World History Classroom Expectations

US History Syllabus

Teacher: Mr. Hammill Course: US History

Spring Semester – 2014 Office 338

Email: Office Hours: T & TH 2:30 – 3:30

Website: mrdhammill.

WELCOME TO MY CLASSROOM! I’m looking forward to an exciting semester of discovering and exploring US History with you. This course will begin with an examination of the United States as a new nation and culminate with patterns and trends of US foreign and domestic policy to the present day. There will be a significant amount of material that will be covered. It is strongly recommended that students complete the assigned reading, homework and check my webpage on a regular basis for assignments and materials.

Course Description and Objectives

The study of United States History in the eleventh grade is designed as a survey course and continuation of the Civics and Economics curriculum. This course will begin with the national period and the administration of George Washington. Throughout the competency goals, there will be some overlap of time periods to allow for examining the key issues and events. The overall curriculum continues up to the present day. The focus of this course provides students with a framework for studying political, social, economic, and cultural issues that have impacted American society. This course goes beyond memorization of facts to the development of higher level thinking skills, in order to allow students to make historical assessments and evaluations.


Topics & Timeline:

Quarter 1:

Goal 1- The New Nation

Goal 2- Expansion and Reform

Goal 3- Civil War and Reconstruction

Goal 4- Moving West and the Rise of the Debtor

Goal 5- Becoming an Industrial Society

Goal 7 - Progressivism

Quarter 2:

Goal 6- American Imperialism

Goal 8- The Great War and its Aftermath

Goal 9- Prosperity and Depression

Goal 10- World War II and the Beginning of the Cold War

Goal 11 - America Post World War II

Goal 12- Modern America

Mini Assessment Dates

Goal 1- Jan 31

Goal 2- February

Goal 3- February

Goal 4 / 5- March

Review for Midterm Exam

Goal 6- April

Goal 7- April

Goal 8- April

Goal 9-12- May

Review for Exam

• Midterm Exam – March

• EOC Review- May

• Final Exam- June

**Exact dates are subject to change due to pacing and school

Required Materials (Everyday)

• Student Planner

• Large Spiral notebook

• Pencil, Pen , highlighter

• Notecards

• Glue Stick

• Students will be expected to maintain an organized notebook with required handouts and goal syllabi. The syllabi will include all major projects for the unit as well as homework and exam review.

Grading Scale:

Test /project /participation/ quizzes: 70%

Notebook/ Homework: 30%

• Quarter exam will count as 20% of the Quarter grade.

• EOC will count 25% of the year grade.

• All homework must be kept in students notebook and will be checked there.

• Students earn below an 80% must complete test corrections!

• Homework is a must in my course.

• All make-up work must be turned in within a week (5 days) of being assigned. All make-up work turned in beyond this deadline will receive no grade higher than a 50%..

• I will not accept incomplete work! Students are obligated to submit all work completed. Grades will not be applied until the work is completed and turned in.

• All parents/guardians will be notified if a student fails to turn in more than three assignments in a row! Thus, we as a triumvirate, myself, the parent/guardian, and the student, will come to a healthy agreement to put forth a greater effort in the future.

Method of Instruction and Consequences

• There will be significant opportunities for student interaction and teacher/student interaction during the allotted class time. Students who are participatory in US History will reap the rewards of their own hard work and dedication.

o Movie Clips – There is a plethora of US History related movie clips. We will have ample opportunity to view these clips as we proceed through the semester.

o Group Assignments – This method of learning is an excellent way to accomplish assignments. However, it will take responsibility and diligence to stay the course.

o Classroom Presentation and Projects – These days are opportunities for students to showcase their creative skills and break the monotony of normal classroom procedures.

o Extra Credit – Students will be participating in review games prior to assessing their knowledge of each unit of study. They will have the opportunity to earn extra credit or other rewards during this time and on reading quizzes.

o I handle my business IN CLASS! I write very few referrals. However, once you are in transgression of any of our procedures, you will pay the consequence. Ostracism is the most common form of consequence in our classroom, separation from the group, and all of its splendor.

o The process for discipline, if needed, is as follows:

1st Offense: Verbal Warning.

2nd Offense: Ostracism, followed by a phone call to parents or guardians.

3rd Offense: Referral

Class Attendance Policy:

Excessive absences will result in the failure of the course. According to CMS policy, any student who missed more than 10 days will fail the course unless he/she makes up the absence by attending after-school tutorials to make-up time and missed assignments. A student will be considered absent after 45 minutes.

Students who miss class will be responsible for collecting their missed work and notes from the folder in the back of the room and classmates


I have read and understood the following rules and policies as well as confirmed the following contact information with regards to my student.

Parent Name (Print): ______________________________________

Parent Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Student Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Parent Contact Information: _______________________________________________ (Telephone / Cell )

________________________________________________ (Email)

New Seating Arrangements

Procedure for entering the room (reading quizzes (different ones)

Parent Contact page EMAIL!!!

3ring binder and notebook or Notebook check only on test day

Outside of class or end of class readings (brogden)

Speech about history ( like a movie / what I say is important and will be on the eoc, I will let you know what is not essential)

How to study your notes essential information and graphic organizers

Each unit gets a syllabus with vocab reading pages and projects and unit questions that need to be completed


DBQ’s for each unit


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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