Pop Culture Timeline

1 Pop Culture Timeline

Year Theory

Popular Culture and Sports

Politics and Society

Making Modern Life




Mary Wollstonecraft, Vindication on the Rights of Women

1848 1863

1867 1869 1876

Karl Marx and Fredric Engels, The Communist Manifesto Charles Baudelaire, "The Painter of Modern Life"

Karl Marx, Capital Matthew Arnold, Culture and Anarchy

Codification of the rules of Soccer/Football by The Football Association Invention of first breakfast cereal ("Granula") by James Caleb Jackson

1886 1893 1895

The Lumi?re brothers publicly demonstrate their cinematoscope, the first film projector

Santa Clara County vs. Southern Pacific Railroad case confirms corporations' legal status as persons The British colony of New Zealand leads the world in granting women the right to vote

Austins, the first Department store, opens in Derry, Ireland

The British brewery, Bass, registers the first trademarked brand

2 Pop Culture Timeline


1902 Vladimir Lenin, What is to be Done?

Eastman Kodak introduces new Brownie "dollar box" camera

1903 W.E.B. DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk

1905 1906

Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

First radio program broadcast


1912 ?mile Durkheim, The Elementary Forms of Religious Life

Ford Motor Company assembly line factory begins First commercial radio broadcasts


1914 1915 1916


Sigmund Freud, Totem and Taboo

Vladimir Lenin, Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism Ferdinand de Saussure, Course in General Linguistics

Debut of Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring provokes a riot in Paris Birth of a Nation, the first feature film, released

Creation of National Hockey League (NHL)

World War I begins

The Russian Revolution overthrows the Tsarist regime and establishes the first Communist State

First self-serve grocery store opens in Tennessee

3 Pop Culture Timeline


World War I ends



1923 1924 1925

Georg Luk?cs, History and Class Consciousness

Founding of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Walt Disney Company formed Founding of Time magazine

First Winter Olympic Games

Benito Mussolini becomes dictator of Italy

Clarence Birdseye pioneers the technology that ushers in frozen food; World's first freeway constructed in Italy

1927 Martin Heidgger, Being and Time The first sound-film or "talkie," The Jazz Singer released


First regularly scheduled TV broadcast in the USA

Joseph Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union

International Red Cross and Red Crescent founded

First widely owned refrigerator, the General Electric "Monitor-Top" is released Discovery of penicillin


Antonio Gramsci, Prison Notebooks, 1929-37 Mikhail Bakhtin, Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own

First Academy Awards (Oscars) presented

"Black Tuesday" marks the height of the Great Wall St. Crash and the beginning of the Great Depression

1930 1930

Sigmund Freud, Civilization and its Discontents F. R. Leavis, Mass Civilization and Minority Culture

Invention of Twinkie?

4 Pop Culture Timeline

1931 1932

First appearance of Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster's Superman in Action Comics #1

Construction of the Empire State Building



1936 1937

Walter Benjamin: "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" Jacques Lacan, "The Mirror Stage as Formative of the I"

Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times released; First televised Olympic Games, including the first torch relay, take place in Nazi Berlin




1943 1944

Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex

The Wizard of Oz released; First televisation of a Major League Baseball game, between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Cincinnati Reds

Adolf Hitler becomes German Chancellor Beginning of Mao Zedong's Long March

Japan invades China Marihuana Tax Act in US initiated to curb marijuana use

World War II begins The Spanish Civil War ends Manhattan Project launched to develop Atomic bomb

The world's first global financial system, the Bretton Woods Agreements, comes into force

First Laundromat opens in Texas Completion of the Hoover Dam

First commercial use of nylon, the first synthetic plastic, in toothbrushes and, later, stockings

The founding of IKEA

5 Pop Culture Timeline

1945 1946


Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception"



1951 1952 1953

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism Franz Fanon, Black Skin/White Masks



Jackie Robinson signs with Brooklyn Dodgers; first AfricanAmerican in baseball Foundation of the NBA, and the first game between the Toronto Huskies and the New York Knickerbockers

World War II ends

First ballpoint pens go on sale in New York city

Demonstration of first fullcolour television; First bikinis go on sale in Paris

South Asia achieves independence; Hundreds of thousands die and millions are displaced in violence following India/Pakistan partition; In the USA, the House Un-American Committee begins its investigations into communist presence in the film industry

First microwaves go on sale

Debut of I Love Lucy

McDonalds establishes their "Speedee Service System"; First drive-through opens at Inand-Out Burger in California Diners Group, the first credit card, launched

Elvis records at Sun Studios, 1953-4

Segregation in US schools deemed unconstitutional in the Brown vs. Board Education decision Signing of the Warsaw Pact

DNA discovered

6 Pop Culture Timeline

1956 1957 1958 1959

Roland Barthes, Mythologies Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism Raymond Williams, Culture and Society

The Quiz Show scandals; Disneyland Theme Park opens;

Canada Broadcast Corporation (CBC) begins Canada-wide broadcast First Barbie doll launched


Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho released

Hungarian revolution against Soviet rule defeated

The invention of the pulltab can in Thunder Bay, Ontario First prescription of the oral contraceptive pill

The beginning of the Vietnam War John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon take part in the first televised presidential debate; Canada approved the sale of the birth control pill

Oral contraceptives approved by the FDA

1961 1962

1964 1966

Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth

Claude L?vi-Strauss, The Savage Mind Rachel Carson, Silent Spring J.L. Austin, How to Do Things With Words

Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media Michel Foucault, The Order of Things Theodor Adorno, Negative Dialectics

Production of first videogame, Spacewar! Andy Warhol's first solo exhibition The first James Bond movie, Dr. No, released Wilt Chamberlain scores 100 points in a single basketball game Bob Dylan's The Times They Are a-Changin' released Original series of Star Trek broadcast

End of the Chinese Great Leap forward Building of the Berlin Wall Cuban Missile Crisis

Construction of the first laser First human space flight Wal-Mart founded;

First Tim Hortons opens in Hamilton, Ontario

7 Pop Culture Timeline

1967 1968

Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle Jacques Derrida, Of Gramamtology

Rolling Stone magazine founded

San Francisco becomes the epicentre of the Hippy movement during the Summer of Love Massive student and leftist protests bring down the De Gaulle government in France

1969 Richard Hoggart, Contemporary The Woodstock music festival Cultural Studies

Neil Armstrong walks on the Creation of ARPANET, moon: the event is televised forerunner of the Internet


FLQ Crisis and declaration of the War Measures Act by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau

Phillips releases the first VCRformat recorder

1971 Louis Althusser, Lenin and Philosophy

Gil Kane and Archie Goodwin's "Blackmark," the first graphic novel, is released

The Nixon administration ends the Bretton Woods financial system of currency exchange controls, allowing the free flow of international capital Richard Nixon coined the phrase "war on drugs"

First Starbucks opens in Seattle Invention of the microchip


Gilles Deleuze and F?lix Guattari, Anti-Oedipus

Formation of HBO; First original cable television programming in the USA; DJ Kool Herc pioneers the music that will become hip hop

1973 Laura Mulvey: "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema"

Roe vs. Wade (landmark decision granting American women right to abortion)

8 Pop Culture Timeline

1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979


Chinua Achebe, "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness" Michel Foucault, History of Sexuality, 1976-84

Edward Said, Orientalism, 1978

Pierre Bourdieu, Distinction; Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition; Dick Hebdige, Subculture, The Meaning of Style

Publication of Stephen King's Carrie; The "Rumble in the Jungle," a boxing match between George Foreman and Muhammad Ali, takes place in Zaire Jaws, the "first blockbuster", released Nadia Comaneci becomes first gymnast to achieve perfect 10 The Sex Pistol's Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols, enters the British charts at number one

Pac-Man released; CNN launched

Film Advisory Board established End of the Vietnam War

Birth of Louise Brown, the first "test-tube" baby Election of Margaret Thatcher as the first female prime minister of the United Kingdom Beginning of China's One child policy Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Iranian Revolution Iran-Iraq War

1981 1982

Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulations

MTV launched

Release of Michael Jackson's Thriller

First computer for personal home use enters the market

First commercial cell phones go on sale in Tokyo, Japan Original Walkman goes on sale Eradication of smallpox

The first Compact Discs (CDs) released

1983 Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities

Madonna releases her self-titled debut album

McDonald's introduces the McNugget


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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