World Animal Day | 4 October

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:576943-47879000CONTACT:365760085997<Logo if you have one><Logo if you have one><Contact Person><Organization’s Name ><Phone Number><Email Address><Website URL>HEADLINE: <Organization’s name> CELEBRATES WORLD ANIMAL DAY WITH <insert event, activity, statement, etc><City/Town/Village>, <State/Region>, <Date> - <organization’s name> is joining the thousands of other organizations and individuals around the globe in celebrating World Animal Day. <organization’s name> is proud to support this global movement to raise the status of animals by using this special day to raise awareness for <your cause, specific animal welfare issue mission>. Heinrich Zimmerman organized the first World Animal Day on 24th March 1925 in Berlin and moved it to October 4 in 1929. Every year he promoted World Animal Day and finally, in 1931 at a congress of the world’s animal protection organizations in Florence, Italy, his proposal to make October 4 World Animal Day was unanimously accepted. October 4 was chosen as it’s the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.World Animal Day has become a global celebration for all animals and the people who love and respect them. It’s known on every continent and celebrated in different ways in many countries, with no regard to nationality, religion or political ideology.<Add here the Who, What, When, Where and Why of your celebration or event. Don’t forget to include all the details yet keep it short!><Your text should explain the purpose, target audience and benefits of your event or service, and intrigue the readers to find out more, visit your website, contact you for more information, recommend your event or organization to a friend.> ABOUT <organization name><The final paragraph should be a brief description of your organization or group and your mission statement. Also include "For more information, contact: " as the last sentence.>- END – ................

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