Grade 2 Verbs Worksheet

Past, present or future?

Grade 2 Verbs Worksheet

Circle the action verb and write past, present or future.

1. Lila blew her nose.


2. Phoebe likes movies.


3. We will watch a movie.


4. You will be late.


5. Jean enjoyed this book.


6. Matt walks everyday.


7. We ate dinner late.


8. You visit them often.


9. He will go with you.


10. Dad read the paper.


Reading & Math for K-5


Past, present or future?

Grade 2 Verbs Worksheet


1. Lila blew her nose. 2. Phoebe likes movies. 3. We will watch a movie. 4. You will be late. 5. Jean enjoyed this book. 6. Matt walks everyday. 7. We ate dinner late. 8. You visit them often. 9. He will go with you. 10. Dad read the paper.

___past____ ___ present____ ____ future____ ____ future_____ _____ past_____ ____ present____ _____ past______ ____ present_____ ____ future______ _____ past______

Reading & Math for K-5



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