Question 3 - WikiLeaks

Question 3. What types of terrorism would you most like to know about? (Check all that apply)

Answers for other (please specify)

|1. |Geopolitical terrorism as a function of primary or natural resource extraction industrial efforts or exploration (E.g.: |

| |oil - Nigeria and Venezuela; diamonds - South Africa; NatGas - Saudi Arabia, Chechnya) |

|2. |Potically motivatd violence against U.S. citizens ANYWHERE |

|3. |Important to have trends, stats, common issue analysis, volume and clear distinctions based on motivation (religion, |

| |political, personality driven). |

|4. |My main interest focuses on terrorist groups linked with the islamic movements in Central Asia, Caucasus, Afghanistan and |

| |the wider Middle East region. |

|5. |Particular interest in the Middle East. Interested in all forms of terrorism in the region, not only against |

| |foreign/Western targets. |

|6. |middle east, africa |

|7. |State terrorism, on domestic front (as in opressive regimes). |

|8. |international terrorism especially in the ME |

|9. |Threats against US interests abroad |

|10. |As it reiates to cyber failure that impacts on all citizens As it impacts on business and other aspects of our society (in|

| |addition to what you are doing now. I do not mean more just pull back on the level you now supply impacting government |

|11. |Islam is in the midst of a civil war between what can be called traditionalists and western-leaning islamicists. Terrorism|

| |seems to be an integral part of this war. |

|12. |focus on Islamist infiltration of West |

|13. |Violence or threats thereof against U.S. civilians and commercial targets abroad motivated by ideological or religious |

| |beliefs. Islam does not separate politics from religion. |

|14. |Religiously and economically motivated threats against the world. |

|15. |prevention and interdiction of movement and production of WMD, including biweapons and nuclear materials |

|16. |All of the above |

|17. |Economic terrorism |

|18. |A la question four, be blunt about deconstructing the language used, "war," "terror,"and our government's motivations |

| |beyond military moves. |

|19. |Patterns of overseas activity (from demographics to ordnance trainings and all else relevant) that could be predictors of |

| |untoward domestic events. |

|20. |Up to date news on the war against terror by the United States. |

|21. |Your current coverage is satisfactory for my purposes. |

|22. |Threats specific to Manhattan, NY |

|23. |Analysis of occurrences and their relationship to the conceptual evolution of terrorism as a tool in interstate military |

| |conflicts |

|24. |Narco-terrorism, K&R threats..... |

|25. |1) Domestic terrorism in foreign countries. 2) Presence of foreign terrorists in third world countries (i.e. muslim |

| |extremists in Latin America) |

|26. |Generally those threats that could impact travel or planning events/activities overseas by U.S. business |

|27. |any kind of threat that could destabilized the democratic world |

|28. |interaction between various terrorist groups and what is being done to counteract them. |

|29. |US intelligence efforts toward combatting domestic terrorism |

|30. |activities of and relations between terrorist organisations in Greater Middle East area |

|31. |As a tool by different factions to leverage for oil interests in central asia and other resource rich sites. |

|32. |Threat assessment and analysis against western or developed nations, especially Islamist and othe idealogies that are |

| |essentially incompatible with secular western societal norms. |

|33. |Islamic terrorism - Jihadism |

|34. |terrorist attacks against military targets abroad |

|35. |Unrest within a republic such as ours created by political propaganda during political campains that seem to last forever.|

|36. |socio-political analysis of trends within the Islamic -- esp. Arab -- world. Both at the top, and at the grass roots. e.g.|

| |, but with deeper analysis. |

|37. |NA |

|38. |terrorist actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and activities of Hizbollah and al-Qaeda |

|39. |Current status of all recognized terrorist organizations in the world including the known leaders. |

|40. |I'd like to see this incorporated into your current web site. |

|41. |World wide and regional trend |

|42. |Analysis that includes documentation of dissent critical of terrorist acts by spokesmen within the states that harbor |

| |terrorists |

|43. |Patterns of indigenous terrorism (such as terrorism associated with abortion clinics, animal rights/environmental |

| |activism, etc.) |

|44. |threats against energy business |

|45. |Threats targeting European and/or French interests |

|46. |Threats and politically motivated violence against US and allied political and military targets |

|47. |Further information about the Chechnyan terrorists and analysis of Russian strategy regarding them would be interesting. |

|48. |As a major player in the humanitarian world this topic is of keen interest. |

|49. |Threats against our infra-structure such as water, law enforcement and public health. |

|50. |Any best pracices for protecting "soft targets" abroad |

|51. |This may be the same as "politically motivated violence against non-U.S. targets". I would like to know about other non-US|

| |countries terrorists and terrorist attacks (not related to US interests) such as Russia's Chechnya "terrorists". |

|52. |Politically motivated violence with the intent of overthrowing a government or governments or establishing a regime in de |

| |facto control of part of a country |

|53. |Politicall motivated violence (PMV)against the Oil industry and Middle East countries in particular "Qatar" PVV against |

| |targets in South East Asin incld Australia |

|54. |Palestinian - Israeli |

|55. |Threats against UK and UK targets |

|56. |Information concerning US and forign efforts to combat Terrior and how effective they are. |

|57. |terrorism triggered by US foreign policy and potential terrorism threads originating from countries such as Saudi Aarabia |

|58. |Threats and attacks on targets that may not have a direct link to the U.S. but within a U.S. sphere of influence. Also, |

| |threats or attacks targeting Christian and Jewish places of worship, businesses, or other operations. |

|59. |Threats against Israeli / Jews in USA and elsewhere |

|60. |terrorism based on drug cartels |

|61. |Any other threat to any country or organisation |

|62. |Politically motivated violence by US allies and clients and the US, or backed by the US |

|63. |extra info on non-US, e.g. European, targets |

|64. |US+EU |

|65. |Any use of unconventional means of attack. Especially interesting would be indirect attacks (e.g., attacks on financial |

| |systems, use of high technology to perpetrate attacks while remaining anonymous, etc.). |

|66. |Any type of insurgency/terrorism activity, which has the specific purpose of using fear as a political means, including |

| |socio-economic destabilisation |

|67. |terrorism in China and Russia |

|68. |1) Insight into the collaborations between terrorist groups, organized crime, and the drug cartels. 2) Terrorism as an |

| |asymmetric weapon against the U.S and other militaries. The terrorist activity in Iraq is an example. |

|69. |all of the above |

|70. |specifically, threats to the oil/LNG industry |

|71. |deeper analysis of who is behind the spread of nuclear technology and the challenge of a growing militant china. |

|72. |Threats against civil aviation. |

|73. |cyber terrorism |

|74. |all those in slovakia and surrounding countries |

|75. |- against US policies abroad (economic) - against economic policies in general |

|76. |Nuclear Terrorism Issues; particularly refined threat assessment |

|77. |Politically motivated violence against Israeli targets in Israel, US and abroad Politically-motivated private violence |

| |everywhere (Russia-Chechens, Kashmir etc.) |

|78. |ETA |

|79. |interested in broader analyses of the evolution of the terrorist movement and its implications for non-supportive |

| |governments |

|80. |Violence against investigators who do research on animals |

|81. |Religious motivated violence |

|82. |Terrorists involvement with actual _strategic_ issues, such as the involvement with WMDs and ballistic missiles. |

|83. |Major economic disruption to the extent not included above. |

|84. |Home grown terrorist organizations. |

|85. |Domestic Terrorism. Taking its cue from Samuel Huntington, the media implies that terrorism is a brown-skin vs. white skin|

| |phenomenon when in fact some of the deadliest terrorist attacks have been planned and executed by Americans against |

| |Americans. Let's have more coverage of militant groups within the United States. |

|86. |economic ramifications of the above terrorism and drug trafficing and other supranational crime syndicates |

|87. |Travel threats in and out of the USA. |

|88. |please apply this also to the western world's interest on major issues at least. Also shipspiracy to be included. nbc |

| |threats and environmental threats as a means to exert pressure to states and/or regimes too. |

|89. |The background analysis of Terrorist's movements and their people and resources, especially outside the "real threat" |

| |situation. |

|90. |If you are going to have the newsletter why concentrate on the US - it should be grobal |

|91. |For teaching purposes, need profiles and trend analyses that explore patterns for understanding and nature of their |

| |planning thinking. |

|92. |Mainly the orginasational structure and personalities of the main terrorist groups, and also the degreee of |

| |state-sponsered terrorism. |

|93. |Mid east terrorism |

|94. |You should not seperate this since all interrelates. This could work to your disadvantage and chip away your credibility. |

|95. |The Israeli occupation of Palestine seems to be the most serious root cause of terrorism against American interests. So, |

| |Israeli attacks in Palestine would be of key interest to me. |

|96. |Homegrown terrorism, such as abortion clinic bombers, rascist groups (i.e. Aryan supremacy groups). |

|97. |The philosophy of terrorism. How we are changing our view of the world and changing our lives to accommodate this new |

| |world. America as the world's policeman and whose law we are enforcing. The Great Muslim War. |

|98. |Economically motivated violence, i.e. brigandage, piracy, worldwide, US and other targets. |

|99. |Politically motivated violence against U.S. military and government civilians abroad in heretofore "dormant" areas. |

|100. |Terrorism as an excuse for inapprorpriate,profitable and//or irrational and domestic actions. |

|101. |Nepal particularly. Also India,Laos and Cambodia |

|102. |Area-specific threats, such as groups in Lebanon or Saudi Arabia, regardless of who they are targeting |

|103. |Domestic Terrorism |

|104. |Primarily the Americas, (particularly Mexico and South America), and Africa |

|105. |Organized criminal activity worldwide, piracy, drugs, kidnapping rings, financial fraud, etc.. |

|106. |While often politically motivated, eco-terrorism and events specifically intended cause and "economic crises" |

|107. |Special focus on Islamic countries and religion-inspired terrorism. In fact, your use of the generally nondescript and |

| |meaningless PC word "politically" in place of the actual source of most global terrorism is worrying. |

|108. |info on groups dealing in human trafficking, drug running, weapons dealing |

|109. |Annual or semi-annual global net assessment on Islamic and associated terrorism. Also periodic briefings by country or |

| |region e.g. 1) Afghan-Pak-Kashmir region, 2)Arabian Peninsula, 3)Iraq-Syria-Iran, 4) Eastern Africa, 5) Indochina-Malay |

| |Archipelago and 6)Caucasus & Balkan regions. Suggest one region per month in a semi-annual cycle. |

|110. |terrorism agains, tourist areas in the US, and shopping center. and in airlines US and other countries. especial in |

| |mexico. |

|111. |politically motivated attacks against the primary reserve currency(dollar). |

|112. |animal rights extremists anarchists bio-tech extremists |

|113. |I would say all the anti western violence- esp-muslim-, certainly those already living- "in the belly of the beast"-among |

| |us inside western democracies. |

|114. |Domestic terrorist groups in the countries of Middle East, North Africa and South Asia |

|115. |Transnational Crime and it's relationship with terrorism worldwide. |

|116. |eco-terrorism |

|117. |I think there should be something akin to the Iraq War site devoted especially to the "war on terrorism." This could also |

| |leave other parts of Stratfor to focus more specifically on traditional state-based intelligence and analysis, as well as |

| |on areas of the world that tend to be ignored given the massive focus on terrorism. |

|118. |Colombia ( FARC, AUC, ELN,EPL |

|119. |in-depth analysis of terrorist GROUPS, to include their capabilities, targets, etc. |

|120. |Threats against Spanish and Venezuelan citizens/residents |

|121. |Threat of Bush administration stripping away civil and privacy rights of US citizens |

|122. |I teach a course on Middle East terrorism and would appreciate any and all that focuses on that region. |

|123. |Threats meant to destabilize US geopolitical objectives |

|124. |An annual or semi-annual synopsis of terroism around the world would be helpful. Actual attacks summarized along with |

| |potential trouble in areas that maybe lie below radar screens of those watching. |

|125. |Aviation threats |

|126. |links between Islamic and non-Islamic Extremists |

|127. |Checnya and Israel |

|128. |movement of bio/chem/nuc specialists from former USSR countries to ??? |

|129. |atom bomb terror |

|130. |Any insight into U.S. domestic terrorists (i.e. militia, hate groups) that may be active. |

|131. |Discussion of the political, economic and ideological motivations of the terrorists. |

|132. |Specific analysis on the Middle East groups and movements |

|133. |Criminally-based terrorism, such as the Latino "maras" you discussed recently. |

|134. |Anything related to travel |

|135. |Against targets in Israel |

|136. |Basid understanfingh of terrorist motivation. i.e. a bunch of Maoist bent on world revolution, is al queda really a bunch |

| |of authoritarian Marxists dressed upas religious piety |

|137. |Specific Industry related terrorism |

|138. |Aviation - Terrorism Counterterrorism |

|139. |ramifications of terrorist threats on financial markets, oil/gas production |

|140. |I hope you will be extremely careful in defining terrorism. You need to treat indigenous peoples' de-colonization |

| |struggles in a distinct category. Some of these struggles today are badly conflated with "war on terrorism" thinking. |

| |Think about current wars or incipient wars in Chechnya, Abkhasia, Uyghur Republic, Kurdistan, Kosovo, Mindanao, Ache, West|

| |Papua, Somaliland, Southern Sudan (North Azania), the Maghreb, Kashmir... All these wars are fundamentally about |

| |de-colonization of peoples who claim the right of self-determination - just like East Timor and Eritrea and all the states|

| |that shook out of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. Some of these cases are also about indigenous peoples who happen to be |

| |Muslim, Islamized, and find support for their struggles in internationalized Islamist organization. Others, alternatively,|

| |are about wars against Islamic/ist imperial states. Somehow they are all mixed up in this orthodoxy of thought that gives |

| |Al Qaida way too much power of influence and US imperialism way too little recognition for what it is: the cause of the |

| |terrorism which is the thing you guys want to talk about. Let's make sure US imperialism gets it due. The more you try to |

| |control other people(s), the more they will resist you. Human nature, you know? And then, how are going to resist the |

| |Goliath? David's method still applies. Stratfor brags a lot about being clear-eyed. Please justify my faith that you can |

| |recognize your own biases. |

|141. |Any religious fundamentalist threat (as distinct from political) |

|142. |Terrorism with european targets. |

|143. |Global Patterns |

|144. |Cases of terrorism in which the terrorists operate with relatively broad support from their relevant constituencies, |

| |terrorism which has the potential to alter the policies of nations |

|145. |possible information on known asia country (safe areas/grey areas) such as NPA/PNP in philippines, such as when the |

| |Pangasinan San fabian Beach area was ok for either side for R&R as long as no pieces. Islam must have same arrangement for|

| |safe areas in other asian countries.? |

|146. |Organizations that behave as terrorists but for non political reasons |

|147. |CBRN terrorism Cyber-terrorism |

|148. |Global terrorist threat analyses and assessment against UN presence and UN humanitarian operations including such threat |

| |to International Non-Government Organizations especially those working closely with UN as implementing partners, e.g. |

| |International Organization for Migration (IOM) |

|149. |Threats against India. |

|150. |Threats by Domestic Groups against the US |

Question 9. How do you currently stay abreast of news, information or intelligence related to terrorism? (Check all that apply)

Answers for other (please specify)

|1. |Jane's 'Security and Terrorism Monitor' |

|2. |stratfor, US Gov't websites |

|3. |Stratfor, NY Times, New Republic, New Yorker, National Post (Canada) |

|4. |Well, yours, obviously, but also . |

|5. |Web: Stratfor Publications: non-public govt publications |

|6. |stratfor |

|7. |STRATFOR (of course!!!!) |

|8. | FT, Stratfor, IWAR listserve, Dep. Uranium listserve, etc. |

|9. |NYTimes; LeFigaro; LeMonde; Observer; WashingtonPost; other varied by interest |

|10. |Surf all sites of major news sources. |

|11. |Winds of Change Global Security Jihad Watch Little Green Footballs The Command Post |

|12. |I have about 50: examples: Al- to Washington Post. |

|13. |Drudgereport; Naval War College Review and papers; misc. think tanks; books |

|14. | |

|15. |google news |

|16. |, stratfor, BBC, G2 bulletin |

|17. |general news sites; specialised news eg Jane's Defence / Stratfor / Intelligence Online ... |

|18. |Stratfor |

|19. |Stratfor |

|20. |Stratfor |

|21. |stratfor, bbc, cnn, debka, al jazeera and others |

|22. |NewsMax, WorldNetDaily, Drudge, etc. |

|23. |Foreign Affairs Magazine |

|24. |Stratfor, NY Times, Economist, |

|25. |ICT, prism, universities |

|26. | |

|27. |Debka Several newspapers Federal Rerserve sorry I am on the road and do not have my list I will say that I go all over for|

| |information. Overall, one can then decide how much is relivant |

|28. |Stratfor Economist Foreign Affairs Atlantic Monthly New York Times Financial Times news. |

|29. |Stratfor (of course), Foreign Affairs, International Journal of Intelligence and Counter Intelligence, Parameters, "spy |

| |news", Strategic Studies Institute Publications, Atlantic, National Geographic, Foreign Policy |

|30. | |

|31. |too numerous to list |

|32. |I live in Central Asia so i do not have timely access to print media. I use . the various wire services online|

| |reports, Central Asia Times, and I also watch CNN, BBC, and Deutsche Welle World news every day. |

|33. |debka, stratfor, spacewar, google, eurasianet |

|34. |stratfor |

|35. |Stratfor is a heavy source for me now. Additionally, I read: free content on Jane's Defense site, The Economist, and |

| |peer-review journals from individuals in the weapons, government and policy community. |

|36. |The cable news (Fox-MSNBC-CNN) |

|37. |Stratfor |

|38. |Stratfor |

|39. |Our own sources for intel |

|40. |Stratfor web site New York Times web site |

|41. |Stratfor, DHS, FBI, NIPC, DS- |

|42. | |

|43. |Stratfor. The Economist. Drudgerport (how embarrasing to admit). |

|44. |Stratfor |

|45. |Wall St. J.; NY Times, StratFor e-mails |

|46. |mainly stratfor |

|47. |FYEOD, Stratfor, Jane IR, Janes Digest |

|48. |Statfor, CT , New York Times, Washington Times, Washington Post, Weekly Standard, National Review, , |

| |Christian Science Monitor, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Time. |

|49. |Wall St. Journal NY Times Business Week Economist |

|50. |Debka, Stratfor |

|51. |Daily exhaustive scan of the global electronic and print media. Stratfor inclusive |

|52. |DEBKAfile, JPost, lots of bloggers, DNI,WSJ,Weekly Standard |

|53. |ANSER, FBI, Journal of Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence, Economist, Nature, Scientific American, Wired, BMJ, JAMA, |

| |ASLET, ASIS, IACSP, TSA (Tony Scotti not ), FAA, etc...... |

|54. |drudgereport, pravda, news., stratfor, email |

|55. |stratfor, debka |

|56. |NPR |

|57. |debka, stratfor, geostrategy-direct, worldnetdaily |

|58. |Stratfor |

|59. |stratfor, .il, , |

|60. |, , |

|61. |Stratfor, , EWR(early warning report), |

|62. |Wall Street Journal The Economist New York Times Time |

|63. |Stratfor,Debka,various news sites ion the US and abroad |

|64. |intel center Dept of homeland security |

|65. |you, , townhall, realclearpolitics,instapundit |

|66. |Stratfor, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, ... |

|67. |; jane's; Oxford Analytica; Federation of American Scientists |

|68. |MacNeill/Lehrer Newshour |

|69. |Stratfor Foreign Relations (CFR) Heritage Foundation DOD News |

|70. | |

|71. |Yours,the Economist,Wall Street Journal,FPRI,etc |

|72. |Stratford, National Review, |

|73. |Stratfor is my primary, and the one I rely on above all ohers. |

|74. |stratfor |

|75. |Washington Post, CQ Homeland Security, DHS website, Stratfor |

|76. |Stratfor, L.A. Times, Washington Post, Newsweek |

|77. |Wall ST Journal Stratfor |

|78. | Time |

|79. | |

|80. |Straftor, Jane's, Debka, Danish Foreign Office, European Commission, State Dept. MFO (UK) |

|81. |Stratfor, Debka |

|82. |Stratfor, NYT, Washington Post, CRG, OSAC, |

|83. | |

|84. |NY Times DEBKA |

|85. |NIPmail (members only email forum) NMIA ZGrams (email newsletter) |

|86. |, , & various newspapers |

|87. |Stratfor, MEMRI, USINFO |

|88. |Stratfor |

|89. |FCO, OSAC, Stratfor, |

|90. |www---,, , ,,,,, , |

| |, , , , & |

|91. |NY Times, LA Times, Wall St Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, Oakland Tribune, Time Magazine, , , |

| |, , National Review Online, Tech Central Station, Middle East Forum, , |

| |, ,The Public Interest, The Volokh Conspiracy |

|92. |The Economist, Stratfor, Foreign Affairs, Alexander's Oil and Gas |

|93. |Stratfor |

|94. |cia-state department-debka |

|95. |stratfor |

|96. |Stratfor......Debka... MEMRI...Haaretz...etc. |

|97. | Strategic Forecasting Alert |

|98. |Debka Stratfor Intelligence online International Reports The Globalist just to name a few |

|99. |I regularly read Stratfor, Debka file,Terrorism Research Certer(rarely) & Washington Inst. for Near East Policy (rarely) |

|100. |Security Management asisnet |

|101. |Wall Street Journal |

|102. |BBC Al-Jazeera CNN Stratfor Jane's |

|103. |Foreign Affairs; Assist News Service; IHT; NYTimes online; World Press mag; Wilson Quearterly; St. Petersburg Times; |

| |USNWR; Int.Bulletin Missionary Research; |

|104. |Debka, Worldnet Daily |

|105. |stratfor, us news & world report, cargo news web site |

|106. |Classified Web Sites and Publications EIN World Terrorism Daily |

|107. |stratfor reuters Limbaugh Oreilly fox news any government site available drudge links |

|108. |Stratfor, Jane's, various websites in the blogging community |

|109. |Stratfor different others (too many to list) |

|110. |Stratfor |

|111. |vast majority of my info from you, Stratfor |

|112. |Stratfor newsmax |

|113. |Debka Stratfor |

|114. |Stratfor, Janes, and the US Army Air Defense Artillery Magazine. |

|115. |, , ,, |

|116. |Foreign Affairs, Classified sources |

|117. |Stratfor |

|118. |foxnews emergencynet cnn yahoo news worldnetdaily newsmax stratfor Air Security Hot Spots ds- |

|119. |Stratfor Intelligence Services I don't watch TV and haven't watched since 1980. I take no newspaper or magazine. I get all|

| |of my news entirely from radio and the internet. |

|120. |People on the field where we work. |

|121. |Stratfor |

|122. |OSAC, ISMA |

|123. |New York Times Stratfor |

|124. | Foreign Affairs Stratfor The New Republic |

|125. |the economist news. |

|126. |OA, BBC, Asia Today, Foreign Affairs, Atlantic Monthly, local news sources, Jane's, RUSI |

|127. | Emails from others in the security and intelligence industry |

|128. |Terrorism and Political Violence. |

|129. |Stratfor Debka File |

|130. |Stratfor |

|131. |Stratfor |

|132. |Stratfor |

|133. |Stratfor suscriber US News and World Report Forbes NY Times Christian Science Monitor Local media |

|134. |NY Times, Wash Post, Haarez STRATFOR, Homeland Security Report, Government websites |

|135. |Stratfor, CIA factbook, FBI, Defend America, NY Times, Washington Times, LA Times, CNS News |

|136. |State Dept Web Site |

|137. |I can provide a lengthy list if requested |

|138. |Foreign Policy and Foreign Affairs, Stratfor, Economist, NYTimes, BBC website |

|139. |International herald tribuna, The Economist, Le Monde |

|140. |Janes |

|141. |Economist, BBB Africa in Focus, Time, Terrorism Reseach Centre, Reuters, BBC, CNN, ICC, ICT, government organisations, |

| |World Crisis Web, Crisis Web, Christian Science Monitior, regional news organisations, military organisations, etc, etc |

|142. |numerous |

|143. | |

|144. | Janes |

|145. |Stratfor |

|146. |Current History magazine, C-SPAN when a specific lecture applies |

|147. |Stratfor |

|148. |Strator, globalsecurity |

|149. |1) Websites: , , , 2) Publications: The New Republic, The Nation, |

| |Reason, Mother Jones, Free Inquiry The above list is non-exhaustive. |

|150. |Strator Internet news |

|151. |Stratfor |

|152. |stratfor |

|153. |Financial Times Economist BBC World |

|154. |1) MSNBC website 2) CBS News website 3) Various commentators, e.g. Georgie Anne Geyer. 4) Open Source Solutions website, |

| |which offers book reports and editorials of interest. |

|155. |Stratfor! Le Figaro ICG |

|156. |Stratfor, Front Page, Janes |

|157. |this one |

|158. |Stratfor, |

|159. |BBC WSJ Janes Stratfor |

|160. |rueters, msn, cnn, stratfor |

|161. |, debka, jane's, PIW |

|162. |stratfor john loftus global secutiry american enterprise institute drudge world net center for security policy political |

| |junkie many others |

|163. |stratfor, msn, and several others. |

|164. |Economist Janes |

|165. |Stratfor |

|166. |stratfor |

|167. |Janes publications on terrorism |

|168. | |

|169. |Stratfor |

|170. |Economist, NYT |

|171. |STRATFOR |

|172. |news. |

|173. |Stratfor, , |

|174. |Stratfor; Opinion Journal; ; The Drudge Report; Bill Gertz at the Washington Times |

|175. |Economist/World Press Review/Foreign Affairs/Stratfor/The Orator/Washington Times & Post/Go Asia |

|176. |stratfor, google news delivering on key words |

|177. |Stratfor, BBC, Foxnews |

|178. |Stratfor, , other online news sites. |

|179. |Stratfor, the New Yorker, New York Review of Books, among others |

|180. |NorthEast Intelligence, BBC, |

|181. | the economist web site |

|182. |World News, Wall Street Journal, Google News, etc. |

|183. |Anything Stratfor may say. |

|184. |news. |


|186. |**** STRATFOR **** |

|187. |ANSER Newsletter The Economist Stratfor |


|189. |Stratfor Worldnetdaily Worldtribune debka |

|190. |Radio, And Stratfor emails |

|191. |news. |

|192. |stratfor, of course |

|193. |Actually lots of them. For Palestine organizations, Israeli online media, official website, Meria Journal, Bar-Ilan |

| |University stuff; academic/ political journals (Survival, Washington Quarterly, International Security, Foreign Affairs |

| |etc.); governmental reports generally available online; daily media (generally online) for routine (CNN, BBC, Los Angeles |

| |Times, New York Times, some stuff available at Global Beat); Jane's newsletters; International Crisis Group reports; |

| |Stratfor |

|194. |Soldier of Fortune, Defence , , Globalsecurity. |

|195. |Stratfor, Debka, mainstream news (Economist, FEER, NYT, etc) |

|196. |Stratfor |

|197. |British and french Newspapers and magazines and some arabic onesand specific American and Indian ones |

|198. |stratfor |

|199. |, , and . |

|200. |NY Times Washington Post LA Times Miami Herald Phila Inquirer Forbes Business Week Customized News sites on Yahoo, Google,|

| |Excite and MSN |

|201. |ecomomist |

|202. |Stratfor, Economist, RUSI, |

|203. |A list of these Web sites is available at stunning-. Click "Resources". |



|206. |Stratfor US Dept of Defense US Dept of State C-span |

|207. |Washington Post, New York Times, Economist |

|208. | |

|209. |CNN, Stratfor |

|210. |Debka |

|211. |Stratfor, FYEO, NewsMax, MOAA, , WOW, Drudge, The.Optimate |

|212. |Wall Street Journal National Review Online Weekly Standard Strategy Page Random blogs Stratfor (of course) |

|213. |Stratfor |

|214. |Janes Economist |

|215. |Stratfor |

|216. |stratfor, google news |

|217. |stratfor, air security, Time magazine Truthout, although the credibility of this site is suspect to say the least radio |

|218. |The Economist New Yorker |

|219. |New york times |

|220. |; ; ; & local regional area sites like , etc. |

|221. |Stratfor CNN many others |

|222. |NY Sun Wall Street Journal NY Times Stratfor Center for Security Policy |

|223. | (premium member) |

|224. |secure and non-secure sites provide by department/company |

|225. |DEBKAFile; STRATFOR; ERRI; IACSP; ASIS; YahooGroup - Terrorism News |

|226. |NYTimes, Christian Science Monitor, and Koinania |

|227. |We read papers and watch TV to see how wrong the mainstream media has it. Pleople do not really address the real issues, |

| |and hence draw mostly the wrong conclusions. |

|228. |The Economist Magazine, National Review Web Site and Magazine, , CNN Web and TV, Google News, Time, Naval |

| |Institute Proceedings and many more. |

|229. | |

|230. |CNN, BBC, The Guardian, New York Times, , and a number of others depending upon the topic. |


|232. |Stratfor; Debka files; Drudge; Newsmax; john- |

|233. |Nat'l Security Inst; Debka; Nat'l CountX Dir (); ; DIA; CSIS; Nat'l Sec Message Board; IISS; Nat'l Threat |

| |Initiative; Global Security; |

|234. |Debka,Stratfor,Haaretz,JPost, Reuters, BBC, Pravda, Kabul times, Korea Times |

|235. |Army Times; USNaval Institute Proceedings; Stratfor |

|236. |Stratfor; BBC World Report; International Herald Tribune; Washington Post; Fox News and CNN |

|237. |Economist Financial Times |

|238. |Stratfors, FEER, Times of India, Nepal News, BBC |

|239. | |

|240. |, Economist Intelligence Unit, Access Middle East |

|241. | |

|242. |the Economist |

|243. |TIME, Stratfor |


|245. |stratfor |

|246. |Stratfor |

|247. |Stratfor, WSJ, Barrons, local papers, Fox News |

|248. |SOF |

|249. |Stratfor, TownHall sites, WSJ, Washington Times |

|250. |BBC, RFI, Stratford, The Economist, Le Point, L'Express... |

|251. |Stratfor Janes Air Security Intl |

|252. |We have several web sites both free and paid as well as e-mail and pager alert updates. |

|253. |local newspaper for what it is worth CNN infrequently stratfor |

|254. |NY times online, London Times online |

|255. |daily-alert@ |

|256. |Stratfor, GeoStrategyDirect, DEBKAfile |

|257. |Stratfor of course, Google News, NYT, WP, IHT, BBC, Guardian, etc. Also columnists: Fareed Zakaria, Thomas Friedman, David|

| |Ignatius, Trudy Rubin, Wm Safire, Charles Krauthammer, etc. Also the Univ. of Texas Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection|

|258. |Debka WorldnetDaily geostrategydirect armytimes wallstreet journal financial times foreign affairs |

|259. |Economist |

|260. |DebkaFile Stratfor WorldNet Daily FrontPage Daniel Pipes |

|261. | televisa tv azteca msn |

|262. |, Also: by radio - National Public Radio |

|263. |Financial times, Dow Theory, WSJ, NY Times, Sinclair, Schultz etc... |

|264. |what about stratfor? |

|265. |Stratfor, Fox News, USA Today, Debka, Reuters, World Net Daily, Drudge |

|266. |Strafor, MEED, CRG, FCO, US State, OSAC and many others |

|267. |project on defense alternatives,jane's,stratfor,u.s. dept. of state,christian science monitor, economist,n.y. times,csis, |

|268. |Financial Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Hoover Institution publications, Stratfor |

|269. |Stratfor Debka .mil |

|270. |Mostly from Stratfor. TV & news dailys seem to be left leaning. |

|271. | |

|272. |Stratfor, New York Times, , al-Jazeera, Haaretz, |

|273. | |

|274. |Strtatford, The Economist,Cato Institute |

|275. | McAlvaney Intelligence Advisor Richard Mulbury's Warning Report |

|276. |I have to admit, since reading your website, it is becoming my primary source for international news. I see more and more |

| |flaws with TV News. |

|277. |Bloomberg, Reuters |

|278. |Stratfor Time magazine |

|279. |DoD press releases |

|280. |Stratfor, NY Times, Drudge |

|281. | |

|282. |Stratfor |

|283. |Stratfor |

|284. |too many to list. Since there is no real news in US media, one needs to search out other options like Stratfor |

|285. | |

|286. |Wall Street Journal, Aviation Week, Economist |

|287. |Stratfor web site |

|288. |Just Stratfor |

|289. |Stratfor emails, , The Week magazine |

|290. | |

|291. |Economist; stratfor &others |

|292. |The Economist Current History Foreign Affairs The Nation |

|293. |Air Security Stratfor |

|294. |Predominantly private military and government WAN |

|295. |Janes, Stratfor, DEBKA |

|296. | |

|297. |State Dept pubs, Economist, WSJ, NYT, Early Bird |

|298. |Debka defenseLink ICT strategypage US special operations command BBC and so on. |

|299. |BBC, New York TImes, CNN, Fox, Sky, ABC, Reuters, Google News, etc. |

|300. |NY Times Washington Post STRATFOR Foreign Affairs |

|301. |Yours |

|302. |Stratfor, as well as sites that collect news stories from other sources, like news., , and |

| | (for computer security related stories) |

|303. | wall street journal online washington post online DEBKA File |

|304. | BBC other classified sites |

|305. |Debka, InfoSec news (an IT security newsletter), , Asia Times () |

|306. |Periscope's terrorism database. |

|307. |Stratfor, Jane's, Debka, MEMRI |

|308. | news. |

|309. | |

|310. |Stratfor, , , Newsweek Magazine, Fox News Television, Center for Strategic & International Studies Website|

|311. |Stratfor, Debka, Strategy-Direct, MENL, Business Intel, Janes, Focus, and US gov't websites to name a few |

|312. |, , |

|313. | |

|314. |STRATFOR |

|315. |Transecure - OSAC - UK Foreign Office |

|316. |DOD and DOS web sites. |

|317. |STRATFOR, Reuters, MSNBC, NY Times, Wall St Journal |

|318. |Stratfor, Debka, Worldtribune, Geo-Strategy |

|319. |Newisfree-new aggregator that will drop stories from the sorces I specify |

|320. |economist, wsj, fortune, stratfor |

|321. |You should be connected to the Center for World Indigenous Studies (CWIS), the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples |

| |Organization(UNPO), the Minorities at Risk (MAR)program, balanced by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) website |

| |on para-state organizations. If you need assistance sorting through competing concepts, let me know. |

|322. |stratfor.coom john- many books about Islamic terrorism Why America Slept Sleeping with the Devil |

| |Preachers of Hate Hatred's Kingdom Crisis of Islam Islam without Illusions Islam Unveiled Bought but not yet read Qu'ran |

| |Mohammed See no evil |

|323. |Emerson,Pipes,Frontpage,Debka, |

|324. | Geostrategy DrudgeReport Debkanet |

|325. |Stratfor |

|326. | |

| | |

|327. |yours, cnn, msnbc, time, usnews, wsj, local paper, ny times, kiplinger, nation, atlantic monthly, et al. |

|328. |Economist, Financial Times, Foreign Affairs, Google news alerts on terrorism |

|329. |Major world newspapers, Google, IWPR, EIN, Brookings and other think tanks |

|330. | |

|331. |Economist New York Times Boston Globe |

|332. |yours NY Times online Mail and Guardian Online Headlines |

|333. |Stratfor,NY Times, Time, Townhall,Books on the topic |

|334. |Christian Science Monitor Jane's Defense Weekly |

|335. |books |

|336. |CEIP |

|337. |Stratfor, Newsweek, Yahoo |

|338. |Wall Sreet Journal Houston Barnacle Drudge Stratfor |

|339. |News summary by the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations |

|340. |stratfor daily analysis |

|341. |Stratfor, google news |

|342. |Essays by authors whose names appear in magazines (foreign affairs and like) |

|343. |Stratfor, Various Internet Forums |

|344. |Defense News, Jane's publications(related to defense), European and US web sites/think tanks |

|345. |Foreign Affairs, Debka File, Parameters,Mediterranean Quarterly, publications from US Army War College, overseas |

| |newspapers |

|346. |stratfor |

|347. |bloomberg NI TERROR |

|348. |Numerous sites/groups specialising in the Middle East |

|349. |stratfor new york times cnn reuters |

|350. |Stratfor, etc. |

|351. |Books on the subject matter |

|352. |Stratfor Insight NewsMax Washington Times WWW. (Maritime Piracy Reports) |

|353. |Online news, including Stratfor. |

|354. |Publications of the Southern Poverty Law Center, the World Jewish Congress, Stratfor. |

|355. |StratFor Strategic Forecasting Alert |

|356. |Early Bird |

|357. |Stratfor, NY Times, alternet, alJazeera, IHT, |

|358. |Stratfor & the Early Bird |

|359. |US weekly |

Question 14. How much would you pay for a Web site focused on the terrorism topics we’ve discussed in this survey? (Check one)

Answers for other (please specify)

|1. |If it is not part of the current offering, for just a few dollars more per year ($20) to send out a newsletter, I wouldn't |

| |pay for it. |

|2. |Monthly rate would be best. Quarterly, semi-annual also. |

|3. |Should be included in what subscribers already pay. |

|4. |i pay for premium service now, i think that should be included. |

|5. |I'd hope it could be included in the model under which I've subscribed: you did start the 'IRAQ WAR' page as separate, and |

| |then re-incorporated it into your main subscription service. That's a successful model. |

|6. |i don't know |

|7. |I'm a "starving (grad.) student," but I'd pay around $50 in addition to my existing $99 fee for Stratfor Basic. |

|8. |I just resubscibed fortwo years. My stance is reallocate your resources and only come back to us if then you need more $ to |

| |conduct the business. what I get now is impressive but it is not very relivant to my existance as a business person working |

| |all over the globe. |

|9. |I would prefer it be included in my general Stratfor account |

|10. |What ever it costs to do the job correctly. |

|11. |Depends on quality of information. |

|12. |I had the feeling this was going to happen. I would probably switch from regular Stratfor to Terror Stratfor, but not both. |

|13. |Don't know. |

|14. |In addition to my current subscription or on its own? |

|15. |Within existing subscription. |

|16. |Depends on the quality, timliness and originality of the information. If good .. would be willing to pay. If just repeating |

| |others, less. You've hit a good topic, but you'll need to invest in this to make it worthwhile. |

|17. |I am retired. |

|18. |I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount allowing for the publishers to realize an acceptable profit margin. |

|19. |small additional charge for a non-premium service attached to basic services. Say, $25 per year additional. |

|20. |Best would be bundled with the $100 Stratfor Basic subscription fee. |

|21. |To most people it would be worth abové 200 USD pa, but as a journalist I would expect it free of charge |

|22. |Included in my Stratfor subscription, the fee which is maxed for this retired senior. Sorry about that. |

|23. |I think that we are paying you enough. I do hope that you are not going to break Stratfor into interest sections and start |

| |charging for each section! section |

|24. |I would have difficulty paying additional costs for this site, I would hope it would be include in the premium membership |

| |fee. |

|25. |Should be part of my stratfor subscription |

|26. |I do not require a specialist terrorism website. I expect the subject to be covered on Stratfor's existing service |

|27. |$50 to $75/year |

|28. |I'm torn between 100 and 50. On the one hand, a focus on terrorism provides much less of a spectrum compared to what is |

| |currently offered on Stratfor's site, so it should be on the low side, but then again, I'd assume it would be much more |

| |detailed that what if on the current site, so I could understand it being priced more like 100. If you intend to reduce the |

| |amount of terrorism-related information on the current site, please count my vote at $50. If all the content on the new site|

| |is going to be in addition to any terrorism-related analysis on the main Stratfor site, then put my vote at $100. |

|29. |I want to know why ya'll stopped the Daily Briefs via email. It appears you upgraded your service and included that only to |

| |high cost contributors. It's ashame that only big companies or wealthy individuals get access to you 'Best information'. |

| |It's the lower level people that help crunch the information - to get the analysis to the key players. |

|30. |Nothing extra:I would substitute it for something in the full service i currently buy which interests me less |

|31. |It would be nice if it could be included in the annual fee we are already paying |

|32. |How can I even venture a guess as to a price when I do not know what the product will contain and the method or levels of |

| |delivery. You have asked a number of questions and have provided multiple answer opportunities. To tell you the truth, I |

| |think that the reports that you now provide include terrorism reporting. It almost seems as if you are talking about taking |

| |something out of the existing reports you provide and will start to charge extra for something that we are already getting. |

| |Milton Choate |

|33. |Would be willing to pay for this service, but much of this is delivered to US companies for free through OSAC. Your |

| |challenge would be to bring more indept analysis or future trends into the equation. Your value to me in other areas is your|

| |willingness to take positions, make forcast and do real analysis rather than just reformat the headlines. |

|34. |Included in the price I'm paying now |

|35. |Dependant upon the quality and quantity of the product. |

|36. |US 10/year |

|37. |Unsure, would need to evaluate in terms of quality, quantity and demand. |

|38. |I would expect it as part of my standard subscription |

|39. |Price and quality are intertwined. Even USD 200 is relatively inexpensive. In fact I believe the price will most likely have|

| |to be higher, if a minimum standard is to reached. |

|40. |As part of this subscription |

|41. |I don't know, I would have to see it first. |

|42. |Cost would prob be Department-sponsored, anyway. |

|43. |depends on the extent of the information and more specifically the analysis |

|44. |I'd like to see it included in the Stratfor basic |

|45. |Should come with the present service |

|46. |I would prefer to see it included in membership. |

|47. |Depends on what Stratfor finally focuses on, and the perspective used to analyze the problem |

|48. |Part of a Regular Service with Stratfor |

|49. |The cost I would pay depends on the qulity and usefullness of the site. |

|50. |On reflection, I think you are suggesting something more tactical and detailed than I need. I suspect that STRATFOR will |

| |continue to address the broader studies/analyses of terrorism which cover my needs. |

|51. |It would really depend on the following combination of factors: a. The apparent usefulness of the Web site. b. Whether your |

| |pricing properly reflects that usefulness. c. My disposable income at that time. d. Whether the Web site includes some of |

| |the in depth studies of scholars such as Jessica Stern and Mark Jurgensmeyer to name a few. |

|52. |It should be included as part of the Premium Strafor package |

|53. |As I am a student I would like to pay around $100 |

|54. |Add to my subscription and increase the cost somewhat ...... say $50.00? |

|55. |Depends on content and correctness. Debka sends 15 page report weekly for $100 and apparantly very good |

|56. |For my Personal use: Unnecessary. |

|57. |would prefer it to be included in my stratfor subscrption |

|58. |Nothing more than the regular subscription |

|59. |its depends on the range of services as current fees are accepted. Obviously, do not expect a freebee. |

|60. |If such a site was to be set up, include it with the premium subscription. |

|61. |Should be included in the membership fee |

|62. |Initially start at 50.00 and go up from there based upon responses to queries from devout readers, questions like "Are we |

| |performing the way you thought we would?" |

|63. |I'd suggest a discounted price (under $50/year) to basic members; I'd suggest including the new service free within the |

| |Premium (and higher) memberships; and I'd suggest between $75 and $100/yr. for non-Stratfor subscribers. |

|64. |should be part of the basic service. |

|65. |Depends on quality, accuracy and timeliness. |

|66. |Should be part of the premium service, no additional charge. |

|67. |$50. additive to subscription |

|68. |$50 or less per yr assuming this to be a value added service to what we are already paying under your "Premium" member plan.|

|69. |~50/year when added to the price of basic service. You need to design a service package that is designed for intelligent and|

| |well informed laymen that is better than basic service but is less expensive than your premium service,say $150-$200/yr that|

| |would include the services I described above in question 3. $400 is just too expensive except for professional-corporate |

| |customers. I suggest you run another survey for this purpose. |

|70. |for your PREMIUM clients, it should be "part of the package"; maybe your Basic clients would then consider "up-grading." |

|71. |I want it included in my current fee of $249 per year. |

|72. |In addition to the Stratfor subscription? Maybe $100 if it's good info |

|73. |Information on terrorism is part of my ongoing self education. I consider it part of my education portfolio. Stratfor's |

| |insights on terrorism have been informative and appropriate for my level of interest. I am looking for general backgrgound |

| |info to be an informed citizen. |

|74. |I am an educator on the college level. i would hope tha that you would assist such educational groups. I currently share |

| |much of your information with mys tudents. |

|75. |Hello George, Tim Ward here. I believe that terrorism issues are intricately connected with the geopolitical issues that are|

| |addressed by Stratfor; I believe it would be a mistake to treat this as a separate and stand alone issue, I recommend that |

| |if you want to have a more focused analysis of terrorist issues, then it should be a part of the main Stratfor project. The |

| |quality of the 'whole Stratfor product' will be negatively affected by assigning insight and information towards different |

| |Stratfor products. To assign insight or information only to the terrorism sight would mean to deny that very same |

| |information to Premium Customers. Also Stratfor had a recent and significant increase in the cost of subscription. I believe|

| |that premium services are premium services and this must be a part of the entire Stratfor product. If a more detailed |

| |analysis of Terror related issues results in recognized value added to customers then raise your premium rates again. I |

| |recommend that you go forward with this more detailed analysis but make it part of the premium services. When the value has |

| |been established and recognized- then raise the premium services subscription orice. |

|76. |I would be happy to pay what I am paying now, but if specific modules were of relevance, I'd be happy to buy them on an ad |

| |hoc basis |

|77. |It should be part of the "comprehensive" service. |

|78. |I'd want to see what you offered through a free trial or the like. Based on that, I would decide what it was worth. |

|79. |Nominal charge above my current rate, which admittedly I cannot remember right now. I would pay the price of a magazine |

| |subscription around $50/year. |

|80. |I would hope it would be included in Stratfor's excellent service buit would pay a small additional amount |

|81. |free, I hope, as a journalist! |

|82. |Likely nothing. All the information you want to present can be discenrece already from an intelligetn read of the newspaper,|

| |web sites and TV. Paying for someone to summarize that would be a hard sell to me. The only way woudl be if you could talk |

| |with the leaders of said oprganizaiton and know what they were realy up to and had planned. |

|83. |was hoping it would be included in the regular amount! |

|84. |not up to me to decide |

|85. |Currently unemployed. How about a job being a source on indigenous conflicts, decolonization, and state fragmentation, in |

| |exchange for the service? |

|86. |Depends on quality of information presented |

|87. |Depends on the quality and quantity of the content. I am currently a member of . The quality is great but the |

| |quantity I feel could be greater. I would much prefer to have a small section within .info to be dedicated to this topic. |

| |Interactivity scores points in my opinion. is my favorite news source not for the validaty of the content but the |

| |interactivity of the graphs and regions. |

|88. |I am already paying your Premier Rate and expect that to cover any new product. |

|89. |I would prefer it to be a not-too-large component of existing services. |

|90. |AS part of Stratfor basic or per report upon demand. |

|91. |Part of standard Stratfor subscription. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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