Solving Equations

Unit 2 ? Section 5

Solving Equations

with the

Variable on Each Side

Notes & Practice

Aligned to the Common Core State Standards




8th Grade Math Curriculum

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Teacher's Guide

CCSS 8.EE.C.7 Solve linear equations in one variable. a. Give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution,

inAinitely many solutions, or no solutions. Show which of these possibilities is the case by successively transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equivalent equation of the form x = a, a = a, or a = b results (where a and b are different numbers). b. Solve linear equations with rational number coefAicients, including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property and collecting like terms.

Objectives ? Students will be able to solve equations with the variable on each side. ? Students will be able to solve equations with the variable on each side

involving the Distributive Property. ? Students will be able to solve word problems involving break-even point

and consecutive integers.

Differentiated Notes v Traditional Notes ? These are basic skeletal notes. Students Aill in the examples with you and do the "try" problems independently.

r Modi/ied Notes ? These cut down on the amount of writing that students are required to do. All examples are Ailled in, but practice problems are left blank for student completion. (Excellent for IEP and 504 accommodations involving difAiculties with hearing, handwriting, etc.)

f Teacher Notes ? These are completely Ailled in for teacher reference. These notes are also great for students who have been absent.

Differentiated Practice (Homework) v Advanced Practice ? Perfect challenge for your high Alyers! Many problems overlap with Basic Practice, but this worksheet skips some of the basic problems and replaces them with more advanced practice.

r Basic Practice ? The majority of your students will complete this onlevel assignment.

f Modi/ied Practice ? Great option for students requiring a modiAied amount of homework per an IEP or 504. This is a cut down version of the Basic Practice assignment (one page only).

Name: _______________________________________ Class: _______ Date: ____________

Solving Equations with the Variable on Each Side

Steps for Solving an Equation with the Variable on Each Side: 1)



Example 1: Solve each equation. Show your work.

a) 2x + 3 = x - 7

b) 5x +1 = 2x - 5

c) 4x + 9 = -2x -15

d) -2(4x +1) = 3(x + 3)

Try: Solve each equation. Show your work. a) 2x -1 = 3x + 8

b) 6x + 3 = 2x - 9


? Free to Discover (Amanda Nix) ? 2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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