Era 1 Homework Packet Instructions.docx

AP World History

Unit 3: Regional and Interregional Interactions

Post Classical Era (600 CE – 1450)

Homework Packet

Packet Due Date: ________________________________


Complete the below evaluation on the due date:

Student Evaluation

Read each description on the below rubric. Using the below rubric, please check the line next to the level where you believe your assignment falls. The percentage in parentheses is your expected score on the unit tests based on the quality of work included in this packet.

|(1) Beginning (50-70%): ______ |(2) Progressing (70-86%): ______ |(3) Excelling (87-100%): |

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|The assignment is either incomplete or there|The assignment shows the student understands |The assignment fully shows that the student has|

|are several parts/area that could use |the majority of the content, but there are a |spent a significant amount of time on the |

|further details. |few areas within the assignment that could use|assignment, completing each part thoroughly |

| |further details or explanation. |with little else that could be added |

Teacher Evaluation

|Beginning: ______ |Progressing: ______ |Excelling: ______ |Total:___________/25 |

Directions: In the following pages you will find your homework assignments for Period 3: Post Classical Era.

Part 1: Essay Practice (taking notes and analyzing)

This is where you will practice your historical thinking skills in regard to the essays. You will be required to create charts and graphic organizers to show your understanding of the material and the connections made within each prompt.

Part 2: Themes and Concepts (organizing notes and looking at the bigger picture)

This is where you will begin to organize the content from the chapter reading and your notes into specific themes and concepts. These themes and concepts are specifically given by the CollegeBoard. You are simply asked to read through the themes and concepts, and list content from your notes and reading as it corresponds with that theme and concept.

Part 3: Geographical Coverage (geographical knowledge)

On the map provided you will shade and label the regions and subregions of the world studied in Period 3. You then will create a map key to signify which colors represent which region. Finally you will consider what you have learned about each region and list the most significant events that occurred in each.

Part 4: Flow Chart (periodization and causation)

Create a flow chart consisting of 10 annotations of significant events during the Post Classical Period. You will then answer the periodization and causation questions that follow. (All events must show analysis and thoughtful connections.)

PART 1: Period 3 Practice Short Answer Question and Comparative Essay Prompt

Short Answer Question: Use the passage below to answer all parts of the question that follows.

“When in 142 the Ming rulers of China changed their capital city—leaving Nanking, and moving to Peking, in order to face the dangers of the Manchu and Mongol frontier—the massive world economy of China swung around for good, turning its back on a new form of economic activity based on ease of access to sea-borne trade. A new landlocked metropolis was established deep into the interior and began to draw everything toward it. Whether conscious or unconscious, this choice was decisive. In the race for world dominion, this was the moment when China lost her position in a contest she had entered without fully realizing it, when she had launched the first maritime expeditions from Nanking in the early fifteenth century.”

Fernand Braudel, The Perspective of the World: Civilization and Capitalism, Vol III (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992), 32.

a) Identify and explain ONE change or development from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. that would support the author’s assertion in the passage above.

b) Identify and explain ONE change or development from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. that would challenge the author’s assertion in the passage above.

c) Identify and explain ANOTHER change or development from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. that would challenge the author’s assertion in the passage above.

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CCOT: Analyze continuities and change in the following aspects of Mongolian society from the rise of Genghis Khan to the end of the Mongolian empire.

|Form of Government and Warfare |Trade |

|Key Continuities |Key Changes |Key Continuities |Key Changes |

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What to include here: list and describe the continuities and changes in the forms of government and warfare (territorial expansion, hierarchy, etc.) and trade during the Mongol Empire. Pay attention to time periods.

PART 2: Period 3 Themes and Concepts

Directions: Using the content from the chart and what you have learned through reading the chapters, categorize specific historical content as it fits under each theme and objective. You may use bullet points but answers should be substantial.

|Key Concept 3.1 |A deepening and widening of networks of human interaction within and across regions contributed to cultural, technological, and biological |

| |diffusion within and between various societies. |

|Concept |Content to support |

|Improved transportation technologies and commercial | |

|practices led to an increased volume of trade, and | |

|expanded the geographical range of existing and | |

|newly active trade networks. | |

|(Key Concept 3.1.I) | |

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|The movement of peoples caused environmental and | |

|linguistic effects. | |

|(Key Concept 3.1.II) | |

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|Cross-cultural exchanges were fostered by the | |

|intensification of existing, or the creation of new,| |

|networks of trade and communication. | |

|(Key Concept 3.1.III) | |

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|There was continued diffusion of crops and | |

|pathogens, including epidemic diseases like the | |

|bubonic plague, along trade routes. | |

|(Key Concept 3.1. IV) | |

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|Key Concept 3.2 |State formation and development demonstrated continuity, innovation, and diversity in various regions. |

|Concept |Content to support |

|Empires collapsed in different regions of the world,| |

|and in some areas were replaced by new imperial | |

|states of political systems. | |

|(Key Concept 3.2.I) | |

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|Interregional contacts and conflicts between states | |

|and empires encouraged significant technological and| |

|cultural transfers. | |

|(Key Concept 3.2.II) | |

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|Thematic Questions: Answer the following in complete sentences using the information above. |

|SB-2: Explain how and why different functions and | |

|institutions of governance have changed over time. | |

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|ECON-5: Explain how and why labor systems have | |

|developed and changed over time. | |

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|Key Concept 3.3 |Changes in trade networks resulted from and stimulated increasing productive capacity, with important implications for social and gender |

| |structures and environmental processes. |

|Innovations stimulated agricultural and industrial | |

|production in many regions. | |

|(Key Concept 3.3.I) | |

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|The fate of cities varied greatly, with periods of | |

|significant decline, and with periods of increased | |

|urbanization buoyed by rising productivity and | |

|expanding trade networks. | |

|(Key Concept 3.3.II) | |

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|Despite significant continuities in social | |

|structures and in methods of production, there were | |

|also some important changes in labor management and | |

|in the effect of religious conversion on gender | |

|relations and family life | |

|(Key Concept 3.3.III) | |

|Thematic Questions: Answer the following in complete sentences using the information above. |

|CUL-2: Explain how religions, belief systems, | |

|philosophies, and ideologies affected political, | |

|economic, and social developments over time. | |

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|ECON-3: Explain how different modes and locations of| |

|production and commerce have developed and changed | |

|over time. | |

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PART 4: Period 3 Regional Geography and Contextualization

Directions: Using the content from your reading and note taking shade and label the empires covered in Period 3. Shade and/or label regions/empires and draw the major trade routes of the Post Classical period. Create a color-coded key for the regions and trade routes.


PART 5: Period 3 Periodization and Causation

Directions: Using the content from your reading and note taking create a flow chart of at least 10 annotated events (description of the event using more than 5 words) for the Post-Classical Period (600 CE-1450 CE). Be sure to include all of the major states/empires and any significant events, discoveries, interactions, and/or achievements. Be sure to include the date/date range with your events as well.


Name: ___________________________________________ Period: ______

Contextualization: Explain the significance of cross-cultural exchanges from 600 CE-1450 CE and the factors that contributed to these exchanges.

World Empires & Trade Routes Key:

Periodization and Causation Questions:

What are the specific dates/years chosen to begin and end the period? Why were these dates chosen?

How might the chain of cause and effect have changed and at what point?

What causes were contingent on previous effects?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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