
Title of Lesson: Finding Mr. T | |

|Concept Overview: |Students will write detailed directions for traveling from one set location to another remote |

| |location.* |

| |* This lesson may be time-sensitive because of the Mohawk Grenade promotion, but could be |

| |changed to providing directions to a specific location like the Auction House in Orgrimmar. |

|Subject Area(s) Addressed |English I - Instructional Writing |Estimated Lesson Time: |1 Class Period |

|Standards and Objectives |NCDPI – English I |

|What state or national standards does this |Competency Goal 2.03: Instruct an audience in how to perform specific operations or procedures|

|lesson address? |by providing complete and accurate information, using visuals and media to make |

| |presentations/products effective and using layout and design elements to enhance |

| |presentation/product. |

| |Possibilities for Integration |

| |NCDPI English 6-12 |

| |This activity could be used in conjunction with any creative writing activity for developing |

| |written directions. |

| |NCDPI Technology Education: Fundamentals of Technology |

| |Competency Goal 6.00: Develop abilities to communicate effectively in a technological world. |

| |NCDPI Second Languages Levels II and higher |

| |Competency Goal 3: Presentational Communication – The learner will present information, |

| |concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics in the |

| |target language. |

|Lesson Objectives |Students will be able to write detailed travel directions and create graphics to help |

|What is the purpose of this learning |illustrate these directions. They will use screen captures, word processing, and presentation |

|experience? What will students know and be |software to communicate step by step directions. |

|able to do as a result of this lesson? | |

|Materials |Student Computers with World of Warcraft Installed |

| |Word Processing and/or Presentation software |

| |Computer with Data Projector (or scan converter with TV) |

|Before/ ENGAGE: |The teacher introduces the lesson by showing the Mr. T Night Elf Mohawk videos on World of |

|Teacher asks some discussion questions to |Warcraft’s website or Youtube. |

|get the students thinking about the lesson.| |

|Tie into prior knowledge. | |

|Teacher engages students to connect to |The teacher will discuss with students instructional World of Warcraft web resources like |

|previous lessons if applicable. |Wikis, Forums, and Databases. Students should share resources they use while researching video|

| |games at home. |

|During/EXPLORE: |Students will be tasked with creating a step by step set of directions, with graphics, for |

|Teacher allows students to take leading and|finding the Night Elf NPC that gives away free Mohawk Grenades. |

|exploratory roles. |Students will begin at their faction’s starting area (ie. Trolls and Orcs start in The Den, |

|Teacher guides student |Dwarves start in Dun Murough). They will locate the Night Elf NPC that represents Mr. T. Then |

|exploration/learning. |they will write detailed instructions on how to get from the starting area (listing landmarks)|

|Students engage in inquiry and research. |to the place where the NPC can be found. |

|Students develop products or artifacts |Have students take screen captures of notable locations and landmarks. These should be pasted |

|demonstrating their understanding. |as slides into a presentation (like Powerpoint). More advanced students can edit the photos or|

| |place graphics into them to illustrate direction or emphasize points. |

|After/ELABORATE: |Have students swap their directions with a student that has another race with a different |

|Teacher encourages cooperative learning, |starting area. For example, have an Orc swap with a Blood Elf. Then have each student locate |

|fostering a social learning environment. |the Night Elf Mohawk NPC using the directions they are provided. Students should be encouraged|

|Teacher asks questions to challenge |to make notes on the directions if they find any difficulties locating a landmark or if they |

|thinking. |have suggestions for improving the directions. |

|Students share their learning/products with|Have students team up as authors and followers. Students should share the suggestions they |

|classmates and ideally, online. |came up with while following each other’s directions. This will give the author a chance to |

|Students connect what they have learned to |revise their directions before the final presentation. |

|prior learning. |Have students present their directions to the class. Vote on the best directions and post them|

|Students explore “real-life” applications |on the Internet into a forum or wiki. You can repeat this activity with other harder to find |

|of their learning. |NPCs like the General Goods vendor in Thunderbluff or a seasonal NPC that starts a seasonal |

| |questline. |

|Assessment |Students will be evaluated on their written directions, graphic aids, and presentation. |

|How will students’ learning be assessed? |Student films will be graded based on a rubric. |

|Describe any assessment activities. | |

Finding Mr. T Presentation Rubric

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exceeding Target |Met Target |Approaching Target |Just Beginning |

|Writing |* Directions are written in clear, concise manner |4 3 2 1 |

| |* There is an obvious progression from point to point |Comments: |

| |* Final draft is typed, 12 pt standard font | |

| |* Conventional grammar rules are followed | |

|Graphics |* Graphics are clear |4 3 2 1 |

| |* Slides are organized in obvious progression |Comments: |

| |* Landmarks are clearly identified | |

| |* Design elements are used correctly to enhance the presentation | |

|Presentation |* Student clearly communicates the directions to the audience |4 3 2 1 |

| |* Graphics help illustrate key points in the progression |Comments: |

| |* Student is able to clarify any unclear points while presenting to| |

| |class | |

|Accuracy |* The directions are accurate for someone else to follow |4 3 2 1 |

| | |Comments: |


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