World History Chapter 15 Essay Questions

World History Chapter 15 Essay Questions

You will be required to write two essays from the three following prompts. You will not know what your essay prompts are until the day of the test. Make sure to include facts in your essay: dates, names, locations, concepts, key term/names, etc... The more details and examples, the better!!!

What conditions and situations helped Fascists come to power in Germany and Italy in the 1920s?

? The countries that became ruled by Fascist governments had little historical experience with democracy. There were few systems in place to deal with the problems caused by economic depression and the resulting social unrest.

? Germany suffered enormously as a result of losing World War I, and its people were bitter and angry. Both Germany and Italy feared that communism might take hold as a result of inflation and unemployment.

? They felt that only a strong government could protect their nations from this threat.

? Hitler and Mussolini were both enormously skillful at manipulating public opinion.

? Germans blamed their postwar government for the difficulties they faced as a result of the Treaty of Versailles.

? Italians were angry about failing to gain territory after World War I.

What were two ways in which the effects of World War I continued to be felt in the decades that followed it? Explain your answers.

? The war spread the developments of technological and scientific advances, such as the use of the airplane and radio communications, that permanently changed the world.

? The United States made huge loans to European countries devastated by the war, which created a dependence on the American economy and made the effects of the American stock market collapse felt worldwide.

? The attitude of the returning soldiers and the other young people who lived through the war was different from their parents' attitudes.

? More open to change, they brought about drastic changes in society and culture.

? The effects of both the war and the terms of the treaty that ended it were devastating to

? Germany and largely contributed to its determination to regain power through aggression.

? Many Americans became determined to follow an isolationist policy in order to avoid future foreign conflicts.

? This helped to create a situation in which Germany, Italy, and Japan were unchallenged in their preliminary aggression against other nations.

Why were Great Britain and France so eager to appease Germany? Were the attitudes of the British and the French leaders reasonable? Explain your answer, citing evidence from the chapter.

? Students who say yes should note that Britain and France had both undergone severe economic problems and were not eager to become involved in costly and dangerous international problems.

? Both countries had suffered greatly because of World War I and did not want to become involved in another war.

? Each hoped that Germany would be satisfied and that their own countries would remain safe.

? No one could have foreseen how determined Germany was to rule the world.

? British and French leaders' first responsibility was to their own nations and people, who were not ready for war and who were not, at that time, actually threatened.

? Students who say no might state that Germany had proven its aggressiveness in World War I.

? Germany had broken its promises to renounce war.

? It was entirely unreasonable to expect Germany to suddenly start honoring promises.

? By failing to take a stand against German aggression, the British and French were encouraging more aggression.


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