Answer Key – European Explorers

Answer Key – European Explorers

|Explorer |DOB |Nationality |Nation represented |# of voyages |Major discoveries |Significance |

|Bartolomeu |1450 |Portuguese |Portugal |Unknown |Brazil |Discovered the Cape of Good Hope |

|Dias | | | | | | |

|Vasco da |1469 |Portuguese |Portugal |Unknown |East Indies |Discovered sea route to the East |

|Gama | | | | | |Indies |

|Christopher |1451 |Italian |Spain |4 |San Salvador and West |First European since the Vikings |

|Columbus | | | | |Indies |to discover the “New World” |

|Vasco de |1475 |Spanish |Spain |2 |Pacific Ocean |First European to see the Pacific |

|Balboa | | | | | |Ocean - 1513 |

|Ferdinand |1480 |Portuguese |Spain |Unknown |Route to sail around the |First to circumvent (sail around) |

|Magellan | | | | |world |the world |

|Hernando |1485 |Spanish |Spain |Unknown |Mexico |Conquest of Aztecs – acquired gold|

|Cortes | | | | | | |

|John |1450 |Italian |England |1 |Greenland, Newfoundland |Crossed the Atlantic in record |

|Cabot | | | | |and Labrador |time |

|Jacques |1491 |French |France |2 |St. Lawrence River |New sea route around North America|

|Cartier | | | | | |to East Asia |

|Samuel de |1567 |French |French | |The Great Lakes and |An explorer, geographer and |

|Champlain | | | | |Quebec |mapmaker |

|Henry |1565 |English |Dutch |4 |Hudson Bay |Searching for Northwest Passage |

|Hudson | | | | | | |


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