Final Exam for World History I

Final Exam for World History I

Multiple Choice

1) The earliest people who migrated to the Americas came from ______________.

a. Europe

b. Asia

c. Africa

d. Australia

2) Which of the following civilizations ruled an area that included the Andes Mountains?

a. Olmecs

b. Mayas

c. Aztecs

d. Incas

3) The Incan road system was built primarily for the purpose of allowing ___________.

a. People to travel to religious festivals

b. Farmers to carry tribute to the Sapa Inca

c. Armies and news to move rapidly throughout the empire

d. Trader to come into the empire.

4) The first people who migrated to North America came by way of a land bridge across the present- day ___________.

a. Rocky Mountains

b. Mississippi River

c. Bering Straits

d. Yucatan Peninsula

5) _______ Empire was located on the Yucatan Peninsula.

a. Anasazis

b. Mayas

c. Aztecs

d. Incas

6) ___________ Empire was located in central Mexico.

a. Olmecs

b. Mayas

c. Aztecs

d. Incas

7) Why did the Aztecs make human sacrifices to Huitzilopochtli?

a. To get rid of prisoners of war

b. To give the sun strength to rise each day

c. To control unruly nobles

d. To show their strength to the people the conquered

8) Who governed the Aztecs Empire?

a. There was no organized government

b. The army ran the government

c. Each city- state had a king

d. A council chose the emperor

9) Claiming to be the son of the sun , the Sapa Inca was both emperor and ___________.

a. Tax collector

b. Chief religious leader

c. Coya

d. Poet

10) The first America civilization emerged along the _____________.

a. Mississippi River

b. Mexican Gulf Coast

c. Desert coast of South America

d. Amazon River


11) Led the French to several victories and was tried for witchcraft

12) Event during which the longbow and cannon were used for the first time

13) Englishman who attacked Church corruption

14) Bohemian who called for reforms in the Church

15) Time when the papal court were on the border of southern France

a. Babylonian Captivity

b. Jon Hus

c. Joan of Arc

d. John Wyclliffe

e. Hundred Years War

Multiple Choice

16) How did monks and nuns improve life during the middle Ages?

a. They cared for the sick and poor

b. They gave land to the peasants

c. They opposed the feudal system

d. They excommunicated criminals

17) Which of the following groups conquered the former Roman province of Gaul?

a. The Christians

b. The Franks

c. The Muslims

d. The Saxons

18) Which of the following is credited to Charlemagne?

a. The defeat of the Muslims at the battle of Tours

b. The development of feudalism

c. The development of banking

d. The revival of Latin learning

19) Under feudalism, lords granted land to vassals in exchange for which of the following?

a. Food

b. Military service

c. Farm labor

d. Housing


20) Believed that God ruled over an orderly universe

21) Wrote the Divine Comedy

22) Wrote the Canterbury Tales

23) The everyday language of ordinary people called the ______________

24) Those medieval minds who tried to resolve the conflict between faith and reason believed in ___________.

a. Thomas Aquinas

b. Chaucer

c. Dante

d. Scholasticism

e. Vernacular

Multiple Choice

25) The manor economy was based on_____________.

a. Trade among many villages

b. Farming and self – sufficiency

c. Metalworking

d. Herding and weaving

26) New agricultural technologies in the Middle Ages led to ___________.

a. The end of Church influence

b. The end of feudalism

c. Increased food production

d. The creation of farmer’s guilds

27) The relationship between medieval Christians and Jews was one ___________________.

a. In which Jews rose to positions of power

b. In which Jews were persecuted by Christians

c. That improved during hard times

d. Of mutual toleration

28) Cannon law applied to ________________.

a. Religious teachings

b. The responsibilities of serfs

c. The theft of goods

d. The settlement of property


29) The Christian effort to drive the Muslims from Spain was called ____________.

30) The purpose of the ___________ was to conquer the Holy Land.

31) __________ was the monarch of Christian Spain

32) __________ described the wonders he had seen in China.

33) At the ____________, Pope Urban gave a speech that began the Crusades.

a. Marco Polo

b. Reconquaista

c. Council of Clermont

d. Ferdinand

e. Crusades

Multiple Choice

34) Knighthood arose because feudal society was filled with _____________.

a. Chivalry

b. Warfare and danger

c. Peasants working the land

d. Inequality

35) Which of the following groups dominated the economic and political life of towns during the middle Ages?

a. Nobles

b. Merchants guilds

c. Knights

d. The clergy

36) This emperor weekend Germany by becoming embroiled in Italy’s affairs and spending little time in Germany.

a. Henry IV

b. James I

c. Fredrick II

d. Barbarossa

37) Which of the following did Saint Louis do during his rule as king of France?

a. He tolerated Jews and heretics

b. He eliminated the royal courts

c. He ended serfdom in his lands

d. He collected new taxes from the middle class


38) Law that is the same for all people

39) Clergyman who resisted Henry II’s efforts to increase royal power

40) Census commissioned by King William

41) Document that affirmed feudal rights

42) A group of men who determined which cases should be brought to trail

a. Common law

b. Thomas Becket

c. Jury

d. Domesday Book

e. Magna Carta

Multiple Choice

43) For what purpose did English use the Domesday Book?

a. To set out sentences for criminals convicted of murder

b. To build an efficient system of tax collection

c. To undermine the war plans of the king’s enemies

d. To report on deadly diseases discovered in Europe

44) What did Henry II do to broaden the system of royal justice?

a. He established a Supreme Court

b. He stiffened the requirement necessary to become a lawyer

c. He taxed the rich and used the money to build a courthouse

d. He helped established English common law and the jury system

45) Pope Gregory VII banned this practice.

a. Marriage between minors

b. Kings appointing bishops

c. Clergy marrying

d. Taxing of the clergy

46) Under the Concordat of Worms, this person had sole right to invest bishops with fiefs.

a. The emperor

b. The pope

c. The bishop

d. The government

47) The Muslims acquired and passed on a range of ideas and technologies through ___________.

a. Wars

b. Trade

c. Ambassadors

d. Tourists


48) Sacred rituals that helped sinners to gain salvation

49) Tax paid to support the Church

50) Guidelines that regulated monastic life

51) Penalty that prohibited individual Christians from receiving the sacraments

52) Church action that excommunicated an entire town or region

a. Tithe

b. Benedictine Rule

c. Excommunication

d. Interdict

e. Sacraments

Multiple Choice

53) The Crusades affected the world by ____________.

a. Increasing trade between Europe and the Middle East

b. Strengthening the system of serfdom

c. Weakening the power of the Church

d. Causing Europeans to isolated themselves from the world

54) Isabella set up the Inquisition in an attempt to _______________.

a. Drive the Muslims out of Spain

b. Extend religious toleration

c. Achieve religious unity

d. End war with the Church

55) The Black Death was caused by ______________.

a. Malnutrition

b. A disease spread by rates/ fleas

c. Lack of vaccines

d. Wounds suffered during the Hundred Year’s War


56) Written documents that set out the rights and privileges of a town

57) Money for investment

58) Lending money at interest

59) Association of merchants or artisans

60) Trainee working to join a guild

a. Apprentice

b. Capital

c. Charters

d. Guilds

e. Usury

61) In exchange for land, _________ pledged service to a greater lord.

62) _________ required knights to be brave, loyal, and true to their word.

63) Many young nobles were trained in riding and fighting in order to become _____________.

64) Most ____________ included one or more villages and the surrounding lands.

65) A lord granted his vassal a __________, or estate.

a. Chivalry

b. Fief

c. Knight

d. Manor

e. Vassal

Multiple Choice

66) This conqueror was the leader of the Norman Conquest and united most of England.

a. Wilbur

b. William

c. George

d. Ferdinand

67) The Anglos and Saxons settled from Continental Europe to this country?

a. England

b. France

c. Germany

d. Spain

68) What was the main goal of the Crusades?

a. To win back the Holy Land

b. To make money

c. To find glory

d. To kill innocents

69) This unlucky king who singed the Magna Carta, in England, limiting royal power.

a. King George

b. King Henry II

c. King John

d. King Edward II

70) Which of the following was a result of the Crusades?

a. Cooperation between religions

b. Acceptance of Jewish people

c. Stimulation of production of goods and trade with Middle Eastern Markets

d. Permanent return of Jerusalem to the Christians

71) These homes of Monks helped to preserve Greco- Roman culture achievements during the Middle Ages.

a. Convents

b. Vatican’s

c. Chapels

d. Monasteries

72) What type of government means rule by a king or queen?

a. Democracy

b. Monarchy

c. Aristocracy

d. Tyranny

73) Byzantine artists made a lasting impact in __________.

a. Charcoal and watercolors

b. Sculpture and painting

c. Religious art and architecture

d. Carpet weaving and textiles


74) Appointed by the Byzantine emperor

75) Dispute over these divided the Church in the Byzantine Empire and in Western Europe.

76) After this, the pope and the patriarch excommunicated each other

77) Justinian, like earlier Roman emperors, was one of these

a. Autocrat

b. Icons

c. Patriarch

d. Schism

Multiple Choice

78) Eastern Europe is region of __________.

a. Democratic governments

b. Impassable mountain ranges

c. Diverse peoples and cultures

d. Isolated cities

79) Unlike Roman Catholics, Byzantine clergy practiced __________.

a. Christmas

b. Confession

c. Excommunication

d. Marriage

80) Of all Justinian’s works, he is best remembered for ___________.

a. His wife Theodora

b. His code of laws

c. His art

d. War with North Africa, Italy, and Spain

81) The Byzantine Empire collapsed partly due to __________.

a. War

b. Disease

c. The Church

d. A strong central government

82) Under Ottomans, Constantinople became _________.

a. A city devastated by war

b. A Christian stronghold

c. A center of Muslim culture

d. A monument to Justinian

83) What did Ivan the Great believe about Czars?

a. They had absolute power

b. They ruined Russia

c. They would rule for twenty years

d. They should give in to the Mongol

84) Which of the following cities became the capital of Russia under the Czar?

a. Kiev

b. Kulikovo

c. Constantinople

d. Moscow

85) Jewish refugees fled to Western Europe because ________________.

a. The land was to poor to support farming

b. They could not earn a living there

c. Christian Europeans persecuted them

d. They were looking for better economic climate

86) Poland was unlike Russia of Western Europe in ____________.

a. Allowing nobles more power than the monarch

b. Its attitude toward foreigners

c. Refusing to allow its people to engage in war

d. Limiting commerce severely

87) Chain of islands is called a ______________.

a. Archipelago

b. Shogun

c. Pagoda

d. Hangul

88) Supreme military commander in Japan was called a ________________.

a. Archipelago

b. Shogun

c. Pagoda

d. Hangul

89) A three-line poem consisting of 17 syllables.

a. Haiku

b. Hangul

c. Shogun

d. Sejong

90) Mongol chieftain who became the world's most successful conqueror.

a. Murasaki Shikidu

b. Genghiz Khan

c. Tang Taizong

d. Murasaki Shikidu

e. Giving peasants greater freedom

f. D. Imposing central government control on all Japan

91) Vietnam, Tibet, and Korea became ____________ (s) of China.

a. Tributary State

b. War lord

c. Pagoda

d. Li Bo

92) The greatest asset of the Mongol warrior was his ____________.

a. Skill in horsemanship

b. Advanced weaponry

c. Code of honor

d. Ability to negotiate with the enemy

e. Shilla

93) __________ were the fighting aristocracy of early Japan.

a. Haiku

b. Shogun

c. Samurai

d. Kabuki

94) The shogun distributed lands to the ________.

a. Haiku

b. Daimyo

c. Samurai

d. Kabuki

95) ________ emerged in Africa between 100,000 and 400,000 years ago.

a. Stone man

b. Homo sapiens

c. Egyptians

d. Neonatal

96) Homo sapiens migrated from _______ to Eurasia, Australia, and the Americas.

a. Europe

b. America

c. Australia

d. Africa

97) Early humans were ____________________, survival depended on the availability of wild plants and animals.

a. Farmers

b. Traders

c. Hunters and gatherers

d. Warriors

98) During the Neolithic era people made pottery and developed _____________.

a. Cave art

b. Weaving skills

c. Fire

d. None of the above

99) Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age) people were __________ (migrated in search of food, water, shelter)

a. Farmers

b. Traders

c. Nomadic

d. Warriors

100) ____________ people invented the first tools, including simple weapons

a. Neolithic

b. Paleolithic

c. Neonatal

d. Cave man


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