Data Retrieval Chart

Data Retrieval Chart Your Name: Kellen Duncan

Use Best Book of Pirates and other resources, including the Web sites listed on the chart.

List fascinating facts for each category of information. If you can’t find a fact for a category, make up a question. Be sure to research the author(s) of each Web site and put that information under the link to the Web site.

|Internet Site/ |History of |Sailors |Buccaneers |Privateers |

|Information about the Author |Pirates |and Piracy | | |

| |A pirate is anyone who robs others at|Many were French sailors who |French settlers in the Caribbean |An armed ship under papers to a |

|. |had jumped ship to avoid the |who used to barbecue or "smoke" |government or a company to perform|

|f.html |There is a thin line between |harsh discipline of life at sea|wild boar and oxen. A boucan or |specific tasks. The papers were |

| |smugglers and pirates. Smugglers |became buccaneers. The Spanish |buccan is the native South |usually referred to as a Marque of|

|Tim Prokop |didn't rob they brought in goods that|Navy was probably more ruthless|American name for a wooden |Letters. Often the limits of the |

| |had been stolen or were not properly |than that of England and many |framework or hurdle on which meat |Marque were vague, leaving it up |

| |taxed by the authorities. Pirates did|Spaniards deserted the Navy at |was roasted or smoked over a fire.|to the captain and crew to |

| |their share of smuggling as well as |the first opportunity because |Boucanier literally means "someone|determine what they could take or |

| |robbing. Pirates would claim they |they were being poorly fed and |who makes smoke". Buccaneers found|attack. A privateer was not paid |

| |sailed under no flag, meaning they |mistreated. |more profitable life styles |by the nation or company but paid |

| |belonged to no nation. Pirates only | |hunting Spanish Doubloons instead |by taking spoils from ships or |

| |remained successful so long as | |of wild pigs. Known as the |properties they attacked or fought|

| |nations allowed them to roam. Often, | |"Brothers of the Coast". Typically|off. During times of war, some |

| |a corrupt governor would allow a | |each buccaneer would carry at |governments would commission |

| |persons or persons perform piratical | |least two large knives. The knives|privateers to seek out and attack |

| |acts for a set fee. These acts were | |were larger than today's butcher |the ships of hostile nations. |

| |not against enemy vessels, they were | |knives but shorter than a cutlass.|Henry Morgan was a privateer. |

| |purely for financial gain. In return | | | |

| |the pirate received safe harbor. By | | | |

| |law, they can be arrested, | | | |

| |prosecuted, and sentenced by any | | | |

| |state that captures them. | | | |

| is of ancient origin |The essence of piracy is that |A title applied to English, Dutch,|Privateering was legally abolished|

|irate1.htm |9th – 11th centuries, Vikings |the pirate has no valid |and French seafaring adventurers |by the Declaration of Paris of |

|Glenda Crew |terrorized western European coasts |commission from a sovereign |of the 17th century. The most |1856, but the United States and |

| |and waters |state, or from an insurgent or |famous buccaneer, Sir Henry |certain other nations did not |

| |Piracy waned with the development of |belligerent government engaged |Morgan, was from England. |assent to the declaration. |

| |the steam engine and the growth of |in hostilities with a |Buccaneers are usually |"Privateer", in international law,|

| |the British and American navies in |particular state. In municipal |distinguished from privateers, who|is the term applied to a privately|

| |the late 18th and early 19th |law, the term piracy has been |had official government |owned armed vessel whose owners |

| |centuries |extended to cover crimes other |commissions; buccaneers rarely had|are commissioned by a hostile |

| |Muslims rovers scourged the |than those defined above, such |valid commissions. At first the |nation to carry on naval warfare. |

| |Mediterranean Sea |as slave trading. |headquarters of the buccaneers was|The practice of privateering |

| | | |on the little island of Tortuga |preceded the creation of national |

| | | |(Île de la Tortue), off the north |navies. During the Middle Ages, |

| | | |western coast of Hispaniola (now |European states having few or no |

| | | |Haiti) in the main line of the |warships hired merchant vessels |

| | | |Caribbean commerce. |for hostile purposes. |

| pirate is really a robber who |    Piracy was a problem |These pirates were made up of a |A privateer was a captain of a |

|tofm.htm |steals from other ships out at sea.  |thousands of years before the |group of men from Holland, |ship that attacked and captured |

|Mrs. Brown |Mediterranean Pirates- These pirates |Spanish began to bring gold, |England,  France, and another |other ships and stole valuable |

|Mrs. Beasley |sailed from many different countries |silver, and other treasures |group of pirates called the |items from them.  A privateer was |

| |that bordered the Mediterranean Sea. |from the New World back to |Barbary corsairs who were chased |not considered to be a true pirate|

| |Vikings- When the Roman Empire was |Spain.  Men sailed the seas as |out of the Barbary Coast when  |because they were given special |

| |destroyed, the people from |pirates when countries began to|merchant captains from France and |licenses called a Letter of Marque|

| |Scandinavia became the pirates in |cross the Oceans and Seas to |England got tired of being |from a nations government.  Of |

| |power. |trade goods with each other. |captured and robbed by the French |course they were hunted down and |

| |Barbary Corsairs- These pirates |These pirates set up a large |Corsairs.  They went to the island|punished as pirates by the |

| |sailed out of North African ports and|pirate nation in Cilicia.  |of Hispaniola and lived with the |countries who they stole from.  |

| |were a close group of men.  They even|Cilicia is now part of the |Indians there.  The Indians used |Many of these captains who were |

| |created the Barbary States, a pirate |country of Turkey. As ships |special knives called "boucans"  |sent out to capture pirates soon |

| |empire. These pirates were known for |were built bigger and better |The pirates began to sail the |became pirates themselves.  They |

| |making slaves out of the crews of |and men became braver, piracy |Caribbean Sea and used the boucan |saw how much money a pirate made |

| |ships captured from Christian |began to spread into the New |knife as a weapon.  It became the |and could not resist the chance of|

| |countries like England and France.  |World. The time between 1519 |favorite weapon of these pirates |getting rich. |

| |Pirates in the Orient- These pirates |and 1780 was known as the |of the Caribbean and they were | |

| |sailed the waters near Japan and |Golden Age of Piracy.   |eventually given the name of | |

| |India.  | |buccaneer.  The name buccaneer | |

| | | |came from them using the boucan | |

| | | |knife.  The Caribbean Sea became | |

| | | |known as the Spanish Main.  | |

|Books and Other Resources: |Greek pirates attacked ships in the |Ships were uncomfortable. |Buccaneers were pirates who lived |Francois le Clerc was a French |

|The Best Book of Pirates |Mediterranean Sea around 2,700 years |When a ship could sit still |on the Caribbean island of |privateer in the 1500s. He had a |

|By Barnaby Harward |ago. |during calm weather the pirates|Hispaniola. In the 1600s they |wooden leg and was called Jambe de|

| |1,000 years ago Vikings, pirates from|would drink and gamble. |attacked Spanish ships loaded with|Bois, meaning “pegleg”. |

| |Scandinavia, sailed the seas of |Pirates who were injured or |treasure as they sailed from South|Privateers were pirates sent by |

| |northern Europe. |sick usually died. |America back to Spain. |their government to rob enemy |

| |The most famous pirates lived in the |Pirates used compasses, maps, |They took over other Caribbean |ships during war. |

| |1600s and 1700s. |and telescopes which they often|islands and sailed all over the | |

| |Pirates kidnapped Julius Caesar in 75|had stolen from other ships. |world. | |

| |B.C. | |Henery Morgan was one of the | |

| | | |greatest buccaneers. | |

| | | |They got their name from the fire | |

| | | |on which they smoked and dried | |

| | | |meat. | |

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