Present Tense - Hunterdon County, NJ

Present Tense

Grade: 5-8

Proficiency Level: 2-3

Objective: SW learn how to use the simple present tense correctly

SW understand the time concepts associated with simple present tense

NJCCCS: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4


Resources: self-made reference sheets and worksheets


The teacher will introduce the simple present tense to the students. The teacher will write a statement in the simple present tense on a whiteboard and ask the students to talk about the statement. The teacher will ask them what time the statement is talking about (when is it happening), as well as other questions related to the statement. The teacher will then explain to the students that this statement is in the simple present tense. The teacher will conjugate a regular verb in the simple present for the students to reference as well.

The teacher will then tell the students that we do not always speak just using a positive statement, but that we also have negative statements, questions, and short and long responses to questions. The teacher will explain to the students that these different forms are all part of the simple present tense.

The teacher will ask the students to try to make the statement on the board into a question. The teacher will explain to the students that in order to form a question, we need to use a conjugated form of the verb “to do” as well as whatever other verb the question needs. The teacher will help the students conjugate “to do” in the present tense on the board as well if needed. If the students have difficulty forming the question correctly, the teacher will prompt them to think out loud how they would ask for something or ask a question of someone else. The teacher will write that down on the board, and if it needs correcting, the teacher will do so at that time. The students will be told to review the correctly written question. Then, the teacher will have the students use that question as a model to form their positive statement into a question form.

From there, the teacher will instruct the students to change the positive statement and question into a negative statement. The teacher will mention to the students that this is also done using a conjugated form of “to do”, and the teacher will ask the students what word we generally use when we are trying to negate something (the word “not”). The teacher will also tell the students that the negative statement is similar to the question, just with the order of the words changed around. If needed, the teacher will model on the board, and then like above, the students will be prompted to use that as a model to change the first statement into the negative statement.

The lesson will continue the same way with explanations for the short and long responses to the questions. The students will be prompted to answer a question asked of them by the teacher. They will be told to answer it in as few words as possible. The teacher will write this down on the board. Then the students will be told to answer it using all of the same words that were asked of them in the question (the long way). This will also be written down on the board. The teacher will make any necessary corrections. Again, using those as models, the students will then create both short and long responses to the original question form that was on the board.

After that is completed, the teacher will write a new statement on the board. The students are to work together and create the other forms that compliment that statement (negative, question, short and long responses).

The teacher will make sure that the students seem to understand the basic formation of all of the different forms of the simple present tense by watching them work together to complete the assignment on the board. If the students have difficulty, the teacher will go back and clarify anything questions the students might have. If there are no questions, then the teacher will give out the written assignment (self-made worksheet that is attached below).


Assessment is on-going throughout the lesson. If the students need more clarification on the formation of the different parts of the present tense, the teacher will go over it as many times as needed. The students will also be given some worksheets which they will be expected to complete individually. The teacher will see how well the students did on the worksheets. The teacher will also see if the learning from this lesson will transfer over into the students’ general and free writing when they are writing stories, narratives, etc.

Present Tense

The present tense tells us about things that are happening now (today). The present tense is also used to tell us about actions that we do that repeat (daily, weekly, monthly, etc).

Conjugation in the present tense:

To read

I read

You read

He, she, it reads (note the “s” at the end of the verb)

We read

They read

Formation of statements and questions using the present tense:

(singular subject)

Positive Statement: The boy reads the book.

Negative Statement: The boy does not read the book.

Question: Does the boy read the book?

Positive response: Yes, the boy reads the book.

Negative response: No, the boy does not read the book.

Positive short response: Yes, he does.

Negative short response: No, he does not. OR No, he doesn’t.

(plural subject)

Positive Statement: The dogs run in the park.

Negative Statement: The dogs do not run in the park.

Question: Do the dogs run in the park?

Positive response: Yes, the dogs run in the park.

Negative response: No, the dogs do not run in the park.

Positive short response: Yes, they do.

Negative short response: No, they do not. OR No, they don’t.

Notice that when the question and negative statement are formed in the present tense, both of these use the conjugation of the verb “to do”. Then, the verb is placed afterwards (there is no “s” that is put at the end of the verb because “does” is already conjugated to agree with the subject “boy”).

Present Tense Practice

Statement: The girl plays outside.

Negative statement: __________________________________________________.

Question: Does the girl play outside?

Statement: ___________________________________________________________.

Negative statement: The cat does not chase the mouse.

Question: _____________________________________________________________?

Statement: The dog fetches his bone.

Negative statement: ______________________________________________________.

Question: _____________________________________________________________?

Statement: __________________________________________________________.

Negative statement: _____________________________________________________.

Question: Does the bell for class ring at noon?

Statement: ____________________________________________________________.

Negative statement: The father does not get mad at his son.

Question: _____________________________________________________________?

Statement: The star on the Christmas tree shines brightly.

Negative statement: _____________________________________________________.

Question: ______________________________________________________________?

Statement: The children play on the playground.

Negative statement: _____________________________________________________________.

Question: ______________________________________________________________________?

Statement: _______________________________________________________________________.

Negative statement: The cars do not speed on the highway.

Question: ________________________________________________________________________?

Statement: ________________________________________________________________________.

Negative statement: _________________________________________________________________.

Question: Do the schools have computers?

Statement: ________________________________________________________________________.

Negative statement: They do not like the cold weather.

Question: ________________________________________________________________________?

Statement: I have four cats at home.

Negative statement: ________________________________________________________________.

Question: ________________________________________________________________________?

Statement: _______________________________________________________________________.

Negative statement: ________________________________________________________________.

Question: Do you do your homework after school?

Statement: ________________________________________________________________________.

Negative statement: ________________________________________________________________.

Question: ________________________________________________________________________?


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