuffs in this area102806525400Other signs give you information:Danger – electricity9601208890Five types of safety signs84772578105Prohibition – you must notRed circle with a diagonal line through it with a picture or words inside.Instructions sign68580069850Cautionary – be carefulYellow triangle with a black border with a picture or words rmation sign81915058420Mandatory – you must wear thisBlue circle with a picture or words inside.Instructions sign683895189230Safety – this sign is about safetyGreen square or rmation sign77152510795Fire – this sign is about fireRed square with words or picture rmation signWriting activity – safety signsYour workplace will also have a lot of other signs. Look at these signs. Write under each sign whether it is a prohibition, cautionary, mandatory, safety or fire sign. Some of the signs are more than one type. One has been done for you.ProhibitionSigns and symbolsSafety signs give important safety information. The shape and colour of each sign give you general information. The picture, symbol or writing in the sign gives more specific information.Safety signs can be:645795-534670Pictures only.362585151130Words only.99060098425Sometimes both pictures and words.31953206261735Warning signs can be put up for a short period of time. This sign will be removed when the wet area is dry.00Warning signs can be put up for a short period of time. This sign will be removed when the wet area is dry.685800129540Here is how you read a safety sign.466725031115Do not use a mobile phone00Do not use a mobile phone229552531115Symbol(mobile phone)00Symbol(mobile phone)-1905031115Sign(do not)00Sign(do not)-19050227330A green rectangle gives you information about safe conditions.00A green rectangle gives you information about safe conditions.18288002844804598035-76200004914900-3175The words on each of these signs give you more information.00The words on each of these signs give you more information.4469130-1962150047625276225A yellow triangle warns you of something dangerous.00A yellow triangle warns you of something dangerous.18764251079504762520320A blue circle tells you that you must do something.00A blue circle tells you that you must do something.1412240-1035050018288007937547625144780A red circle with a line through tells you that you must not do something.00A red circle with a line through tells you that you must not do something.286131012065003381375279400These signs do not have any written words, but you can work out their meaning from the shape and colour of the sign and the symbol on the sign.00These signs do not have any written words, but you can work out their meaning from the shape and colour of the sign and the symbol on the sign.183832517526018288001085854762531750A red square points out where fire-fighting equipment is kept.00A red square points out where fire-fighting equipment is kept.-1905080645Copied from Department for Education and Skills (2005) Skills for Life Materials for Embedded Learning. U.K.: Crown. Retrieved 3 June 2010 from from Department for Education and Skills (2005) Skills for Life Materials for Embedded Learning. U.K.: Crown. Retrieved 3 June 2010 from and writing activity – what do these signs mean?Using the information in this table, write down what you think each sign means:ShapeColour Extra visualMeans 5715055880A red circle with a line through is prohibition. It means you must not do something.102235463552857571755A blue circle is mandatory. It means you must do something.7366043180952559055A yellow triangle cautions or warns you about a danger. It means look out or watch out.165104000576200103505A green square or rectangle gives you information about safe places or things.73660654056667562230A red square gives you information about fire equipment.1117608128025527005314315Warning signs can be put up for a short time. This sign will be removed when the wet area is dry.00Warning signs can be put up for a short time. This sign will be removed when the wet area is dry.-95257242175Adapted from Department for Education and Skills. (2005) Skills for Life Materials for Embedded Learning U.K.: Crown – Cleaning00Adapted from Department for Education and Skills. (2005) Skills for Life Materials for Embedded Learning U.K.: Crown – Cleaning32385011322050034290001098550001541780537972000154178042652950015417803227070001541780226504500PenaltiesIf you do not carry out your responsibilities under Section 19 of the Act, the Department of Labour can charge you. For a long time, not many people were charged under Section 19, but over the last 10 years, there have been a number of charges against individuals – usually because they have not kept others safe at work.Even if you are not charged by the Department of Labour, you could be given a verbal or written warning by your employer or, in some very serious situations, you might be sacked.If you don’t understand something about health and safety at work, you must ask someone to explain it to you. If you don’t understand, you could get injured or injure someone else. Always ask if you don’t understand.If you don’t understand something about health and safety at work, you must ask someone to explain it to you. If you don’t understand, you could get injured or injure someone else. Always ask if you don’t understand.Case StudyThree forestry employees were charged under Section 19.Ron was cutting down a tree. Ron knew two other employees (Doug and John) were too close to the tree according to their company’s safety rules. Doug and John knew they were too close as well. Ron thought he could make the tree fall away from Doug and John.When the tree fell, it hit John and he had to go to hospital for a few weeks. Ron was charged under Section 19(a) for not keeping himself safe and under Section 19(b) for not keeping Doug and John safe.Doug was charged under Section 19(a) for not keeping himself safe.John was charged under Section 19(a) for not keeping himself safe.Congratulations! You have finished the first workbook.Now, choose two things you are going to do based on what you learnt. They could be things you are going to do at home or at work. You need to do these two things before you start Workbook 2.Here are a couple of examples. One is about health and safety, and one is about reading, writing, speaking and listening:Action card:Health and safetyAction card:Reading, writing, speaking and listeningBy the end of two weeks (date: _________):I am going to get a fire extinguisher for home so I can teach everyone how to use it.By the end of two weeks (date: _________):I am going to learn the rest of the words in the word list so I can use them at work.Now fill in your action cards.If you are not sure what to do, talk to your trainer about your action cards.GlossaryWordMeansBehaviourThe way a person does things.CautionaryWarning you of danger.MandatorySomething you must do.PPEPersonal protective equipment.ProhibitionSaying you must not do something.Protective clothingClothing you have to wear to keep you safe at work, for example, safety glasses.Protective equipmentThings you use to keep yourself safe, for example, guards on machines.ResponsibilitiesThings you or your employers have to do.RightsSomething someone has to do for someone else.Word cardsBehaviourCautionaryMandatoryProtective clothingProtective equipmentRightsResponsibilitiesProhibitionPPESomething someone has to do for someone elseThings you or your employers have to do.Saying you must not do something.Personal protective equipmentThings you use to keep yourself safe for example guards on machines.Clothing you have to wear to keep you safe at work for example safety glasses.Something you must do.Warning you of danger.The way a person does things. ................

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