Jackson College

HPF 173 Sports Matter (01)Winter 2018Online CourseInstructor: Nancy Van HoozierEmail: vanhooznancya@jccmi.eduCourse Description:Students examine the changes and challenges in the field of sport and exercise today for the individual and society, including ethics and values, gender, ethnicity, leadership and politics. (three (3) credits). Prerequisite: ENG 085Hard Copy Textbook:Coakley, J. (2015). Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies, 12e. Boston: McGraw Hill Publishers.NOTE: A copy of the textbook has been placed on reserve in the library for your convenience.Electronic Copy Textbook: If you are interested in an online version of the textbook your purchasing options are abundant. Here is the link to McGraw Hill . Performance Objectives:This course is structured to help you to explore and become familiar with the following:ObjectivesAssessment(s)Understand the role of sport in societyClass discussions, Chapter quizzesRecognize sport as a societal institutionClass discussions, Sportography, Chapter quizzesAcquaint the student to the different social/cultural institutions that intersect with sportClass discussions, Chapter quizzesAcquaint the student with historical and contemporary issues of sport in reference to race, gender, ethnicity, religion, class and cultural identityClass discussion, Film, Chapter quizzesUnderstand the statuses people occupy related to sport, e.g., athlete, fan, coach, parent of an athlete, and a consumer of sport related material such as athletic equipment, television time, books, and magazines, beer and other advertised commoditiesClass discussion, Worksheets, Chapter quizzesAnalyze how the social structure (social patterns such as ideologies, values, laws, informal norms, and methods of social control) influences sport and how sport influences the social structureClass discussion, Title IX, Chapter quizzesSummary of Topics:Sociology of sportGenderPoliticsCommercializationHistory of SportAgeTitle IXReligionAbilityViolenceMedia SexualityRace and ethnicityClassDevianceGlobal issuesEVALUATIONSportography100 pointsThis project is designed to provide you with first-hand experience of examining and assessing the impact that sport and physical activity experiences have on your life in different social contexts. It is a chance to assess and show how personal biography’s can reveal much about the social impact of institutions. For this investigation you will describe your own personal involvement or non-involvement in physical play, informal games, fitness and organized sports. Your sportography should identify your personal experiences related to family relationships/dynamics, friends, school, teachers, coaches; key moments (at least one negative and one positive moment); intense memories; your current situation and anticipated future. The goal of this assignment is to be critically self-reflective as you remember, describe, and analyze your sport experiences, the contexts in which they occurred, and the impact they had on you and others who were involved.Sportography: A Guide to Writing About Your ExperiencesThink back to your early experiences (ages < 5 years, 6-10 years, 11-14 year, 15-18 years, > 19 years) of playing physical games and sports and describe them in terms of when they occurred, the context in which they occurred, and what was going on in your life as they occurred. How were those early experiences related to your age, social class, race or ethnicity, family, sexual orientation, religion, and neighborhood or community? When children first play sports or not play sports through childhood, they do so in connection with ideas about themselves, about their bodies, and about the meaning of their experiences. Where did these ideas come from during your childhood (ages 4-12)? How did they influence the patterns of your experiences and the emotions that accompanied them? Have they changed in your life since age 12? How have they influenced your experiences since childhood up to the present time?Opportunities to play sports and the character of sport experiences often are different for boys and girls and for children from different racial or ethnic groups and from different social class backgrounds. Write about how gender, race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion and social class influenced the sports you did or did not play as a child. Have factors related to gender, race-ethnicity, sexuality and social class influenced your experiences through your life to the present? Many young adults say that without their parents, they never would have had the opportunity to play sports as a child or adolescent. Explain the ways that your parent(s) or guardians encouraged/facilitated or discouraged/interfered with your sport participation. Were there differences between the support provided by your mother and the support provided by your father? Your concluding paragraph should describe what you anticipate in the future with respect to sports in your life, how that future is connected with your past experiences and what may be occurring in your life in the future. Formatting for the paper will be as follows: one inch margins, 12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced, 7 pagesQuizzes(15 quizzes x 20 pts.)300 points Chapter tests will be over lectures and assigned readings. Quizzes are take home - open book and open note so it is essential for you to have access to a textbook. Provide ample time to complete the quizzes. Take home exams might give the impression that the assignment will be easy to finish. Do not be deceived. These quizzes will require you to know recognize and make conclusions regarding the course material. Fifteen quizzes will be assigned. Your lowest quiz will be dropped and will not be figured into your final grade.Position Paper 25 points Position papers are opinion papers that are supported with corroborating evidence. You will be given the opportunity to persuade an audience of the importance of a particular sports figure that relates as they relate to this course. Note that this paper is not about the physical talent or the quality of an individual’s performance. The individual who identify must impact the sport and society in a meaningful other than just being an excellent athlete. Muhammad Ali would be an example someone could use because of the political impact he made because of his position as a leading sports figure. Your essay will require you to demonstrate knowledge of how your sports figure changed society by their actions of the field of competition. Formulate a well-rounded, argument supporting your position. This will present a challenge because most social issues have multiple solutions. Papers are to be three pages. Additional details pertaining to this assignment will be in class. Here is the basic structure of your APA style position paper:An introductionBackground information of your sports figurePosition statement of the out of sport impact this individual madeThe bodyBackground informationSupporting research or evidenceThis should also include a historical understanding and implications of the individual’s actions at the time s/he were creating the change, how societal views were impacted, etc.A conclusionA BibliographyFive credible sources (Wikipedia is not considered an academic resource)Sport Memento Show and Tell20 pointsYou are to identify a sport memento that has significant meaning or importance to you. It can be a personal item from your own career or an item that has purpose to you to for one reason or another. You will share a picture of the item and the story of its importance to you. Grading Scale:Grades will be assigned based on the percentage of total points received for the semester. 94-100% = 4.0, 88-93% = 3.5, 82-87% = 3.0, 76-81% = 2.5, 70-75% = 2.0, 64-69% = 1.5, 58-63% = 1.0, 52-57% = 0.5, <52 = 0.0 Student Responsibilities:Complete reading assignments when assigned so you can fully participate in class discussions.No electronic devices are allowed in class. Make sure your cell phones are turned off and stored in your backpack before class begins. Ask questions if you don’t understand an assignment or need clarification on an issue.This class will deal with some sensitive topics. We will address these topics in an academic manner. Please be respectful of other viewpoints. And remember sometimes it is best to ‘agree to disagree’.Makeup Policy:All assigned work is to be handed in at the beginning of the class period it is due. No late work will be accepted without prior permission of the instructor. No late assignments will be accepted unless it is an excused absence – cases of emergency, serious illness (must be accompanied by a medical excuse), unsafe driving conditions (off campus residents only). Planned activities such college-sanctioned events do qualify as an excused absence, but your assignment is still due on the day it is assigned. If your circumstance does not fall within the given list you are encouraged to discuss your situation with me. Academic Honesty Policy:Academic Honesty is defined as ethical behavior that includes student production of their own work and not representing others' work as their own, by cheating or by helping others to do so. Plagiarism is defined as the failure to give credit for the use of material from outside sources. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to: Submitting other's work as your ownUsing data, illustrations, pictures, quotations, or paraphrases from other sources without adequate documentationReusing significant, identical or nearly identical portions of one’s own prior work without acknowledging that one is doing so or without citing this original work (self-plagiarism) Cheating is defined as obtaining answers/material from an outside source without authorization. Cheating includes, but is not limited to: Plagiarizing in any formUsing notes/books/electronic material without authorizationCopying Submitting others' work as your own or submitting your work for othersAltering graded workFalsifying dataExhibiting other behaviors generally considered unethicalAllowing your work to be submitted by othersStudent Resources:Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the office of Learning Support Services at 787-0800, extension 8270/8553 as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.Course ScheduleNote: the course syllabus and course schedule is subject to change by the instructor. Students will be notified of any changes.Week OneReading: Chapter One, PowerPoint is availableDiscussion Forum:Week One:D1 Who are you?Tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? What are your career aspirations? Did you or do you still play sports? Hobbies? Pets? Anything else you might want to share with the class so we might get to know you better.D2 Sports and YouWhat do sports mean to you? In what way has sport(s) impacted your life?D3 Sports in SocietyWhat do you think sports mean to our society? What do you think is the function of sport in our society? Do you think they should be as pervasive as they are? Why or why not?Quiz #1Week TwoReading: Chapter two, PowerPoint availableWatch: The Real Olympics, Discussion Forum:D1 You are a change agentIf you could change one thing about sports what would it be? This is a very open ended question, but I want you to be thoughtful with your answer. This is not just for you personally, but a systematic change that would change the face sports from now on. What would you change and why?D2 Purpose of modern Olympics?The ancient Olympics took place to honor the god Zeus. Who or what do you think the modern Olympics honor? Who or what do they represent? What is the purpose of the modern Olympics? Has the purpose changed over time? Explain.D3 Ancient influenceHow did the Greek athletic culture influence our modern sports culture? What artifacts from the ancient games remain with us today?Quiz #2Week ThreeReading: Chapter three, PowerPoint availableDiscussion Forum:D1 The socialization processIn your observations explain why sport participation does not have the same socialization effects for everyone who plays sports.D2 Why do companies support sporting events?The author argues that Coca-Cola and General Motors sponsor sports for reasons that go beyond the desire to boost short-term sales. He says they are interested in using sports to deliver cultural messages. What are these messages, and why are they interested in delivering them?D3 When you retire from competitive sports what will you do for an encore?Describe for yourself the key factors involved in changing or ending sport participation and explain when the retirement process is more likely to be difficult for you or former athletes?Quiz#3Week FourReading: Chapter four, PowerPointDiscussion Forum: D1 Sports now vs. sports thenThe text lists factors that have influenced the kinds of games and sports played by young people over the last two generations. Identify the two factors you think have been most influential in explaining differences between your youth sport experiences and those of your parents or grandparents. Describe those differences.D2 What would you recommend?If you were the director of the recreation department within your community and your boss asked you to reform the current competitive basketball league for children 10 years old and younger. Identify and explain the two primary recommendations you would make based on research that has been conducted on children in sports?D3 Cost of playing youth sportsParents today invest considerable resources into their children’s sport experiences, especially when public programs are not available. What was your youth sport experience like? When did you start playing organized sports competitively? Were you on travel teams, etc.? Quiz #4Week FiveReading: Chapter five, PowerPoint available Watch: Doping for Gold, Discussion Forum:D1 Personal examples of devianceUse your own experience (as an athlete, or spectator or friend of an athlete) to identify a form of deviant overconformity in sports. What do you think led to the deviant behavior? How did it start? Was this behavior encouraged by others? Or was there an effort to control the behavior? ExplainD2 Performance enhancing drugsRussia has been banned from the 2018 Winter Olympics for their systematic drug program. Lance Armstrong was stripped of his Tour de France titles after years of denying taking PEDs. You probably could name several athletes who have been suspended for failing drug tests. Given all that, do you think that there should be rules prohibiting performance enhancing drugs in sport? What would your argument(s) be in favor PEDs or against them? What counterargument would make your rethink your position?D3 Hazing in sportsIt is not unusual to hear about hazing in sports. Have you experienced or witnessed hazing?on any of the teams you participated on or within your athletic department? As the captain of your team what positives alternatives to hazing would you implement for your team?Quiz #5Week SixReading: Chapter six, PowerPoint availableDiscussion Forum: D1 Part of the gameExplain when and how athletes learn to use violence as a strategy in sports. Have you used violence as part of competition? In what way?D2 Sport rivalries You are a high school athletic director hosting a game with your arch-rival. Previously games have erupted in violence and soured the purpose of competition. As the athletic director what measures would you take to control player and spectator violence in connection with sports?Q3 Violence in sportD3 Violence in sportOn the field violence is related to a number of things including overconformity to the norms of the sport ethic, commercialization, and masculinity. Which of these factors do you think accounts most for the level of brutal body contact that occurs in professional football in the United States? Explain your choice.Sportography DueQuiz #6Week SevenReadings: Chapter seven, PowerPoint available Article: Are Athletics Making Girls Masculine? A Practical Answer to a Question Every Girl Asks by Dudley A. Sargent, M.D.Discussion Forum:D1 Society and gender rolesMen police gender boundaries more actively than women at the same time that they are constrained by orthodox definitions of masculinity. What examples can you provide that demonstrate how and when men police gender boundaries and identify at least one way males are more constrained than females by their gender roles.D2 Gender equity in sportsProgress toward achieving gender equity in high school and college sports has stalled in recent years. What indicators support this conclusion and why has progress slowed? What can be done to change the tide?D3 Are you in compliance with Title IX?Do a quick assessment of gender equity in the athletic department. Does the athletic department meet the legal definition of equity as spelled out by the Title IX guidelines? How does athletics meet the definition or fail to meet it?Quiz #7Week EightReadings: Chapter 8, PowerPoint available and Article: Crimes Against Humanity by Ward ChurchillWatch: ESPN’s 30 for 30 – The 16th Man, Discussion Forum:D1 What’s in a name?Some schools in the U.S. have sports teams with the nickname of ‘Redskins.’ The team mascot is a caricature of a Native American in war paint, buckskin, and feather headdress carrying a long spear. Knowing that Native American teens attempt suicide at a higher rate than the other teens, the employment rate is 40% and 70% of the households are under the poverty level. Knowing what you know about the debate surrounding the issue of mascot names and after reading Ward Churchill’s article has your view changed on this issue? Explain.D2 Sports the great equalizerSports are supposed to be the great equalize and they are supposed to open doors and/or break down barriers and allow access where it might not have been given a different context or arena. Do you think sports have acted as a catalyst for change in our society? Provide examples.D3 Beyond sportsShould athletes use their positions in sport as a forum to open up a dialogue or debate on broader issues for societal change? Why or why not?Week NineReading: Chapter nine, PowerPoint availableDiscussion Forum:D1 Benefit or not?Who wins and loses when a new professional stadium is built in a city? Be specific and back your answers with evidence.D2 Career successDo you think playing college sports interferes or promotes career opportunities for those who play college sports? Identify the two most important factors to consider when arguing one position or the other. Which two would you say are most important and why?D3 Ticket pricesProfessional sports tickets cost quite a bit of money. Some individuals attribute the high ticket costs to greedy players and their excessive salaries. Explain why you would agree or disagree with your friend’s explanation of high ticket costs. Make sure to back up your position with evidence.QUIZ #9Week TenReading: Chapter 10, PowerPoint availableWatch: Aimee Mullins: Changing My Legs – And My Mindset, Discussion Forum:D1 Is age just a number?The meaning of age can change from one generation to the next. If possible, talk to both a parent and grandparent about how old age was defined when they were your age. What was considered to be old? How was age related to physical activity and sport participation? How have they seen the meaning of age change over the past one or two generations? What do you see for yourself as you age? How will you participate in sport and be active?D2 AcceptanceWhy do you think we as a society have such a hard time accepting people with disabilities as athletes? What do you think will have to happen to change society's perception?D3 Aimee Mullins and changing legsWhat was your impression of Aimee Mullins from the interview you watched? What did you know about athletes with disabilities before you saw this interview? Were you aware of the Paralympics? Do you think Paralympians should be considered athletes? What about Special Olympians?Quiz #10Week ElevenReading: Chapter 11, PowerPoint availableWatch: Stadiums by HBO’s John Oliver, Discussion Forum:D1 Commercialization of sportThe commercial growth and popularity of many sports seems to be fueled by a combination of media coverage and corporate sponsorships. Why would corporations use their money and resources to sponsor sports and to brand sports with their names and logos?D2 Heroic valuesHeroic values are often emphasized in commercial spectator sports. Choose a sport and show how commercialization has accentuated heroic values and orientations emphasized by athletes, coaches, sports commentators and journalists and spectators.D3 Use of public moneyWhat would you do if the business leaders in your city proposed using public money to build a $1.3 billion, state-of-the-art sort stadium for a local professional team. This would be voted on during the next election. Would you vote for or against the proposal? What arguments would you use if you were campaigning for the proposal? What arguments would you use if you were campaigning against the proposal?Quiz #11Week TwelveReading: Chapter 12, PowerPoint availableWatch: No Logo, Discussion Forum:D1 Sports mediaWhen it comes to sports in your life, which media do you use for entertainment and information? Which medium do you use the most? Do you use the Internet in connection with sports and, if so, how do you use it?D2 Media influenceHow have you witnessed the shift in corporations moving from advertising products to branding? How has advertising or branding influenced and modified your behavior? Provide examples.D3 SponsorshipWhy do corporations want to sponsor sporting events especially those that sell alcohol, tobacco, soft drinks, candy and fast food? What do sporting events offer them that other events do not?Quiz #12Week ThirteenReading: Chapter 13, PowerPoint availableWatch: Do You Believe In Miracles?, Discussion Forum:D1 Government in sportsIdentify three ways that government is involved with the organized sports played in your city or metro area. Give specific examples.D2 Olympic gamesSome suggest that the Olympic Games should be reformed because they no longer represent the spirit of Olympism. Identify the aspects of today’s Olympics that are not consistent with Olympism. Do you think modifications should be made to the current Olympic structure? Why or why not? D3 Personal situations and politics What are three ways that politics have been a part of the sports that you or your friends have played? Use the list in the chapter as a starting point and give examples from your experience.Quiz #13Week FourteenReading: Chapter 14, PowerPoint availableDiscussion Forum:D1 Use of religion in sportPeople in sports have used religion a number of ways, such as athletes using religion to help them cope with uncertainty associated with participation in sports, or coaches using religion as a basis for cohesion or social control on teams. What are two examples of how religion and sport have been combined in your experience or the experiences of your friends?D2 Faith and sportHow does the Christian church or athletes use sports to promote Christian beliefs and values? What are the similarities and differences between sports and religions, and why it may be difficult to make clear distinctions between the two? When examining other world religions besides Christianity, discuss why they have not become more closely connected with sports and sport participants?D3 Arian Foster Openly SecularWhat is the purpose of team prayer? Why do you think coaches and/or teams have team prayers before and after fames? What function do they serve? Do you think they are an effective tool for that purpose? What could coaches or teams do instead of praying that would serve the same or similar purpose of prayer?Position PaperQuiz #14Week FifteenReading: Chapter 15, PowerPoint availableDiscussion Forum:D1 No school sportsImagine your high school or college without sports. What would be the difference, and how would students respond to the absence of sports programs? Would the response be positive or negative? Would the educational mission of the school be helped or harmed? How would your life be different?D2 Participation ratesIn high school many athletes will testify they went to class and made the grades so the would be eligible to play. For some individuals sports was the driving force to graduate high school and get a college scholarship. Does the motivation change in college in term of grades and graduation rates compared to high school? Explain your thoughts.D3 Are there issues?What are some of the major issues with high school and college programs? How will this impact sports in the future?Sports MomentoQuiz #15 ................

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