Questionnaire for concert-goers - York University

Choral Music and Translation


Please add general comments, or comments on individual questions, on a separate page at the end (or on the other side of this sheet if it is blank and you are handwriting your answers). I may quote your comments in an article, but you will not be identified by name.

A. When I am listening to a work sung in a language which I do not know at all (or do not know well):

1. I’m only interested in the sound of the words and the voice quality of the singers and the emotions expressed. I don’t particularly care what the words mean.

Agree___ Somewhat agree___ Somewhat disagree____ Disagree___

2. Knowing the general meaning of the work as a whole (“it’s about a young woman whose boyfriend goes off to war and dies”) is:

Very important to me___ Somewhat important___ Not very important___

3. Knowing the meaning of the passage the choir is currently singing (“when will he return to me?”) is:

Very important to me___ Somewhat important___ Not very important___

4. The meaning of the words is important to me with all choral works___

The meaning of the words is important to me only with certain works_____

If you answered “certain works”, please explain on the other side of this sheet or a separate page (for example: important with folk songs, not important with a mass).

B. At concerts I attend where works are being sung in a language which I do not know (or do not know well):

5. Program notes containing translations are distributed:

Always___ Usually___ Sometimes___ Never___

6. I consult the translations when they are provided:

Always___ Usually___ Sometimes___ Never___

7. I find that the translations provided are:

Very useful___ Somewhat useful___ Not useful____

If you find them only somewhat useful or not useful, please explain the problems you encounter on the back of this page or a separate sheet.

8. I think the program notes should always contain a translation when the language of a work is not known to most of the audience.

Good idea______ Not necessary_______

9. I think program notes should contain the words of all the works being sung. The words should be in the language in which they are being sung, whether it’s a language known to the audience or not. That way I could follow along more easily as the choir sings.

Good idea___ Not necessary____

C. When the program notes contain translations of works being sung in a language which I do not know (or do not know well):

10. I read the translations before the concert starts or during intermissions.

Always___ Usually___ Sometimes___ Hardly ever___ Never___

11. I look at the translation before each work starts (if there is sufficient lighting)

Always___ Usually___ Sometimes___ Hardly ever___ Never___

12. I consult the translation while the work is being performed (if there is sufficient lighting)

Always___ Usually___ Sometimes___ Hardly ever___ Never___

13. I’ve tried to consult the translation during the performance. I have found it to be

impossible ___ very difficult___ somewhat difficult___ fairly easy___ easy___ to match the words of the translation with what is being sung on stage.

D. At home, when listening on CD to a choral work sung in a language I do not know well:

14. I read the translation on the CD insert before I start listening.

Always___ Usually___ Sometimes___ Hardly ever___ Never___

15. I consult the translation on the CD insert while I am listening.

Always___ Usually___ Sometimes___ Hardly ever___ Never___

16. I’ve tried to consult the translations on CD inserts while listening and I have found it to be impossible ___ very difficult___ somewhat difficult___ fairly easy___ easy___ to match the words of the translation with the sounds coming out of my speakers.

My mother tongue or language most used is:

Other languages which I can understand well enough for listening at home, with perhaps a little help from the translations in CD inserts:

I am currently a member of choir or used to be a member of a choir.

Yes___ No____

I attend choral concerts:

more than once a year____ about once a year____ less than once a year___

Mail completed questionnaire to Brian Mossop, 14 Monteith Street, Toronto M4Y 1K7.

Or download this questionnaire from brmossop/Concertgoers.doc

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