STAAR Preparation - Mr. Burkhalter's World Geography ...




Physical Features

• Cut out and glue key in top left corner of your map.

• Follow the directions in each heading below to complete the physical features on your map

Oceans - Label





Latitude and Longitude - Draw


Prime Meridian

Tropic of Cancer

Tropic of Capricorn

Arctic Circle

Antarctic Circle

Rivers - Draw






Rio Grande

Chang (Yangtze)



Huang (Yellow)



|KEY |

|^^^^ |Mountains |

| |River |

|[pic][pic] |Rainforest |

| |Desert |


Water – Shade blue

Black Sea

English Channel

North Sea

Suez Canal

Red Sea

Lake Victoria

Arabian Sea

Mediterranean Sea

Bering Sea

Caribbean Sea

Gulf of Mexico

Panama Canal

Persian Gulf

Caspian Sea

Aral Sea

Mountains - Draw




Sierra Madre Occidental

Sierra Madre Oriental




Great Dividing Range



Deserts- Draw





Great Victoria

Great Sandy


Other Features - Draw

Amazon Basin

Congo Basin

Great Plains (label)

Canadian Shield (label)


• Glue the world population pyramid on your map as directed by your teacher.

• [pic]

• Cut out population pyramids and glude them on

or near the appropriate country.










• Cut out blocks of people and glue them in or near two highly populated countries

[pic] [pic]

• Cut out the growth images below and glue them on or near two fast growing countries

[pic] [pic]


• Using the map provided by your teacher, locate the different culture hearths on your map. Draw a red heart in each of these hearths.

• Complete the religion chart below. Glue the chart to the back of your map as directed by your teacher.

|Religion |Symbol |Characteristics |

|Judaism | | |

|Christianity | | |

|Islam | | |

|Hinduism | | |

|Buddhism | | |

|Sikhism | | |

• Use the symbols you created in your religion chart to mark the location of each religion on your map. Use the map provided by your teacher as your guide.

• Cut out the key below and glue it under your physical key on your map. Use the key and the map provided by your teacher to label the major language regions on your own map.

|Language Key |

|English |L-E |

|French |L-F |

|Spanish |L-S |

|Russian |L-R |

|Arabic |L-A |

|Chinese |L-C |


Culture Vocabulary Quiz

Match the correct vocabulary term to the correct vocabulary word.

1. _____ the behavior and belief characteristics of a particular social group.

2. _____way of life of a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs

3. _____ the process of adopting the cultural traits of another social group.

4. _____ the spread of new knowledge and skills from one culture to another.

5. _____ regions based on government, social groups, economic systems, language or religion.

6. _____ a center where cultures developed and then spread out.

A. culture traits

B. culture diffusion

C. culture

D. culture region

E. acculturation

F. culture hearth


• Complete the push/pull chart below. Glue the chart to the back of your map as directed by your teacher.

|Push Factors |Pull Factors |

| | |

• Using the map provided by your teacher as a reference, draw arrows on your map to show migration routes.


Migration Quiz

_____Migration in which a person chooses to migrate.

_____Migration because relatives have already moved to the new country.

_____When a person migrates from a farm to a small town, then from the small town to a small city and finally from a small city to a large city.

_____A person who flees their home for safety.

_____Migration in which people have no choice but to move.

____Migration out of a country is called.

____ The reasons a person comes to a new country.

____Migration into a country is called.

____ A person living in a country without legal documentation.

____ The movement of people from one country to another country.

____ The relocation of a group of people inside a nation.

____ The reasons a person leaves his home country.

Word bank

A. Emigration G. Voluntary immigration

B. Forced migration H. Refugee

C. Immigration I. Undocumented immigrant

D. Chain migration J. Internal migration

E. International migration K. Push Factor

F. Step migration L. Pull factor


• Cut out the four pictures below and glue them next to the correct economic activities. Using what you know about economic activities, determine which level of development is most likely to have this activity (more developed, newly industrialized, or less developed). Glue your completed chart onto the back of your map as directed by your teacher.

|Economic Activities |Level of |

| |Development |

|Primary | | |

|Secondary | | |

|Tertiary | | |

|Quaternary | | |

• Write a definition for each form of economy. Determine an example for each form of economy. Glue the chart onto the back of your map as directed by your teacher

|Forms of Economy |Example |

|Market (Free Enterprise) | |

|Socialism | |

|Communism | |


These countries are the top 10 countries according to the Human Development Index. Color them GREEN on your map.

1. Norway

2. Australia

3. Netherlands

4. United States

5. New Zealand

6. Canada

7. Ireland

8. Liechtenstein

9. Germany

10. Sweden

These countries are the bottom 10 countries according to the Human Development Index. Color them RED on your map.

142. Guinea

143. Central African Republic

144. Sierra Leone

145. Burkina Faso

146. Liberia

147. Chad

148. Mozambique

149. Burundi

150. Niger

151. Congo (Democratic Republic of the)


• Cut out pictures below and glue them next to the corresponding form of government

• Cut out the chart and glue it to the back of your map as directed by your teacher

|Forms of Government |

|Democracy | |

|Republic | |

|Dictatorship | |

|Monarchy | |

|Theocracy | |

|Totalitarian | |

|Role of Supranational Organizations |

|United Nations |

|European Union |



• Brainstorm the roles and responsibilities of each of the following supranational organizations

• Fill out the chart, cut it out, and glue it to the back of your map as directed by your teacher.

Resources, Climate, Weather

• List what you know about each climate region on the chart below.

• Cut out the chart and glue it on the back of your map as directed by your teacher.

|Climate Regions |

|Polar | |

|Temperate | |

|Arid | |

|Tropical | |

|Mediterranean | |

|Mountains | |

• Complete the chart below using your knowledge and classroom resources if necessary.

• Using the symbols you created, draw the symbols on the front of your own map in the appropriate places for each phenomena.

• Cut out the chart and glue it to the back of your map as instructed by your teacher.

|Weather Phenomena |

| |Why does it occur? |Where does it occur? |How does it influence |Draw a symbol |

| | | |temperature, precipitation, and | |

| | | |distribution of climate regions?| |

|Tornado | | | | |

|Monsoon | | | | |

|Hurricane | | | | |

|Tsunami | | | | |

|Ring of Fire | | | | |

|El Nino | | | | |

• Cut out the images below. Using classroom resources, look up the main locations for these resources and glue them in the proper regions on your world map.







• Cut out the ‘caution’ symbols below and clue them onto the following sites on your map to represent conflict: Ireland, Bosnia, Israel, Rwanda, Sudan, South Africa, Chechnya, Uganda, and North Korea


• Determine which kinds of conflict apply to each example and fill in the box for each of the following conflicts.

• Cut out and glue the visuals into each conflict box that best fits. Make sure there are two pictures per conflict.

• Cut out each conflict box and glue it to the back of your map as directed by your teacher.

|Location |Form of Conflict |Pictures |

|Ireland | | |

|Location |Form of Conflict |Pictures |

|Rwanda | | |

|Location |Form of Conflict |Pictures |

|Israel | | |

|Location |Form of Conflict |Pictures |

|Bosnia | | |

|Location |Form of Conflict |Pictures |

|Uganda | | |

|Location |Form of Conflict |Pictures |

|North Korea | | |

|Location |Form of Conflict |Pictures |

|Sudan | | |

|Location |Form of Conflict |Pictures |

|Chechnya | | |

|Location |Form of Conflict |Pictures |

|South Africa | | |

[pic] [pic] [pic][pic] [pic][pic][pic] [pic][pic] [pic] [pic][pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Development Profiles

• In the group your teacher assigned you, create a poster that symbolizes the characteristics of your assigned level of development (Less Developed, Newly Industrialized, or More Developed)

• Be sure to include a world map that indicate the regions of the world that fit your assigned level of development

Regional Profiles

• In the group you teacher assigned you, create large map of the region you were assigned

• Add symbols, pictures, and words to the map so that it reflects the many facets of the region


• In the group your teacher assigned you, you will research how your assigned concept has impacted the world. You will present this information to the class in whatever format you choose. Be creative!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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