Human Population Growth

Human Population Growth:

Read the information provided and follow the links to answer the questions on a separate answer sheet or write them below.


Worries about human population growth are not a new phenomenon.  A little over 200 years ago (1798) Thomas Malthus published An Essay on the Principle of Population.  He identified the fact that the human population expansion was outpacing the production of food.  

In 1804 the human population of Earth reached 1 billion, it topped 2 billion by 1927, 3 billion by 1959, 4 billion in 1972 and 5 billion by the late 1980's.  On October 12th 1999, the human population of Earth reached 6 billion.

Prior to 1950, the death rate was high, which kept the numbers of humans from increasing rapidly.  In the 19th Century, the agricultural revolution increased food production and the industrial revolution improved methods of transporting food and other goods.  The 20th Century produced advances in medicine, sanitation and nutrition.  

The rapid growth of the world population has led to increased demand of Earth's resources, many of which are being consumed at rates faster than they can be replenished.  One hectare (100 acres, 10,000 square meters) of tropical rainforest can be demolished in under an hour, but it takes over thirty years for that same area to regenerate.  

Click here:   

    1.  What is the exact time right now?

    2.  What is the U.S. population right now?

Click Here: 

    3.  Where is Michigan ranked among state populations?

   4.  What percent of people in the US live in Michigan? 

Click on the topic "Animated Map" and watch. 

    5.  Where in the world did the human population appear to start (watch the map)?

   6.  What was the world population in 1985?

  7.  What is the expected world population in 2020?

Click Here for a list of least developed countries: 

8.How does the page describe a least developed country?

9. Select any 2 countries from the list and find the following data: 1) Population and 2) GDP (Purchasing power) in US Dollars   


Go to the following link

  10.  Record the following data for the U.S.

        a.  Population for for 2019 __________2010 _____ Population in 2000 ______

b. Population change from 2000-2015


Click on:  or

     11.  What was the world population at 12:00 am on your birth date (Month, day, year)

             12.  What was the world population at 12:00am on January 1, 2011?

             13.  What is the projected world population at 12:00am Jan 1, 2012?

14. What is the projected world population 2030? ____ 2040? ____ 2050? _____

15. What is happening to our world population?

Go back to the US population data:  

              16.  What is the exact time right now?

              17.  How many minutes have elapsed since you answered question # 2?

              18.  What is the US population right now?

              19.  How much did the US population grow while working on this activity?

[pic] Using the tabs on the site you can select below each category to answer the questions.

Directions: Go to and to answer the following questions.

1. Can the world clock tell when a person is born? How does it measure births per day?

2. What is an average? Give an example of a time averages are used in life.


3. What is the approximate world population today?

4. What problems do you think are associated with the population size today?

5. Are there more men or women?

6. How many people are born every ten seconds?

7. Are there more births or deaths every year? What does that tell you about the human population?

8. Number these populations from greatest (1) to least (4).

United States China India All of Europe

9. Approximately how many people live in the United States?


10. Excluding abortions, what is the number one cause of death? How can it be prevented?

11. What is a communicable disease? What is the deadliest communicable disease?

12. What is the most dangerous activity that many of us do every day?

13. Write down the name of a disease you have never heard of before and guess what it means.


14. Which threat is related to the increasing amount of CO2 released in to the atmosphere?

15. Has the Earth ever been much colder or much warmer than it is today? Explain!

16. How much CO2 is emitted into the air every ten seconds?

17. What human activities cause CO2 to be released into the atmosphere?

18. What is the approximate percentage of lost forested area that is replanted?

19. How does the loss of forest contribute to global warming?


20. Approximately how many barrels of oil have been pumped out of the Earth this year?

21. How many more years can we expect to have available oil at this rate of consumption?

22.. Number these sources of electrical power from greatest (1) to least (4).

Hydroelectric Nuclear Thermal Renewable

23. What does renewable energy mean? List two forms of renewable energy.


24. What is the number one crime in America today?

25. Is the percentage of U.S. citizens in prison today greater than or less than one percent?


26. Which animal is most commonly eaten in the world?

27. How many cows are killed every ten seconds?

28. Number these worldwide sources of livestock from greatest (1) to least (4).

Duck Goose Turkey Goat

29.. Number these worldwide sources of food from greatest (1) to least (4).

Milk Vegetables Cereal Sugar


30. What is the most surprising thing you learned today? Why?


Click Here for a link to see the effects of Human Population:

Scan the article PUTTING THE BITE ON PLANET EARTH: Rapid Human Population Growth is Devouring Global Natural Resources. Fill in the table below using the information from the article

|Issue |Brief Description from the Article in complete sentences |

|20. Plants and Animals: The Shrinking | |

|Ark | |

|21. Land Loss: Food Crisis | |

| | |

|22. Forest: The Vanishing World | |

| | |

|23. Troubled Oceans: Disappearing | |

|Resources | |

|24. Water: Distribution Woes | |

| | |

|25. Fossil Fuels: Energy Breakdown | |

| | |

Culminating Activities:

Chose a quote below and tell me 1) Why you choose it 2) What you think it means and 3) Whether you agree with the statement or not and why. Should be answered in 4-5 complete sentences.

Quote 1. If the world is to save any part of its resources for the future, it must reduce not only consumption but the number of consumers." 

                -- B.F. Skinner (Intro. to Walden Two, 1976 edition)                             

Quote 2. Unlike plagues of the dark ages or contemporary diseases we do not understand, the modern plague of overpopulation is soluble by means we have discovered and with resources we posses. What is lacking is not sufficient knowledge of the solution but universal consciousness of the gravity of the problem and education of the billions who are its victim." 

                                                                        --Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Quote 3. "The key problem facing humanity in the coming century is how to bring a better quality of life -- for 8 billion or more people -- without wrecking the environment entirely in the attempt."

--Edward O. Wilson 


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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