Country Profile Project


World History

Semester Project

Your Spring semester project for the year will be to research the background of a country and then discuss past, present, and future status of that country by researching and analyzing geographic information based on physical and human aspects. There are multiple parts to this project: a fact based background report, a status essay telling the past, current, and possible future state of your country, a culture region map, multiple demographic and information based maps, an icon or symbol that represents the country as a whole, and a works cited page. The reports should be thorough and the maps and icon should be detailed and well thought out.

This project will take time, therefore to help you manage your time you should create a timeline with target dates up until completion. Following this example, or very similar dates, will help keep you on track, dates in BOLD are due dates:

• Parent/Student notification form (bottom of THIS SHEET) DUE by Friday, January 26.

• Country chosen by Monday, January 22.

• All report research (both past, present, future) by February 2, 2018.

• Report outlines/rough drafts by Wednesday, February 7, 2018.

• Maps drawn and began by Friday, February 16, 2018.

• Final Background report and Essay by Friday, February 16, 2018.

• Final Maps by Friday, February 23, 2018.

• Begin brainstorming Country Icon Maps by Friday, February 23, 2018

• Country Icon drawn on poster board and explanation written by Monday, February 26.



Point Value; See Rubric for more detailed grading information:

✓ Background Report 100 points

✓ Essay 100 points

✓ Region Map 30 points

✓ Maps (6) 50 points

✓ Country Icon 10 points

✓ Works Cited Page 10 points

TOTAL: 300 points

Late projects will be accepted and graded based upon the course late policy; 25 points per day late until a zero (0) is earned. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!!!

Please cut here and turn this bottom portion in.

I have received the information on the Country Profile Project that requires research, writing, creating maps, and creating an icon to represent a country and will adhere to the guidelines.

Student Name:________________________________ Country Chosen for Project: __________________________

Student Signature: _____________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________________

← Background Report:

Among the responsibilities of geographers who are employed by government agencies and large multinational firms is to prepare brief summaries of regions or countries for major officials who will be visiting that area. Your assignment is to prepare such a report for a country by first providing factual material and then preparing brief physical and cultural aspects of the country, including its economic base.

Use the Country Background Report provided. This can be filled in by hand or you can access the electronic version on the website to fill it in.

← Status Essay: Past, Present, and Future:

To supplement your Country Background report, write an essay that discusses the major problems faced by that country in the recent past, the present, and the likely future problems. This means you may be discussing political, economic, cultural, or environmental issues. Your essay is not limited to discussing these topics and your country may not have issues with them either. Also remember to address sustainability: can your country and its people continue its lifestyle?

← Regional Map:

Print or draw a map on 8 ½ x 11 size computer paper the culture region that your country is part of. On the back of this map you can write or type in paragraph form what factors constitute this as a culture region. Maps must be in color, contain a title, compass rose, and key, if necessary.

← Demographics and Informational Maps:

You will need to sketch an outline map of your country. Maps should be drawn – NOT PRINTED – on 8 ½ x 11 sized computer paper. Once you have successfully drawn 1 map, you may trace or photocopy 5 others, it is not necessary to attempt to draw/sketch all 6 maps. Maps must be in color, contain a title, compass rose, and key, if necessary. Below is a breakdown of each map’s theme:

➢ Major cities and the capital

➢ Population Density

➢ Major physical features (rivers, mountain ranges, etc.)

➢ Climates

➢ Major Natural Resources

➢ Land Use (Economy)

This information can be found in atlases or reference books in the library. Be careful on the internet. Make sure that it is a reliable site with current information.

← Country Icon:

After you have gathered and read information on your country you will need to develop an icon that would best represent that country (Examples: Statue of Liberty or the Bald Eagle for the USA, Eifel Tower for France, Big Ben (the clock) for England, Alamo for Texas). Icons represent the culture both human and physical of a group of people or country. When you have designed your Icon, you will place that design on a poster board, or half poster board (NO SMALLER). This design should best represent the country as whole and your poster should have your country in the title. You must explain on the back of your poster why you chose the icon or icons that you did. Remember to put your name and heading on your poster!

← Works Cited Page:

Your works cited page should be completed with MLA citations. You must use at least 5 sources: at least 1 database and at least 1 print source. Sites such as Wikipedia should not be used, nor should blogs or other unrepeatable sites.

Recommended sources:

• CIA World Fact Book

• Goode’s World Atlas (a book; it’s not on the internet, which means you have to go to the library or a library)

• One additional print source (book)

← Formatting Information:

Order of your project:

1. Cover Sheet: Name, Period, Course, Date, Country, may have a photo or image (NO font/size/color restrictions)

2. Background Report Sheets: Provided; either write in answers or may print out electronically

3. Status Essay: Must be typed – See Instructions below

4. Regional Map

5. Demographics and Information Maps (6)

6. Works Cited Page: MLA citations, at least 5 sources

7. Icon on printed or neatly drawn with explanation (hand written or typed) on back.

Essay Format:

✓ MUST BE TYPED in 11 or 12-point font in Arial or Times New Roman

✓ Printed in BLACK ink

✓ White 8 ½ x 11 computer paper

✓ Double spaced

✓ 1 inch margins

✓ DO NOT staple or paper clip any pages! You will place all pages in a RED manila folder with your country’s name and ICON affixed to the cover. Take your time here as it must be “official” for country purposes and negotiations!

← Grading:

NAME:_______________________________ PERIOD:________

|Criterion |Great |Good |Fair |Poor |Missing |

|Cover Sheet |5 |4 |3 |2 |0 |

|All Requirements Present | | | | | |

|Background Report |100 |85 |70 |50 |25 |

|All Information Present/Filled Out Completely | | | | | |

|Status Essay |100 |85 |70 |50 |25 |

|Addresses past, present, and future problems | | | | | |

|Addresses Sustainability | | | | | |

|Addresses Multiple Aspects: Pol, Eco, Soc... | | | | | |

|Maps | | | | | |

|Regional Map: Shows entire culture region |10 |4 |3 |2 |0 |

|Demographic and Informational Maps: | | | | | |

|Major cities and the capital |10 |4 |3 |2 |0 |

|Population Density |10 |4 |3 |2 |0 |

|Major physical features |5 |4 |3 |2 |0 |

|Climates |5 |4 |3 |2 |0 |

|Major Natural Resources |5 |4 |3 |2 |0 |

|Land Use (Economy) |5 |4 |3 |2 |0 |

|Country Icon |10 |5 |3 |2 |0 |

|Represents entire country | | | | | |

|Well thought out, clear time has been spent | | | | | |

|Written Explanation Present | | | | | |

|Works Cited |10 |5 |3 |2 |0 |

|Uses at least 3 sources | | | | | |

|Used 1 database and 1 print source | | | | | |

TOTAL: ________/100

NAME: _____________________________________

Turn in with entire project.

← Background Report:

Basic Information

o Name of Country: _____________________________________

o Capital City: __________________________________________

o Country Population: ____________________________________

o Largest City: __________________________________________

o Population: _____________________________________

o Second Largest City: ___________________________________

o Population: _____________________________________

Physical Environment

o Area: _____________________sq. mile/____________________sq. km.

o Elevation

o Lowest Location: _______________________________

▪ __________________miles; ______________ft.

o Highest Location: _______________________________

▪ __________________miles; ______________ft.

o Major Physical Features

o Largest River: __________________________________

o Mountain Ranges: _______________________________

o Other Significant Features (large lakes, volcanoes, etc.):

Cultural Environment

o Population Data (date: 20___)

o Birth Rate: _________________

o Death Rate: ________________

o Annual Growth Rate: _________

o Life Expectancy: _____________ years

o Literacy Rate: _______________ percent

o Cultural Traits

o Dominant Ethnic Groups (over 10% of total population)

|Name |Percent |

|________________________ |________________________ |

|________________________ |________________________ |

|________________________ |________________________ |

o Dominant Religion (over 10% of total population)

|Name |Percent |

|________________________ |________________________ |

|________________________ |________________________ |

|________________________ |________________________ |

o Dominant Languages (over 10% of total population)

|Name |Percent |

|________________________ |________________________ |

|________________________ |________________________ |

|________________________ |________________________ |

o Economy

o Gross Domestic (National) Product: $_______________________

o Per Capita Income: $____________________________________

o Percent of Population in Agriculture: ________________________%

o Major Agricultural Products (LIST):

o Percent of Population in Manufacturing: ______________________%

o Major Manufactured Products (LIST):

o Steel Production in Tons/Year: ______________________________

o Major Mineral Products (LIST) and their primary uses in products:

o Major Exports (LIST):

o Major Imports (LIST):

o Political System

o Type of Government and leader: _______________________________________

o Characteristics of this type of government that are evident in YOUR country: __________

o History of this type of government in YOUR country (new, old, in transition, in jeopardy)

o Major Political Parties (LIST):

o Regional threats to country (internal and external)

o Global threats to country


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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