East River HS

AP Human Geography 2018 Summer Assignment-61912476200Welcome to Advanced Placement Human Geography! I am excited to have you in class this coming year. Human Geography is much more than just where things are on the map. However, knowing where things are is critical to everything else you will learn. For the summer, please do the following: Print the maps found here (there are seven- North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, and the world). NOTE: We are a digital school - if you can label the maps digitally, we will accept and grade them electronically. The outline of each map is a GIF file pasted onto a google document.Using any digital or hard copy resources as references, neatly label every country on each map (except the world map). Notice that in Oceania, small island nations tend to look alike on the map- do your best! Also be careful about labelling inland lakes or seas as countries.On the world map, outline and label the following regions:Latin AmericaWestern EuropeEastern EuropeCentral AsiaEast AsiaSouth AsiaSoutheast AsiaMiddle EastNorth AfricaWest AfricaEast AfricaSouthern AfricaThere is no requirement to color the maps- please do so if desired, just be careful not to obscure the labelling.Do you best to memorize the location of as many countries as you can- this will help you throughout the year, and we will do map quizzes as the year goes on.The maps are due on the first day of school. Good Luck!Respectfully,Mr. Petrick (mark.petrick@) Mrs. Alvarez (devin.alvarez@) P.S. We’ll check our e-mail every few days over the summer in case you have a question.North America North America Map Quiz game-676274247650South AmericaSouth America map quiz game247650228600AfricaAfrica map quiz gameEuropeEurope map quiz gameAsiaAsia map quiz game-87629966675OceaniaOceania map quiz game-514349381000World Regions Map Identify and label the following regions: Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa ................

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