“The great and chief end, therefore, of men uniting into ...

“The great and chief end, therefore, of men uniting into commonwealths, and putting themselves under govt, is the preservation of their property (lives, liberties, and estates/possessions) John Locke, 1690 2nd Treatise on GvtI think the above says why we relinquish our individual liberties to the govt…Mrs. G. The question is; how much power? (Deep thoughts by Mrs. Gardner)1.2 HGov – Forms of GovtBe able to:Classify govt according to three sets of characteristicsDefine systems of govt based on who can participateID different ways pwr can be distributed, geographically w/in a stateDescribe a govt by how much pwr is given to the exec v legislative branch*What you’re really after: Is how a govt structured important?Classifying GovtsWe classify govts so we can describe, compare and analyze govts3 classifications are:who can participate in the govt processthe geographic distribution of governmental pwr w//in the state andthe relationship b/n the legislative and executive branchesWho can participate? Democracies vs. Dictatorships (1st classification)Democracies:supreme political authority rests with the ppl; govt conducted only w/ consent of ppl“of the ppl, by the ppl, and for the ppl” 1863, Lincoln @ GettysburgDirect and Indirect:Direct/pure – will of ppl translated into policy (law) directly via mass mtgsThis works in small communities and where the problems of govt are few and simpleDon not exist nationally, but evident at town mtgs and in some Swiss cantons (states)Indirect/representative democracy – small groups of ppl chosen by the electorate express popular will by making and executing laws; held accountable via elections (govt w/ the consent of the governed)Republic more appropriate than democracy b/c only the electorate has pwr. Democracy for some means direct democracy onlyDemocracy means – the ppl rule. It’s Latin (Demos – common ppl; kratos – rule)Dictatorship – those who rule are NOT responsible to the will of the pplOldest and most common form of govt in historyDictatorships can be either autocracy (single person) or oligarchy (ruled by small self-appointed elite)All dictatorships are Authoritarian – those in pwr hold absolute and unchallengeable authority over the pplModern dictatorships are totalitarian – exercise complete pwr over all matters of human concernModern examples – Fascist Italy (1922-43), Nazi Germany (1933-45), SU (1917-1991) and China (1949-present)The Arab Spring ended the one-person dictatorships in Libya w/ QaddafiOften show outward control of ppl in name ie – Ppl’s Republic of China. One person on ballotDictatorships gain pwr by force and are militaristic, Nazi Gr and Hitler youthGeographic Distribution of Power–the pwr to govern is located in 1 or more places geographically (Harrisburg and DC). Again, 3 forms of govt exist: Unitary, Federal, and Confederate Govts. (2nd Classification)Unitary or Centralized Govt – All pwrs of govt controlled by single central agency. The central govt may create local units for convenience; but those units have only the pwr given them by the central govtIe – Grt Br’s Parliament gives local units sway to relieve Par of burdensDifference w/ dictatorship is that the central govt is elected from various political partiesFederal Govt–Power is divided b/n a central govt (DC) and locals (Harrisburg or even the school board) called a Division of PowerBoth levels effect the ppl through their own laws, officials, and agencies. Murder and education are state/reserved pwrs. Civil Rts violations belong to the FedThe Constitution says which levels get which pwrs and stands above all divisions of govt.“The Fed” means the national levelAustralia, Can, Mex, Switz, Gr, Ind also examplesEach of the 50 state govts are unitary to themselvesConfederate Govt/Confederation–States have more pwr then central organizationNormally the central govt’spwr pertains to defense and foreign policyStates stronger than FedIn Federal Govt, like ours, Fed stronger than statesEU is one of the few examples today, common currendcy and coordinate defense. Hasn’t worked so well there, Europe’s (except Gr) isn’t doing so hot.The South, Confederate States of Am and Articles of Confederation were also examplesRelationship Between Leg and Exec Branches – our 3rd classificationThis classification lends itself to identifying govts as presidential or parliamentary – quiz this with a categorization chartPresidential GovtIn prez, leg and exec are separate and coequalChief Exec, prez, chosen independently from Legislature, holds pwr for fixed term, and has broad pwrs not under control of leg branchThe Const provides for a separation of pwrs so the branches can block the axns of each otherThe US invented presidential govt and is the leading example. Other presidential govts exist mainly in the Western HemisphereParliamentary GovtExecutive branch made up of Prime Minister or Premier and his/her cabinet who are all members of the legislative branch or parliament, no separation of pwrs!The executive, or PM, is chosen by the leg and is part of it and subject to its direct control. (So who’s more powerful, the POTUS or PM?)The PM and cabinet (“the govt”) as long as Parliament wants them to, no fixed termOnce a “vote of no confidence” happens over a significant issue, the PM and cabinet must resignTo get a new “the govt”, parliament chooses a new PM or, more likely, all seats of parliament go before voters in a general electionPros to this type of govt – no gridlock from checks and balances aka division of pwrMajority of all govts today, Jap, Br, Can*contradiction from this book previously said majority of govts are dictatorshipsSec AssessCentral govt holds all power, about location. If local units established, it is out of convenience for central govt.Between the Fed ( national) and state/local unitsA small few not responsible to the will of the pplPrez is NOT a member of the legislature, and has pwr outside the scope of the leg branch. Division of Power most important.Direct democracy, central for common defense. I like confederations, but not effective regarding environment because what happens in one state could adversely effect another.Hackers, and a lack of seeing another persons trials. Just like cyber-bullying is easier than bullying, I feel like we would worry more about just ourselves rather than our commonalities. EMPATHY would be lacking. ................

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