World History & Geography B: Study Guide

World History & Geography B

Study Guide

French Revolution (5)

▪ Three Estates Graph p. 577 (2)

▪ Importance of Tennis Court Oath

▪ right held in common by both the French Revolution’s Declaration of Rights of Man and the American Declaration of Independence

▪ importance of Napoleon’s invasion of Russia

Industrialization (5)

▪ first industrialized nation

▪ three things needed to be a successful trading nation

▪ table of manufacturing production interpretation (3)

Definitions (6)

▪ political philosophy generated from work of Karl Marx

▪ capitalism

▪ socialism

▪ communism

▪ conservatism

▪ liberalism

Concert of Europe (3)

▪ countries involved and purpose of

▪ principles of intervention goal

▪ reason for ending

Geography / Data Based Question (1)

▪ map of Mediterranean bodies of water interpretation

Colonization / Imperialism (5)

▪ White man’s burden belief

▪ cause and effect web of European / African colonization interpretation (2)

▪ S. American v. European colonial events in the 1800s

▪ European behavior in China that led to Boxer Rebellion

Rise of Japan ( 2)

▪ reason for Japan getting involved with the West

▪ event that got Japan recognized as a world power

World War I ( 8)

▪ graph interpretation (2)

▪ 4 M.A.I.N. reasons for WW1

▪ Central Powers countries

▪ main goal of Schlieffen Plan

▪ 2 reasons that kept both sides from gaining ground in trench warfare

▪ country that was also fighting a civil war during WWI

▪ main result of Treaty of Versailles

Between the Wars (5)

▪ strategy of Bolshevik party under Lenin to take over Russia

▪ nation that never joined League of Nations

▪ reason for failure of League of Nations

▪ ethnic group that was victim of Ottoman genocide

▪ types of government the Great Depression encouraged

Rise of Radical Governments (3)

▪ dictator

▪ totalitarian

▪ fascism

World War II (8)

▪ country that invaded Manchuria in 1931 disguised as Chinese

▪ Allied response to Hitler’s violating Treaty of Versailles

▪ countries that signed Non-Aggression Pact in 1939

▪ nation that fought alone against Germany in 1941

▪ 2 reasons Japanese were able to conquer Pacific in 1930s

▪ U.S. victory in the Pacific that ‘turned the tide’ of war

▪ Operation Overloard (D-Day) goal

▪ President Truman’s justification for using the atomic bomb against Japan

Post World War II (3)

▪ Leader of India’s independence movement against British rule

▪ Method used in India’s independence movement against British rule

▪ Leader of China’s communist movement

The Cold War (6)

▪ Cold War term used to represent what period after WWII

▪ table interpretation of conflicts / events / responses

▪ table of major world developments interpretation

Geography / Mapping Skills (20)

▪ Use the attached map to locate the following continents, bodies of water, and countries.

Continents African countries Middle Eastern countries

Africa Egypt Afghanistan

Antarctica Saudi Arabia Iran

Asia Somalia Iraq

Australia South Africa Israel

Europe Sudan Pakistan

North America

South America Asian countries European countries

China France

Bodies of water India Germany

Arctic Ocean Japan Great Britain

Atlantic Ocean Myanmar Greece

Indian Ocean North Korea Italy

Pacific Ocean Thailand Portugal

Southern Ocean Vietnam Russia


North and South America





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