Area Studies: Africa and the Middle East, Asia, Europe, or Latin America Emphasis


Required Courses: (9 CREDITS) Required LAC: (3 CREDITS)

← PSCI 105 Fundamentals of Politics (3) __ GEOG 100 World Geography (3) OR

← PSCI 110 Global Issues (3) __ GEOG 200 Human Geography (3)

Choose one of the following courses*:

← PSCI 415* Sr. Seminar in Comparative Politics (3) OR

← PSCI 425* Sr. Seminar in International Relations (3)

* NOTE: Students should be aware that PSCI 415 and PSCI 45 are only offered in fall semesters. Students enrolled in Study Abroad or an Internship conflicting with fulfillment of the PSCI 415 or PSCI 425 requirement may substitute another PSCI course with the approval of their PSCI Advisor.

Choose 3 of the following: 9 CREDITS

← PSCI 220 Introduction to International Relations (3)

← PSCI 230 The Evolution of the Modern State (3)

← PSCI 240 Globalization (3)

← PSCI 260 Drug Wars (3)

← PSCI 286 Value Issues in Political Economy (3) OR

← MIND 286 Value Issues in Political Economy (3)

← PSCI 296 Study Abroad Experience (3)

← PSCI 315 Comparative Public Policy (3)

← PSCI 317 Dictatorship to Democracy (3)

← PSCI 318 The Politics of the Developing States (3)

← PSCI 320 American Foreign Policy (3)

← PSCI 321 War and Peace (3)

← PSCI 323 Politics of Religion (3)

← PSCI 326 International Political Economy (3)

← PSCI 328 International Law and Organizations (3)

← PSCI 350 Politics & Film (3)

← PSCI 351 Screening Politics & Film (0)

Choose 3 of the following: 9 CREDITS

← ANT 110 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)

← ANT 313 Anthropology of Globalization (3)

← ANT 314 Anthropology of Sex and Gender Diversity (3)

← ANT 331 Anthropology and Contemporary Human Problems (3)

← BA 251 International Business (3)

← ECON 203 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)

← ECON 205 Principles of Microeconomics (3)

← ECON 301 Money and Banking (3)

← ECON 303 Intermediate Macroeconomics (3)

← ECON 305 Intermediate Microeconomics (3)

← ECON 320 Comparative Economic Systems (3)

← ECON 344 International Economics (3)

← ECON 360 Economics of Growth and Development (3)

← ECON 377 Industrial Organization (3)

← ENST 100 Introduction to Environmental Studies (3)

← ENST 205 Environment, Politics and Law (3)

← ENST 215 Human Behavior and the Environment (3)

← ENST 225 Energy and the Environment (3)

← ENST 235 Chemistry and the Environment (3)

← ENST 331 Anthropology and Contemporary Human Problems (3)

← ENST 335 Environmental and Resource Economics (3)

← ENST 355 Introduction to Environmental Health (3)

← ENST 380 Sustainable Geographies (3)

← GEOG 296 Study Abroad Experience (3)

← GEOG 315 Nature and Society (3)

← GEOG 360 Nations, States, and Territory (3)

← MIND 185 Religions and Worldviews (3)

← PHIL 311 Environmental Ethics (3)

← PSCI 392 Internship (1-13) NOTE: No more than 3 credits of internship can be used toward the major

← PSCI 422 Directed Studies (3)

← SOC 235 Social Change in a Global Context (3)

|Choose one of the following concentrations: Africa and the Middle East; Asia; Europe; or Latin America |

|Group A, Africa and the Middle East |Group B, Asia |

|Choose 3 of the following: (9 CREDITS) |Choose 3 of the following: (9 CREDITS) |

|AFS 104 Survey of Africa (3) |ASIA 116 State, Society, and Culture in Contemporary Asia (3) |

|AFS 386 Political Economy of Modern Africa (3) |CHIN 116 Introduction to Chinese Civilization (3) |

|AFS 396 African and African American World View (3) |ENG 262 Masterpieces of World Literature (Orient focus) (3) |

|GEOG 326 Africa (3) |GEOG 218 Emerging Asia (3) |

|HIST 110 African Civilization (3) |GEOG 344 Asia: Special Topics (3) |

|HIST 301 Colonial Africa (3) |HIST 112 Asian Civilization I: From Prehistory to 1500 (3) |

|HIST 318 Modern Africa (3) |HIST 113 Asian Civilization II: From 1500 to the Present (3) |

|HIST 319 Revolutionary South Africa (3) |HIST 307 History of China to 1500 (3) |

|PSCI 325 Conflict in the Middle East (3) |HIST 309 History of Southeast Asia (3) |

|HIST 395 Africa or the Middle East subtitle |HIST 310 History of China Since 1500 (3) |

| |HIST 311 History of Japan (3) |

| |JPN 116 Contemporary Japan (3) |

| |MIND 181 Great Traditions of Asia: India, China, and Japan (3) |

| |PSCI 319 Asian Politics (3) |

| |HIST 395 Asia subtitle |

|Group C, Europe |Group D, Latin American |

|Choose 3 of the following: (9 CREDITS) |Choose 3 from the following: (9 CREDITS) |

|FR 116 Contemporary France (3) |GEOG 333 South America (3) |

|FR 411 France Then and Now (3) |GEOG 335 Geography of Middle America (3) |

|FR 412 French Politics and Society (3) |GEOG 392 Field Course in Geography (Latin America) (3) |

|GEOG 340 Europe (3) |HISP 111 Introduction to Hispanic Literature (3) |

|GEOG 392 Field Course in Geography (Europe) (3) |HIST 118 History of Mexico (3) |

|GER 116 Contemporary Germany (3) |HIST 312 History of Brazil (3) |

|GER 411 Germany Then and Now (3) |HIST 314 History of Latin America to 1855 (3) |

|GER 412 Politics and Society (3) |HIST 315 History of Latin America 1855 to the Present (3) |

|HIST 217 Europe and Islam: Myth and Reality (3) |HIST 316 History of the Caribbean and Central America (3) |

|HIST 283 Russian Cultural History (3) |PSCI 316 Latin American Politics (3) |

|HIST 371 The European Enlightenment (3) |SPAN 331 Latin American Civilization and Culture (3) |

|HIST 383 Great War and Aftermath (3) |SPAN 341 Mexican and Mexican American Civilization and |

|HIST 384 Three Germanies (3) |Culture (3) |

|HIST 385 History of the Holocaust, 1933 to the Present (3) |HIST 395 Latin American subtitle |

|HIST 386 Twentieth Century Russia (3) | |

|HIST 392 Sex and Gender in Modern Europe (3) | |

|PSCI 210 European Politics (3) | |

|PSCI 215 Post-Communist Russian Empire (3) | |

|SPAN 321 Spanish Civilization and Culture (3) | |

|HIST 395 European subtitle | |

|Students are required to be orally proficient in a foreign language. There are three ways to fulfill the language proficiency requirement: |

|1) Three credits in a foreign language at the 300 level or above; |

|2) Demonstrated proficiency at the intermediate/low level on the ACTFL/ETS Oral Proficiency Interview; |

|3) Other evidence approved by the student’s departmental advisor. |


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