Leaders of World War II

Leaders of WWII

Stalin (Textbook)

When did he take power?

What country did he rule?

List three facts that he is known for.




Mussolini (Textbook)

When did he take power?

What country did he rule?

Which political party he belong to?

List three facts that he is known for.




Hitler (Textbook & Guided Notes)

When did he take power?

What country did he rule?

Which political party he belong to?

List three facts that he is known for.




Emperor Hirohito (Handout)

When did he take power?

What country did he rule?

List three facts that he is known for.




Winston Churchill (Hand out)

When did he take power?

What country did he rule?

List three facts that he is known for.




Franklin D. Roosevelt Textbook)

When did he take power?

What country did he rule?

Which political party he belong to?

List three facts that he is known for.





Emperor Hirohito

• Occupation: Emperor of Japan

• Born: April 29, 1901 in Tokyo, Japan

• Died: January 7, 1989 in Tokyo, Japan

• Reign: December 25, 1926 to January 7, 1989

• Best known for: Leader of Japan during World War II and Japan's longest-reigning monarch.


Hirohito was born on April 29, 1901 in the royal palace in Tokyo, Japan. At the time he was born, his grandfather was the Emperor of Japan and his father was the crown prince. While a child he was called Prince Michi. 

Becoming Emperor 

At the age of 11, Hirohito's grandfather died. This made his father the emperor and Hirohito the crown prince. In 1921, Hirohito took a trip to Europe. He was the first crown prince of Japan to travel to Europe. He visited many countries including France, Italy, and Great Britain. Upon returning from Europe, Hirohito learned that his father was sick. Hirohito took over the leadership of Japan. He was called the Regent of Japan. He would rule as regent until his father died in 1926. Then Hirohito became the emperor. 

Military Rule 

Although Hirohito had complete authority in Japan, he had been taught since he was a young boy that the emperor stayed out of politics. He was to follow the advice of his advisors. During Hirohito's reign, many of his advisors were strong military leaders. They wanted Japan to expand and grow in power. Hirohito felt compelled to go along with their advice. He was afraid if he went against them, they would have him assassinated. 

World War II 

In 1940, Japan allied with Nazi Germany and Italy forming the Tripartite Pact. They were now a member of the Axis Powers in World War II. In order to allow Japan to continue to expand in the South Pacific, Japan bombed the United States Navy at Pearl Harbor. This allowed Japan to take over much of the South Pacific including the Philippines. At first the war was a success for Hirohito. However, the war began to turn against Japan in 1942. By early 1945, Japanese forces had been pushed back to Japan. Hirohito and his advisors refused to surrender. In August of 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima and another on Nagasaki. Hundreds of thousands of Japanese were killed. 


After seeing the devastation of the atomic bombs, Hirohito knew the only way to save his nation was to surrender. He announced the surrender to the Japanese people over the radio on August 15, 1945. It was the first time he had addressed the Japanese people and the first time the public had heard their leader's voice. 

After the War 

After the war, many Japanese leaders were tried for war crimes. Some were executed for their treatment and torture of prisoners and civilians. Although many leaders of the Allied nations wanted Hirohito punished, U.S. General Douglas MacArthur decided to let Hirohito remain as a figurehead. He would have no power, but his presence would help keep peace and allow Japan to recover as a nation. Over the next several years, Hirohito remained Emperor of Japan. He became the longest reigning emperor in the history of Japan. He saw Japan recover from the war and become one of the richest countries in the world. 


Winston Churchill

• Occupation: Prime Minister of Great Britain

• Born: November 30th, 1874 in Oxfordshire, England

• Died: 24 January 1965 in London, England

• Best known for: Standing up to the Germans in World War II


Winston Churchill was one of the great world leaders of the 20th century. His leadership helped Britain to stand strong against Hitler and the Germans, even when they were the last country left fighting. He is also famous for his inspiring speeches and quotes. 

Childhood and Growing Up 

Winston was born November 30th, 1874 in Oxfordshire, England. He was actually born in a room in a palace named Blenheim Palace. His parents were wealthy aristocrats. His father, Lord Randolph Churchill, was a politician who held many high offices in the British government. 

Joining the Military 

Churchill attended the Royal Military College and joined the British cavalry upon graduation. He traveled to many places while with the military and worked as a newspaper correspondent, writing stories about battles and being in the military. While in South Africa during the Second Boer War, Winston Churchill was captured and became a Prisoner of War. He managed to escape from prison and traveled 300 miles to be rescued. As a result, he became something of a hero in Britain for a while. 

Rise to Power 

In 1900 Churchill was elected to Parliament. Over the next 30 years he would hold a number of different offices in the government including a cabinet post in 1908. His career had many ups and downs during this time, but he also became famous for many of his writings. 

Prime Minister 

At the outbreak of World War II, Churchill became First Lord of the Admiralty in command of the Royal Navy. At the same time the current Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, wanted to appease Germany and Hitler. Churchill knew this would not work and warned the government that they needed to help fight Hitler or Hitler would soon take over all of Europe. As Germany continued to advance, the country lost confidence in Chamberlain. Finally, Chamberlain resigned and Winston Churchill was chosen to be his successor as Prime Minister on May 10, 1940. 

World War II 

Soon after becoming Prime Minister, Germany invaded France and Britain was alone in Europe fighting Hitler. Churchill inspired the country to keep fighting despite the bad circumstances. He also helped to forge an alliance of Allied Powers with the Soviet Union and the United States. Even though he did not like Joseph Stalin and the communists of the Soviet Union, he knew the Allies needed their help to fight Germany. With the Allies help, and Winston's leadership, the British were able to hold off Hitler. After a long and brutal war they were able to defeat Hitler and the Germans. 

After the War 

After the war, Churchill's party lost the election and he was no longer Prime Minister. He was still a major leader in the government, however. He was again elected Prime Minister in 1951. He served the country for many years and then retired. He died on January 24, 1965.  Churchill was concerned about the Soviet Union and the Red Army. He felt they were just as dangerous as Hitler now that the Germans were defeated. He was right as soon after World War II ended, the Cold War between the Western nations of NATO (such as Britain, France, USA) and communist Soviet Union began. 


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