
|Subject: North Carolina: Creation and Development of the State |2010-2011 |

|Teacher/Instructor: N. Dawes, J. Balwah |Year 3 (Grade 8) |

|Annual Guiding Question: How do human beings interact with their natural, man-made and social environments? |

***All Units of Study will be taught through the Areas of Interaction: Approaches to Learning, Community and Service, Human Ingenuity, Health and Social Education, and Environments.

|Timeline |Unit of Study |Student-Centered Activities |IB Assessment |

| |(NCSCOS and IB Goals and Objectives) | |Criteria and Tasks |

|Quarter 1- Guiding Question(s): Can different societies merge without conflict? |

|2 Days |Introduction to Course, class rules, books |Students are encouraged to ask | |

| |assigned |questions related to the course | |

|3 Days |Chapter 1 Section 1 Students learn about the |Mapping skills |US Map Quiz |

| |tools used by historians and geographers and also learn the map of|Activity dealing with |IB Criteria A |

| |the United States. NCSOS 1.02 |historical thinking and the |(Knowledge) |

| | |content areas of social studies | |

|1 Week |Chapter 1 Section 2 – Assess the impact of geography on the |Mapping skills |Test on Chapter 1 |

| |settlement of the colony. | |IB Criteria A, B |

| |NCSOS 1.01 | |(Knowledge, Concepts) |

| | | | |

| |Describe contemporary political, economic, and social issues at | |Oral Presentations on key |

| |the state and local levels and evaluate their impact on the | |election issues |

| |community. NCSOS 9.01 | |IB Criteria C, D |

| | | |(Skills and Application) |

| |Compare and Contrast the reasons for European Exploration and the | | |

| |factors that led to the settlement of the American Colonies. | | |

| |Review Socratic Seminar process. NCSOS 1.03 , 1.05 | | |

|3 weeks |Chapter 2 |Socratic Seminar |Comparison paper on North |

| |Identify and describe Native Americans who inhabited the regions |Jeopardy Review Game |Carolina Native Americans with |

| |that became Carolina and assess their impact on the colony. NCSOS | |non-North Carolina Native |

| |1.02 | |Americans |

| | | |IB Criteria B |

| |Compare and Contrast the reasons for European Exploration and the | | |

| |factors that led to the settlement of the American Colonies. | |Constitution Day Socratic Seminar|

| |Review Socratic Seminar process. NCSOS 1.03 , 1.05 | |IB Criteria C |

| | | | |

| |Evaluate the impact of the Columbian Exchange on the cultures of | |Oral presentations on key |

| |American Indians, Europeans, and Africans. NCSOS 1.04 | |election issues |

| | | |IB Criteria C and D |

| | | | |

| | | |Test IB Criteria A, B |

|2 Weeks |Chapter 3 | |Oral presentations on key |

| |Identify the geographic and political reasons for the creation of |Current Events Game |election issues |

| |a distinct North Carolina colony and evaluate the effects on the |Career Start Computer Activity |IB Criteria C and D |

| |government and economics of the colony. NCSOS 1.06 | | |

| | | |Quiz Criteria A and B |

| |Describe the roles of the diverse groups in the North Carolina | | |

| |colony and compare them to the other colonies. NCSOS 1.07 | | |

| | | | |

|2 Weeks |Chapter 4 | |End of Quarter Test |

| |Trace the events leading up to the Revolutionary War and evaluate | |IB Criteria A, B |

| |their relative significance in the onset of hostilities. NCSOS |Jeopardy Review Game | |

| |2.01 | |Oral presentations on key |

| | | |election issues |

| |Describe the contributions of key North Carolina and national | |IB Criteria C and D |

| |personalities from the Revolutionary War era and assess their | | |

| |influence on the outcome of the war. | | |

| |NCSOS 2.02 | | |

| | | | |

| |Examine the reasons for the colonists’ victory over the British | | |

| |and evaluate the impact of military successes and failures, the | | |

| |role of foreign interventions, and ongoing political and economic | | |

| |issues. NCSOS 2.04 | | |

|Quarter 2- Guiding Question(s): Could anything have resolved the slave issue aside from war? |

|2 Weeks |Describe the impact of documents such as the Mecklenburg Resolves,|Discussing and charting the |Essay |

| |the Halifax Resolves, the Articles of Confederation, the U.S. |differences between the Articles |IB Criteria B and C |

| |Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the State |of Confederation and the US | |

| |Constitution of 1776 and the Bill of Rights. NCSOS 2.05 |Constitution |Oral Presentation on key election|

| | | |issues IB Criteria C and D |

| | |Discussion of election issues | |

| | |Socratic Seminar |Quiz |

| | | |IB Criteria A,B |

| | | |Socratic Seminar |

| | | |IB Criteria B,C |

|4 Weeks |Chapter 5 |Roots Movie and Group Discussion |Test |

| | | |IB Criteria A and B |

| |Describe the causes of the War of 1812 and analyze the impact of | | |

| |the war on North Carolina and the nation. NCSOS 3.01 | |Essay response to Roots movie |

| | | |IB Criteria B,C |

| |Investigate the conditions that led to North Carolina’s economic,| | |

| |political and social decline in the first half of the 19th century| | |

| |and identify reformers and evaluate the success of their programs.| | |

| |NCSOS 3.02 and 3.03 | | |

| | | | |

| |Describe the development of the institution of slavery in the | | |

| |State and nation, and assess its impact on the economic, social | | |

| |and political conditions. NCSOS 3.04 | | |

| | | | |

| |Compare and contrast different perspectives among North | | |

| |Carolinians on the national policy of resettlement of American | | |

| |Indian populations. NCSOS 3.04 | | |

|3 Weeks |Identify and analyze the significance of the causes of secession |Role Playing activity |End of Quarter Test |

| |from the Union, and compare reactions in North Carolina to |Current Events Game |IB Criteria A,B |

| |reactions in other regions of the nation. |Group Discussions | |

| |NCSOS 4.01 |Career Start Lesson |Oral Presentations |

| | | |IB Criteria D |

| |Describe the political and military developments of the Civil War | | |

| |and analyze their effect on the outcome of the war. | | |

| |NCSOS 4.02 | | |

| | | | |

| |Assess North Carolina’s role in the Civil War and analyze the | | |

| |social and economic impact of the war on the state. | | |

| |NCSOS 4.03 | | |

| | | | |

| |Evaluate the importance of the roles played by individuals at the | | |

| |state and national levels during the Civil War and Reconstruction | | |

| |Period. NCSOS 4.04 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Timeline |Unit of Study |Student-Centered Activities |IB Assessment |

| |(NCSCOS and IB Goals and Objectives) | |Criteria and Tasks |

|Quarter 3- Guiding Question(s): How did North Carolina’s domination of several industries affect its future? |

|3 Weeks |Chapter 7 |Current Events |Test IB Criteria A,B |

| |Analyze the political, economic, and social impact of | | |

| |Reconstruction on the state and identify the reasons why | | |

| |Reconstruction came to an end. NCSOS 4.05 | | |

| | | | |

| |Identify the role played by the agriculture, textile, tobacco and | | |

| |furniture industries in North Carolina, and analyze their | | |

| |importance in the economic development of the state from 1870 – | | |

| |1930. NCSOS 5.01 | | |

|3 Weeks |Chapter 8 |Socratic Seminar |Socratic Seminar |

| | |Current Events |IB Criteria C |

| |Analyze the impact of migration on North Carolina and examine the | |Quiz IB Criteria A,B |

| |changing role of educational, religious and social institutions | | |

| |from 1870 – 1930. NCSOS 5.02 and 5.03 | | |

| | | | |

| |Identify technological advances and the influence of political | | |

| |legal and social movements on life in North Carolina from 1870 – | | |

| |1930 NCSOS 5.04 and 5.05 | | |

| | | | |

| |Describe North Carolina’s reaction to the increasing U.S. | | |

| |involvement in the world affairs including participation in World | | |

| |War I and evaluate the impact on the state’s economy. NCSOS 5.06 | | |

|3 Weeks |Chapter 9 – Great Depression and World War II |Jeopardy Review Game |Research Paper |

| |Identify the causes and effects of the Great Depression and | |IB Criteria B,C |

| |analyze the impact of New Deal policies on Depression Era life in | | |

| |North Carolina. NCSOS 6.01 | |Quarter Test |

| | | |IB Criteria A, B |

| |Describe the significance of major events and military engagements| | |

| |associated with World War II and evaluate the impact of the war on| | |

| |North Carolina. NCSOS 6.02 | | |

| | | | |

| |Examine the significant key ideas and individuals associated with | | |

| |World War II. NCSOS 6.03 | | |

| | | | |

| |Assess the impact of World War II on the economic, political, | | |

| |social, and military roles of different groups in North Carolina | | |

| |including women and minorities. NCSOS 6.04 | | |

|Quarter 4- Guiding Question(s): How can North Carolina benefit from globalization? |

|3 Weeks |Chapter 9 – Post World War II |Career Start Lesson |Test IB Criteria A and B |

| | |Current Events Game | |

| |Analyze the extent and significance of economic changes in North |Group Discussion |Essay IB Criteria B,C |

| |Carolina during the post war period to the 1970s. NCSOS 7.01 | | |

| |Assess the influence of technological advances on the economic | | |

| |development and daily life during the post war period to the | | |

| |1970s. NCSOS 7.03 | | |

| |Compare and contrast the various political viewpoints surrounding | | |

| |issues of the post World War II era. NCSOS 7.04 | | |

| |Evaluate the major changes and events that have effected the roles| | |

| |of local, state, and national governments. NCSOS 7.05 | | |

|3 Weeks |Chapter 10 |College Tri-board project |Quiz |

| |Evaluate the importance of social changes to different groups in | |IB Criteria A, B |

| |North Carolina during the post war period to the 1970s. NCSOS | | |

| |7.02 | |Oral Presentation |

| | | |IB Criteria D |

|3 Weeks |Chapter 11 |Socratic Seminar |Socratic Seminar |

| |Describe the changing demographics in North Carolina and analyze |Jeopardy Review Game |IB Criteria C |

| |their significance for North Carolina’s society and economy since | | |

| |the 1970s. NCSOS 8.01 | |End of Quarter Test |

| |Describe the impact of state and national issues on the political | |IB Criteria A, B |

| |climate of North Carolina. NCSOS 8.03 | | |

| |Assess the importance of regional diversity on the development of | | |

| |economic, social, and political institutions in North Carolina. | | |

| |NCSOS 8.04 | | |

A summary document providing an overview of the implementation of each area of interaction over the whole subject, with reference to units of study and specific projects.

| |

|Approaches to Learning: Throughout the year many different assessment types are used (ie. Tests, essays, Socratic Seminars, PowerPoint, Oral |

|Presentations) to promote different styles of learning by the students. They also have the opportunity to work in small groups and individually so they |

|can become adept at fulfilling the different assessment criteria. |

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|Community and Service: Eighth grade Humanities promotes learning about cultural changes in the state so students will gain a level of respect and |

|toleration for people different than themselves. They also are sensitized to economic issues and poverty in the United States and North Carolina. |

| |

|Human Ingenuity: Students have the opportunity to examine the creative talents of people throughout American and North Carolina History and are able to|

|develop their own creativity through artistic and technological projects throughout the year. |

| |

|Environment: Students are made aware of how human actions impact the environment through studying concerns about global warming, the impact of |

|pollution on North Carolina as well as actions students can take to address these issues on the local and state level. |

| |

|Health and Social Education: Eighth grade Humanities encourages students to view even local and state issues from a global perspective and to develop |

|appropriate avenues of dialogue with those they come into contact with from different cultural backgrounds. |

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This syllabus is subject to change during the school year.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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