First Grade Writing : Text Types and Purposes

First Grade Writing : Text Types and Purposes

Essential Questions: 1. How do writers select the genre of writing for a specific purpose and audience?

2. How do essential components of the writing process guide writers in the communication of ideas?

3. How does the selection of resources impact the quality and validity of the research process and product?

4. How do regular, varied writing opportunities make you a stronger writer?

Essential Vocabulary: fact, opinion, topic, support, details, introduce, reason, closure / conclusion, concluding sentence/ statement, title, topic, facts, closure, event, order/sequence, setting, character, detail, beginning/middle/end, narrative

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standard 1 for Writing: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis in substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

W.1.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.

Prior Background Knowledge Required: Students will...

? draw, dictate, or write the topic or title of the book.

? state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g. My favorite book is... or I like pizza because...).

? have multiple writing experiences.

1st Grade Enduring Understandings

Students will know...

Students will understand...


? that there is a difference

? fact

between fact and opinion.

? opinion

? that they must support

? topic

their opinion with reasons,

? support

details and/or facts.

? details

? that good closing

? introduce

statements "finish" the

? reason


? closure/conclusion

? concluding sentence

Students will be able to... ? write opinion pieces that clearly state their preferences and supply a reason for their thinking. ? write a concluding statement to finish their opinion or preference writing.


Adoption Date: July 22, 2013

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standard 2 for Writing: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and

information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

W.1.2 Write information/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure.

1st grade Enduring Understandings

Prior Background Knowledge

Students will know...

Students will understand...

Students will be able to...



? that they can learn facts

? develop and write a simple

Students will....

? title

from books and other texts.

introductory sentence that

? draw, dictate, or write the

? topic

? that they can write about a

states the topic.

title or topic.

? facts

topic using information

? identify facts and opinions

? use drawing, dictating,

? closure

they have learned or

within a specific sources.

writing to give


? gather facts and definitions

information about the topic.

? that naming the topic, giving information and providing a closure helps

from text. ? utilize learned information

to write facts about a topic.

to organize information for

? write a simple concluding

the reader.



College and Career Readiness Anchor Standard 3 for Writing: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using

effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

W.1.3 Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use

temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.

1st grade Enduring Understandings

Prior Background Knowledge

Students will know...

Students will understand...

Students will be able to...



? that effective writers use

? tell about a series of events

Students will...

? events

details to enhance writing.

in logical sequence, using

? identify a single event in

? order/sequence

? that temporal words

temporal words to signal

which they will draw,

? setting

facilitate sequencing in

event order.

dictate, or write about.

? character

narrative writing.

? use detail in their story to

? draw, dictate, or write events in order (sequence).

? explain their feelings or

? detail ? topic ? beginning/middle/end

? that closure is an important way to finish a piece of narrative writing.

highlight details. ? write a conclusion related

to their narrative.

reactions to the event through drawing, dictating, or writing.

? conclusion ? narrative

Adoption Date: July 22, 2013

First Grade Writing : Production and Distribution of Writing

Essential Questions: 1. How do writers select the genre of writing for a specific purpose and audience?

2. How do essential components of the writing process guide writers in the communication of ideas?

3. How does the selection of resources impact the quality and validity of the research process and product?

4. How do regular, varied writing opportunities make you a stronger writer?

Essential Vocabulary: topic, suggestions, details, drafts, revision, editing, digital tools, produce, publish, technology, collaborate

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standard 4 for Writing: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

W.1.4 (Begins in Grade 3)

Prior Background Knowledge Required:

1st Grade Enduring Understandings

Students will know...

Students will understand...


Students will be able to...


College and Career Readiness Anchor Standard 5 for Writing: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing,

rewriting, or trying a new approach.

W.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen

writing as needed.

1st grade Enduring Understandings

Prior Background Knowledge

Students will know...

Students will understand...

Students will be able to...



? that writing is a process

? ask and answer questions

Students will...

? topic

where authors plan, reread,

about their writing.

? have multiple writing

? suggestions

revise, and improve their

? develop and strengthen


? details


writing as needed by

? drafts

? that other readers (peers or

planning, revising, editing,

? revision

adults) can enhance writing


? editing

by suggesting changes to

? focus their writing on a

the original work.

topic with assistance from

? that the writer decides

adults and peers.

which suggestions become

? respond to questions and



? that adding details may

? add descriptive words to

strengthen the writing.

their writing to strengthen

Adoption Date: July 22, 2013

their piece. ? develop the ability to

recognize spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors and have strategies for correcting these errors with assistance (during conferences and peer editing).


College and Career Readiness Anchor Standard 6 for Writing: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to

interact and collaborate with others.

W.1.6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with


1st grade Enduring Understandings

Prior Background Knowledge

Students will know...

Students will understand...

Students will be able to...



? that technology is a

? produce and publish

Students will...

? digital tools

resource and tool to

writing using technology or

? experience with various

? produce

produce, collaborate,

digital tools (i.e. computer,

technology tools.

? publish

enhance, and share writing.

projector, interactive

? practice collaborating and

? technology

? that collaborating can

whiteboard, e-mail, iPad,

sharing with a peer.

? collaborate

enhance a writing.

etc.). ? write collaboratively with


? continue exploring digital

tools to produce and

publish writing.


Adoption Date: July 22, 2013

First Grade Writing : Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Essential Questions: 1. How do writers select the genre of writing for a specific purpose and audience?

2. How do essential components of the writing process guide writers in the communication of ideas?

3. How does the selection of resources impact the quality and validity of the research process and product?

4. How do regular, varied writing opportunities make you a stronger writer?

Essential Vocabulary: how-to books, shared research, write instructions, information sources

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standard 7 for Writing: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused

questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.

(IEFA)W.1.7 Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of "how-to" books on a given topic and use them to

write a sequence of instructions). Include sources by and about American Indians.

1st Grade Enduring Understandings

Prior Background Knowledge

Students will know...

Students will understand...

Students will be able to...



? that their role (job on the

? organize information, and

Students will...

? how-to books

team) is very important to a

write directions in an

? identify (restate) the focus

? shared research

finished product.

appropriate and

question as selected by the

? write instructions

? that they can use many

understandable sequence


different resources to

(with guidance).

? participate in a teacher-led

research a given topic.

? participate in a teacher-led

research project on a given

? that group research can

research project on a given


answer identified focus


? participate in a teacher-led


? participate in a teacher-led

writing product (e. g.

? that they can research

writing product (e. g.

poster, class book,

Montana American

poster, class book,

PowerPoint) which

Indians, past and present,

PowerPoint) which

demonstrates learning on

to identify and answer a

demonstrates learning on

the chosen topic.

shared focus question.

the chosen topic.

? use shared, teacher-led

? use shared, teacher-led

research to learn about

research to learn about

American Indian topics and

American Indian topics and

authors from various

authors from various



? contribute opinions and

? contribute opinions and

information from the

information from the




Adoption Date: July 22, 2013


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