Life skills worksheets for adults with learning disabilities - Weebly


Life skills worksheets for adults with learning disabilities

Peopleimages / Getty Images Learning disabilities (LDs) are not limited to children. In fact, quite a few adults discover that an underlying LD was the cause of many of their frustrations in school and the workplace. Could you be an adult with a learning disability? The Learning Disabilities Association of America offers guidance about the screening process for learning disabilities in the adult workforce. A LD screening can only be performed by a qualified professional. The issues that are evaluated during an adult LD screening may include the following: Does the person confuse similar letters or numbers, reverse them, or confuse their order? Does the person have difficulty reading the newspaper, following small print, and/or following columns? Does the person have difficulty completing job applications correctly? Does the person have difficulty writing ideas on paper? Does the person have persistent problems with sentence structure, writing mechanics, and organizing written work? Does the person have trouble dialing phone numbers or reading addresses? Does the person reverse or omit letters, words, or phrases when writing? Does the person often misread or miscopy? Does the person spell the same word differently in one document? Is the person able to explain things orally, but not in writing? If you are concerned that you or a loved one may have a learning disability, you have the option of seeking a screening, a formal evaluation, a diagnosis, and/or suggestions for addressing or working around your challenges at home and at work. If you do go through the full evaluation process and are diagnosed with a learning disability, chances are you'll also receive help in the form of tools, resources, and other processes to make life easier at home, school, or work. In many cases, LD screenings are brief and may include quick tests, interviews, and discussions. LD diagnosis, on the other hand, requires a formal evaluation and often involves the administration of full-scale tests for intelligence, abilities, and other challenges. You will receive a LD diagnosis from a psychologist, psychiatrist, physician, occupational therapist, or some other licensed mental health or medical professional. Learning disabilities may include dyslexia, speech and language disorders, communication disorders, or issues such as ADD/ADHD. Often, help will include recommendations for accommodations ranging from more time to complete tasks to tools such as speech to print technology, online and print planners, 1-to-1 job coaching, and more. Because you may qualify as a disabled individual, it is possible that these resources will be provided without cost to you through your school or employer. There are many different types of professionals who can administer screening and evaluation. These range from Ph.D. and medical professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists, developmental neurologists) to school counselors, social workers, and others who have training and experience in the field. To find a qualified professional, begin your search at your state's Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR). You can find your state's office of Vocational Rehabilitation on your state's disability resource page. State DVRs offer tests for learning disabilities and many other services at little or no cost when clients need testing to assist with employment issues. If you would prefer to have learning disability tests performed by a private testing professional, you can usually find a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist who performs tests by consulting with your physician for a referral. You may also find licensed psychologists or psychiatrists through your local telephone directory. Thanks for your feedback! What are your concerns? Becoming a successful adult is going t hv a gnfnt mt un ur life. Sm thng will hv to hng; n rtulr, rtn lf kll whh wr tnl rlr are nw essential. Yu wll have t mk ur efforts mr effective and more ffnt, which means u nd t "tghtn up" rtn ffrt nd actions n ur lf. Being a successful dult implies having t cqur m nw habits. Th hbt include time mngmnt, tvt planning, rgnztn, rrtzng, nd critical thnkng. B practicing th lf kll tvt for adults t a conscious level, th will n bm hbt, impressing thmlv un ur subnu nd bmng almost second ntur.Time Mngmnt Th lf kll f tm management nt about fndng mr time, t but ung ur tm more fftvl. Time mngmnt llw you to do mr thn you ever did bfr not bu you fnd th tm to do t but because you make th tm to d it. By using time mngmnt skills, you nr bth ffn nd effectiveness f yur actions. Drawing a daily time schedule to become accountable for what you actually do during the day is a must.Plnnng Actions In addition to leading a full nd bu life, you n no lngr ffrd th luxury f tng wthut planning. You nd t know wht actions wll rdu th necessary rult, rather than tn that mght rdu mwht effective rult. You n nt simply d thng t wht mght happen, but ntd d th tn whh wll generate the results you need, whthr th rult r rltd to hl, wrk, r life goals. Try creating a weekly schedule on Friday for the coming week in order to make sure that all tasks that you have decided to do are accomplished by the end of next week. Orgnztn Orgnztn leads t bth effective lnnng nd gd tm management. When t m t ur urrundng, organization and lnnng g hnd n hnd. Good planning n help ur blt to organize, nd gd rgnztn n hl your planning. Write down the tasks that take you the longest to finish or the ones you believe are the least efficient. Then identify why this is happening and then find ways to correct it.Prrtzng School, work, family, church, lzng, and ntrtnmnt ? ll f these nd time nd energy. Yu nd to determine which tvt have a hghr priority, nd thu whh ones get their rt f your lmtd resources. Pr prioritizing ld t wting ur rur, nd the mrtnt n gt lt n th td of th trvll urgnt.Crtl Thnkng Crtl thinking nt jut a hl tvt, t one of the most essential lf kll fr adults. Everyone should rt rtl thnkng n every t of thr lf. B doing so, you can withstand th rur f th urgnt nd determine what is most important. Whthr it dvrtsng, r rur, lt, or urban mth, vlut th ttmnt tht r bng made.Flxblt Gvn th rd rt of hng n our wrld, the blt t djut nd adapt critical t u. You nd to learn t qukl nlz what is gng on around you nd mk djutmnt on the fl whl kng your gl at th forefront f your mnd. In order to practice this, put yourself as much as you can into situations that are outside of your comfort zone, this will allow you to be more flexible and think outside the box.Initiative Th ntrrnurl spirit fundd on initiative and th wllngn t t forward wth an d and take the rk of brngng t t fruition. Th hngng nm lnd requr ntrrnur. You nd t learn how t t gl for yourlf, plan hw you wll rh your gl, and enact your plans. By thng adults th nqur r, u equip them t take nttv. When you t back nt a flttng rl, u requr tudnt to step frwrd. Adults take the nttv whn they qutn, ln, research, rt, mrv, nd present. Social Skll Humn bngs hve always bn social rtur, connecting to nd depending n "tribes" of thr. Technology nw llw l t belong t multiple tribes, tudnt at th m school, frnd n Facebook, colleagues n LnkdIn, fn n fn sites, gamers on mve multlr nln gm. In ll f th nvrnmnt, life skills for adults r rtl. Whthr you are having a f-t-f mtng r r tweeting wth hundrd f trngr, thr are real human bng wth rl thught, flng, nd nd n th thr nd. And, as wrk nvrnmnt bm mr collaborative, life kll are a key to u.The best w t develop lf kll t llbrt wth thr. When you work together with others n a rjt, you have mmn goals nd ntrt; you are requrd t dvl life kll such as rtn, compromise, dn mkng, and mmuntng. Prdutvt The nr n rdutvt among wrkr in th U.S. means that mr being rdud b fewer people. This mn that th job mrkt even mr mttv ftr the recession thn during t. Employee productivity has gone up 3% following the recession (1) and is going up and up as processes become more automated. Wrkr who hv lower productivity r bng left bhnd. By using the nqur r nd dvlng rjt, you lrn the habits f rdutvt: Goal ttng, Planning, Tm mngmnt, Rrh, Development, and Evaluation. Ldrh Ldrh a et f rltd skills tht mbn th thr lf kll fr dults. Good ldr take nttv, r flexible, nd r rdutv. They l d th fllwng: Identify goals Inr thr to hr those gl Orgnz a gru tht ll mmbr can ntrbut rdng t thr blt Resolve nflt mng mmbr Encourage th group t rh thr goals Hl gru mmbr lv rblm nd mrv rfrmn Gv credit whr t du Tht lt rtt wll drb wht u d dl a thr, because u are the leader of your class. Hwvr, f students r perpetually n th role f fllwr, they nvr hv t lrn th lf skills. Th nd t occasionally become th thr, and nqur llw them to do . Group projects also requr tudnt t tk on leadership rnblt.All the above skill examples will be critical for your development as a successful adult regardless of your age and background. Take action and change your life for better. Be it productivity, social skills or organization, the important thing is that you start developing new skills today. Good luck and enjoy the path towards a better self!(1) photo credit: uploadedImages/Images/Insights/thumbnail-cl-adult-learning.jpg via

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