Question Report

NS2-M1C6 - World War I, 1914-1918 (Exam)Page 1Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________1President Wilson wanted the U.S. to stay neutral, but most Americans supported ________and ________.AItaly; FranceBSerbia; BritainCFrance; GermanyDBritain; France2The Triple Entente (__________) included Russia, Serbia, Britain and __________.AAllies; FranceBCentral Powers; GermanyCAllies; GermanyDCentral Powers; Greece3There were many strategies in the early stages of World War I. Which of the following aretrue? (Input all that apply, then push the ENTER button.)ABoth Germany and Britain transported troops across the English Channel intoFrance.BGreat Britain was dependent on imported items.CThe German strategy was to defeat France quickly on land.DThe British Grand fleet was to prevent the escape of German ships into theAtlantic.EThe German High Seas fleet was to keep the English Channel safe forpassage of British troops.4Japan had signed an alliance with Britain in 1902, and when the war broke out, demandedthe ??_____ from China and _______.Awithdrawal of German warships; JapanBinflux of German troops; JapanCwithdrawal of Chinese warships; BritainDimport of oil; Britain5Minefields proved to be effective. The largest minefield was laid in the ________ by________.ANorth Sea; BritainBNorth Sea; GermanyCAtlantic Ocean; EnglandDIrish Sea; BritainNS2-M1C6 - World War I, 1914-1918 (Exam)Page 26On 9 November 1918, Kaiser Wilhelm II _______ .Areleased 200 additional U-boatsBordered the execution of 25,000 MarinesCpulled all German troops out of RussiaDran away7Put the following steps in order from earliest to most recent. (Input the answers in thecorrect sequence, then push the ENTER button.)AGermany began unrestricted sub warfareBLusitania sunk by U-boatCConvoying began to Europe; American troops arrivedDAmerica declared war on Germany8A large supply of some material (metal, chemical, food, echt) gathered and held in reservefor use during a shortage or during a period of higher prices; A quantity, as of munitions orweapons, accumulated for possible future useAStockpileBDispensaryCHordeDAssemble9A method for detecting and locating objects submerged in water by echolocationARadarBSpottingCSortieDSonar10A German submarineAGundalowBUmiakCU-BoatDSortieNS2-M1C6 - World War I, 1914-1918 (Exam)Page 311A group of vehicles, typically motor vehicles or ships, traveling together for mutual supportand protectionAVagabondBConvoyCU-BoatDSortie12What great disadvantage did Britain have at the start of World War I?AIt had a significant lack of merchant shipping to carry goods.BIt had an outdated railroad system which was unable to move forces quicklyaround the country.CIt was absolutely dependent on imported foodstuffs for survival.DBritain did not have any allies at the start of the War.EIt had an old and outdated Navy.13What major geographical disadvantage did the Central Powers have?AThey controlled the central agricultural areas of Europe.BThey had an excellent railroad system designed to be able to shift forcesquickly between fronts.CThey were geographically separated and lacked adequate communications.DThey were absolutely dependent on imported foodstuffs for survival.ETheir ships had to go through the North Sea to get into the Atlantic.14Since Sonar had not yet been completely developed, and anti-submarine warfare was supported by hydrophones alone, what tactic did allied ships use to find and destroy German submarines?AWolf Pack operations.BSnorkeling.CInterception of Communications.DTriangulation.EInterpolation.15When and where did Germany surrender to the Allies?AOn December 11, 1917, in LondonBOn December 11, 1918, in BerlinCOn November 11, 1918 in a railway car near Paris.DOn November 11, 1917, in ParisEOn November 11, in Washington D.C.NS2-M1C6 - World War I, 1914-1918 (Exam)Page 416What strategy did Germany set out to follow to win the war?ATo mount an amphibious assault to defeat and occupy England.BTo defeat the British Navy and blockade England.CTo drag on the war in France until the Allied Powers gave in to a favorablepeace settlement.DTo defeat and occupy France while keeping the High Seas Fleet intact tobargain with at later negotiations.ETo place a minefield around England to prevent England from beingresupplied.17During World War I, the U.S. Navy transported two million American troops into Europewithout the loss of a single man or ship. What was the U.S. Navy's major mission duringWorld War I?APatrol and convoy dutyBDeliver ammunition and supplies to the French forcesCOperate merchant shipsDProtect the British fleet in the South Sea18What two nations fought in "the Great Naval Battle of Gallipoli/Jutland"?AFrance and GermanyBRussia and GermanyCGermany and BritainDBritain and Russia19The American shipbuilding industry built several thousand merchant ships to carry suppliesand war material toAGermany and ChinaBEngland and GermanyCEngland and FranceDBritain and Germany20What turned the tide of the war on land for the Allies in 1918?AThe American shipbuilding industry built thousands of ships to carry suppliesto EuropeBThe Russian economy depleted its resourcesCBritish naval blockade gradually caused widespread famine and shortages ofwar materialDNone of the aboveNS2-M1C6 - World War I, 1914-1918 (Exam)Page 5Answer Key: NS2-M1C6 - World War I, 1914-1918 (Exam)Question:Answer1D2A3BCD4A5A6D7BADC8A9D10C11B12C13E14D15C16D17A18C19C20C ................

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