Loudoun County Public Schools

Study Guide for World History Test #2 of Quarter 1 – Unit 2-1293963535753a. Be able to locate each of the following on a map: 1. Tigris River4. Sumer7. Ganges River10. Red Sea 2. Euphrates River5. Nile River8. Huang He River11. Yangtze River 3. Mesopotamia 6. Indus River9. Mediterranean Sea12. Nubia 00a. Be able to locate each of the following on a map: 1. Tigris River4. Sumer7. Ganges River10. Red Sea 2. Euphrates River5. Nile River8. Huang He River11. Yangtze River 3. Mesopotamia 6. Indus River9. Mediterranean Sea12. Nubia River Valley CivilizationsMesopotamia/Sumera. Why did people settle in Mesopotamia?b. The Mesopotamian river valley civilization formed along the following river(s):c. What were three geographical problems encountered by people who settled in Mesopotamia AND how did they address each of these problems?1.2.3. d. What is a dynasty?e. What was the type of writing developed by the Mesopotamians that they created using clay and a tool known as a stylus?f. What is shown in the image to the left AND what was its purpose?g. Be able to list examples of Sumerian civilizationh. Describe the role of priests in Sumerian civilizations. i. Explain what a city-state is. j. What is the meaning of the term “monotheistic”?k. What is the meaning of the term “polytheistic”?l. Were the Mesopotamians polytheistic or monotheistic?m. What civilization produced the The Epic of Gilgamesh? What is the poem about? n. What was the name of the World’s 1st Empire?o. Who was the king of Babylon that created a code of 282 laws? What was the law code called?Ancient Egypta. The ancient Egyptian civilization formed along the following river:b. Why did people settle along the river you named in "a"?c. In which direction does the Nile River flow?d. The rulers of ancient Egypt were known as __________________________________.e. What is a theocracy?f. What did the ancient Egyptians believe about the pharaohs?g. What did the ancient Egyptians believe about the afterlife?h. Were the ancient Egyptians monotheistic or polytheistic?i. What type of writing did the Egyptians use?j. Was the flooding of the Nile predictable or unpredictable?Indus River Valleya. The Indus River valley civilization formed near the ________________________ River. b. What helped to protect people who settled in this area from invasion?c. What is one reason we learned in class why we do not know as much about the Indus River valley civilization as we know about the other three river valley civilizations that we covered in class?Hunag He River Valleya. The Huang He river valley civilization formed between the _____________________ River (also known as the Yellow River) and the ______________________ River.b. Explain what physical features led to China’s isolation from the outside world. c. What are three dynasties we learned about in class that existed in the Huang He river valley?d. What was the Mandate of Heaven? e. Explain the religious beliefs of the people who lived in the Huang He river valley. Phoeniciansa. Where did the Phoenicians live? b. Did the Phoenicians ever unite together and form a country? If not, how did they live?c. What are three accomplishments of the Phoenicians that we learned in class? Nubiaa. Nubian kingdoms acted as a trade corridor for goods traded between _________________________________ and _______________________________.b. With which other civilization that we learned about in class did the Nubians interact extensively?c. Be sure to know that Nubia (Kush) protected Egyptian culture and values after Egypt’s decline. Hebrewsa. Much of our knowledge about the early history of the Hebrews is found in the __________, which contains written records and beliefs of the Jews.b. Were the Hebrews monotheistic or polytheistic?c. What is the name of the Hebrews' religion? d. Where did the Hebrews settle?e. Under three kings (Saul, David and Solomon), the Hebrews united and formed the kingdom of ________________________________. King David established the capital of this kingdom at the city of ___________________________________________.Vocab to know:TheocracyBureaucracyMonsoonTributesBarterDynastic CycleFeudalismEmpireLoess DynastyMandate of heaven ................

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